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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Posted at 11:14 Was there any behaviour on the part of the football supporters which caused or contributed to the dangerous situation at the Leppings Lane turnstiles? Yes or no. No. Was there any behaviour on the part of the football supporters which may have caused or contributed to the dangerous situation at the Leppings Lane turnstiles? Yes or no. No.
  2. BREAKINGQUESTION 6: Determination on unlawful killing issue Posted at 11:13 Are you satisfied, so that you are sure, that those who died in the disaster were unlawfully killed? Yes or no. Yes Hillsborough inquest decision.
  3. Personally, I don't have a problem with Mahrez.
  4. there are some strange people around.
  5. You know he'll take the moral high ground too. 'Listen, I don't want to talk about the way I was treated by a small minority of fans when I was up here, and it was a small minority'
  6. They used to say about to catch a predator that any programme that made you feel sympathy for peadophiles was doing something wrong. That's how Albert made me feel about Branko.
  7. No respect these days. Mick was in the War.
  8. No, but it appears Evans was something of an exceptional case. Why wasn't the fresh evidence available at trial?
  9. A lot of this could be avoided purely by having anonymity for Defendants until conviction.
  10. Darlow was a regular starter, Lascelles was in and out IIRC.
  11. Very clear last night that the team are starting to look drilled. We kept our shape really well for most of the match. The amount of times players would close down only to stop at a specific point was really good to see. They are getting it and this will really help in the next few games.
  12. No, but it seems by far and away the most likely outcome.
  13. God I used to love listening to Bobby after matches.
  14. We're in the mess we are because we concede too many goals. We're far better off at the current time playing people like Colback and Tiote and trying to nick something than trying to be too clever and expansive.
  15. I think it's more likely that we will beat spurs at home than Liverpool away.
  16. I actually thought he should have taken his shot earlier. Still when he got himself half a yard thought he was going to score.
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