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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Goodbye £10. A curse on quick deposits.
  2. If we were to go down I wouldn't mind Di Matteo. Saw him included on a Chronicle poll no idea if he's viable.
  3. I'm always weary of people who appear to be on some sort of crusade against these things. It reminds me of all those anti-gay people you get who are then found sucking off some John in a service station toilet.
  4. Who cares! He's a Muslim yet he goes to the Casino!!
  5. Love how the picture is him kissing a young boys neck.
  6. I absolutely hope more than anything that we beat Sunderland.
  7. Ironic that an organisation that was established to placate fans thinks they will be listened to.
  8. Smacks of not being able to find anyone.
  9. The plan is to just hope a football manager gets off the train.
  10. Im sure there is a back sack and crack joke to be made with Sack and Mac in it. Can't for the life of me figure out anything worthwhile though.
  11. He hasn't really though, has he? Gini, Mitro, Mbemba etc were all clearly lined up for whoever they appointed. I'd say Townsend and Shelvey were his signings. Well no, but it is money that has been spent on the squad during his tenure.
  12. From the BBC: 'Steve McClaren has spent £85m at Newcastle so far with a win rate of 21% - narrowly better than short-term bosses John Carver and Joe Kinnear.' EDIT: Steve Kean had a 22% win percentage at Blackburn.
  13. It was such a soft interview. He just seems pissed off that he's so crap at his job.
  14. Shame all the 'wow' days occur on days we don't have matches.
  15. That's the spirit we have to better two other teams results between now and the end of the season. It's highly plausible we won't.
  16. 99 years old. Lived through World War One, The Great Depression, The Holocaust, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Vietnam, 9/11 and the birth of Ian W.
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