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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I felt like I was drunk, like that kind of fun drunk after a few pints. It's quite amazing really.
  2. Having been at SJP when his Liverpool sides dicked us this is nice.
  3. He's actually worth listening to though.
  4. [/revealing I know this s***] http://i.imgur.com/D9jhY90.gif
  5. STEVE, get out, right now, it's the end of you and me.
  6. http://media4.giphy.com/media/hh3lgezSR8zGU/giphy.gif
  7. GET THE FUCKING STELLA'S IN :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic:
  8. That one man looking suspiciously like Bobby Robson.
  9. 'Only one turned up for McClaren' Surely 1 man being there doesn't really constitute turning up?
  10. A manager who won't be scared of the job.
  11. Then we end up 19th in the table with 10 games to go.
  12. That picture of McClaren man. Might frame it and put it in my bathroom.
  13. Hughton is my guy. Yeah I've covered it above. I don't think we would have ever won anything under him though and that's kinda the whole point.
  14. Hughton? For the club at the time it was a good appointment. In terms of the calibre of coach the club actually merits and requires to be successful, not so much.
  15. http://s23.postimg.org/7w5mk9d9n/Montage.png 17 years since we got an appointment right. *
  16. http://s29.postimg.org/5p26690zr/Montage.png [move]http://s11.postimg.org/jeivme27n/Rafa1_600x398.jpg[/move]
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