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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. In the event we go down I think Moyes would stay on. He spoke recently about maybe going to the Championship for his next job. That would be a real plus.
  2. Aye, probably just put out by or on behalf of McClaren to counter the Craig Hope stuff IMO. It's fucking mental. If they put half as much effort into actually being a success as they did with this shit they wouldn't even need PR.
  3. We really need the managerial equivalent of cocaine at this current time.
  4. So out of his depth. Amateur hour at boardroom level.
  5. My god we are a poor football team. Been that way for bloody ages too.
  6. Of course Johnson only serves half of any sentence before being released on licence.
  7. Didn't look right at all tonight. Very jaded.
  8. Starting point of 5 years for the offence he has been convicted of. Likely to be brought down a little.
  9. Should just give the forrins their own shite talking board on the forum.
  10. I don't see how you can live in England and have such poor syntax.
  11. It'll be a note from the Jury I suspect. What time did they go out?
  12. Has to be 12 guilty, 0 not guilty. Even if 11 of them think guitly and 1 not guilty, the verdict will be not guilty This is completely wrong btw. If the jury don't come to a unanimous verdict, the judge will often revise it down later to a majority one (majority being 10-2). If they can't come to a majority, then the jury is declared hung and the trial is over. Prosecution will usually seek a retrial unless there's a good reason not to. Hung juries are pretty rare though. Why would the judge say "The only score is 12-0" if that's not what he meant? Surely I wasnt 'completely' wrong..? If it's not 12-0 at this point, it's not guilty. What happens after that comes next They could find him not guilty 12-0. The judge means at the moment he will only accept an absolute verdict. In time the jury may be given a majority direction meaning up to two dissenters will be tolerated. If still no verdict then it's a hung Jury. if 11 say guilty and one says not guilty - the verdict at this stage will not be not guilty. It will just mean a verdict hasn't been reached. If the Jury were then given a majority direction the verdict would be guilty. In that respect what you said is completely wrong.
  13. Nah, he's less of a banker than Fat Sam. He's on a downward trajectory. More money in football will mean less chairman are willing to risk his slump.
  14. Generally you dont want to summons witnesses who are reluctant to attend. They tend not to be terribly useful.
  15. I've seen it first hand. Is that good enough? They generally don't reach the appellate Courts because there is no ground of appeal for the Jury believing one witness over another.
  16. I've always had a lingering suspicion that in high profile celebrity cases that Jury's apply a far stricter burden. Johnson's defence is about as weak as it gets, be interested to see what happens.
  17. what is the significance of stroking in regards to the 10.
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