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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. He kinda has to give evidence though. It's quite easy to criticise the Defence in this one but to do so ignores the fact that there is a huge pile of evidence that limits their hand considerably.
  2. Point being? You know people are inherently fallible right?
  3. Keegan coming back under Ashley is more likely than success.
  4. If Keegan came back it would be because he thought he could make it work, rather than selling out.
  5. Tosser starts to atone for mismanagement.
  6. Do you want to finger the emu? Or see it's pecker?
  7. There are worse things to be bad at tbf
  8. They have to put their case to her. He's going to put forward a different account and they have to put it to her. It's obvious she's going to refute it.
  9. She's admitted lying to the police in cross examination. That's pretty much as good as it will get given that her evidence in chief was a pre-recorded conversation with a police officer.
  10. Kinnear > Hughton > Pardew > McClaren But no Moyes?
  11. Or he sold his keys to settle a gambling debt.
  12. Maybe William Hill stopped paying him by the post.
  13. Hard to tell if you found that funny or you're being a dick
  14. He changed it himself which makes it less good.
  15. Aye they cannot charge him for rape now, but it reads like he's deffinitely sexually assaulted her. I'm assuming it's just harder to prove so they never pushed for it. Where's the N-O lawyer squadron at? Sexual activity with a child are the two outstanding charges. There is an element of coercion but the evidence suggests she was reluctantly consenting rather than refusing. If you think of sexual activity with a child as statutory rape then it makes more sense. I guess the defence will be that the only proof (unless it changes) is her word versus his? Having no experience of courts... how the hell do you judge that then? From who's more believable? Cause surely a 28 year old is more believable than a onlyjust15yearold There is a real benefit in sitting in Court and listening to the evidence first hand. Often you can clearly see who is credible. Children are often more credible witnesses because there is a perception they are less likely to lie in the given context. Ah fair enough, that makes sense FWIW in a lot of cases one persons word against another is a real difficult issue to get around for the Crown.
  16. Aye they cannot charge him for rape now, but it reads like he's deffinitely sexually assaulted her. I'm assuming it's just harder to prove so they never pushed for it. Where's the N-O lawyer squadron at? Sexual activity with a child are the two outstanding charges. There is an element of coercion but the evidence suggests she was reluctantly consenting rather than refusing. If you think of sexual activity with a child as statutory rape then it makes more sense. I guess the defence will be that the only proof (unless it changes) is her word versus his? Having no experience of courts... how the hell do you judge that then? From who's more believable? Cause surely a 28 year old is more believable than a onlyjust15yearold There is a real benefit in sitting in Court and listening to the evidence first hand. Often you can clearly see who is credible. Children are often more credible witnesses because there is a perception they are less likely to lie in the given context.
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