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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. They can cross examine her and they will.
  2. Aye they cannot charge him for rape now, but it reads like he's deffinitely sexually assaulted her. I'm assuming it's just harder to prove so they never pushed for it. Where's the N-O lawyer squadron at? Sexual activity with a child are the two outstanding charges. There is an element of coercion but the evidence suggests she was reluctantly consenting rather than refusing. If you think of sexual activity with a child as statutory rape then it makes more sense.
  3. The defence will be she was infatuated with him and has embellished her account. Saying she wasn't forced isn't a defence to the charge.
  4. If he's found guilty it'll be around 5 years.
  5. So we don't know from that the extent of what went on. The Crown says it's the indicted sexual conduct, the Defence say not.
  6. FWIW I'm virtually certain there will be direct evidence from her (likely to be pre-recorded video evidence) which covers the outstanding counts.
  7. I can't see any way they can prove their case without her unless she does. I think that will be Monday.
  8. You ought to be ashamed of yourself IP.
  9. His Mrs. has left the public gallery following these texts being read out.
  10. He's looking at proper time if so. Years not months.
  11. It reads like a 'To Catch a Predator' transcript.
  12. There's another thing where she says she's in year 10.
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