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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Would be like Sil driving Adriana to visit Christopher in Hospital.
  2. We are like the shit barber who only charges £8.00.
  3. How is that Podcast? There was flagrant use of "shuttler" on the Football Ramble this week and NO tells me that's a no no. You don't seem to take much notice of the collective wishes of NO.
  4. 40 years ago. 16 years after Shankly retired John Toshack won La Liga with Real Madrid.
  5. Weren't we pretty bloody average in the Derbies Allardyce managed?
  6. Like on to catch a predator when they don't want to leave the house.
  7. I see the Nivea has already made an appearance in this thread. http://s3.postimg.org/moeh6fwrn/idiots.jpg
  8. Didn't Keegan say something strikingly similar?
  9. Any chance this is the old 'tactical' international injury?
  10. Our signings come to this club with a view to leaving this club.
  11. Shame. I do enjoy the juxtaposition of Kevin and Mbabu.
  12. The fuck has happened here. We played decent in the first half and I enjoyed it. Had to turn it off.
  13. I hope he gets a worldwide ban from McDonalds.
  14. What an unsavoury characteristic.
  15. Pffft. Get real. England > Ireland it's about as non-contentious as it gets.
  16. Played 8 won 8 in qualifying this time around.
  17. Who cares? Also he will get to play in more major tournaments if he is selected for England.
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