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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I think it will come soon. I actually think we will benefit from the break. I really liked how we constantly tried to play the ball out from the back today despite having 10. You just know that for the past few years that ball would have been launched long.
  2. I like him. I'm not saying I particularly rate him as a manager or that we shouldn't have someone better here, but I like him.
  3. I really needed to hear someone say this
  4. He needs to calm himself down a bit. Firmly of the view that that ought to have been a yellow though.
  5. the intro to thunderstruck would work well. With thau-vin instead of thun-der.
  6. Come on man, can you imagine if a billionaire didn't get to make more money.
  7. The player who has impressed me the most.
  8. He didn't look the quickest but looks like he has a good level of ability. Solano was hardly Usain bolt, what we really need is someone who can cross.
  9. Non-Newcastle goal would probably be Michael Owen at France 98.
  10. Someone more erudite than you or I.
  11. I hate Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool. They swap positions periodically. Chelsea are the current most odious team.
  12. Good on them. It shows you can actually build decent sides without being in Europe/Top four etc.
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