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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Rather than be selective I'd like to say anyone other than QPR.
  2. Perhaps, but they have been playing together all season and are playing well together now.
  3. That's what I would do. The more Liverpool the better.
  4. I always felt like Boro was a wasteland and Sunderland was just an unpleasant place.
  5. When we look at some of the players he will have had access to over his tenure. Ben Arfa Cabaye Debuchy Ba Cisse Coloccini Anita Yanga-Mbiwa Sissoko Santon Marveaux Seems like such a waste, there is (was) such potential.
  6. That'll be easy with the £20m of Mike's own money he will invest each year, Stadium Renaming Money, increased commercial revenue, Carroll Money,Cabaye Money, Money from selling land around SJP, lack of money spent over the last twelve months, Premier League New TV Deal. Gannin doon then. If our form since boxing day is anything to go by, probably.
  7. That'll be easy with the £20m of Mike's own money he will invest each year, Stadium Renaming Money, increased commercial revenue, Carroll Money,Cabaye Money, Money from selling land around SJP, lack of money spent over the last twelve months, Premier League New TV Deal.
  8. Thought it was interesting Hughton was almost as bad, but his reputation is untarnished on Tyneside. Guess he only had 16 games. Pardew will have managed us for as many top flight games as Keegan come christmas The fact it is a higher percentage in considerably more games makes it quite a bit worse, like. Browse some threads and you will see Hughton has his critics (wrong as they are). Also Hughton enjoys a good representation for obvious reasons.
  9. But Dave there hasn't been any incoming transfers.
  10. He's a relative nobody in the football world isn't he?
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/s/swansea_city/7185930.stm
  12. Seems strange that there was a time that Gouffran couldn't avoid being subbed off after 60 minutes.
  13. That last sentence nails it. Pardew's limitations are fully exposed with his treatment of Anita. Technically sound player who offers plenty in the centre of midfield. Plays him at full back and on the wing. Also thank God we had Hughton.
  14. "Everybody knows I'm a winner." "Put on top my personality - which we all know is a little bit of a winning mentality - and I want to make sure we want to win." TBH
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