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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I look forward to listening to Roy Keane and Andy Townsend talk about the England team. I also hate all the other cunts they have presenting their stuff.
  2. How high would we need to finish in the league this season in order for the FA to have a serious look at Pardew post Brazil?
  3. You know what I mean man Dave. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4scn5zLm91qztjn5o1_r1_500.jpg
  4. Title race position*, not title race! Nothing would be more NUFC than Pardew winning the league
  5. After their little spell of pressure with the post and disallowed goal they looked completely bereft of ideas.
  6. I'd like to see a David and Goliath mock up for this. Obviously Shola as David.
  7. If Hatem plays as smart as he did against Man U he is a better out ball than Shola. He and Remy are both capable of holding the ball up to good effect.
  8. It looked to me like Anita could have been in trouble on the Vidic tackle. He jumped into that tackle with both feet. If he had caught Vidic he could easily have gone off. Luckily because Vidic came through with such power and won the ball it really didn't appear bad.
  9. Theyve also won shitloads of titles since you last won one. What did the five fingers say to the face....
  10. one of the many enjoyable parts of the day
  11. Watching the game I couldn't remember seeing a Man Utd team look that bad. A commentary on them rather then denigrating our performance.
  12. Too slow tempo for my liking. We won't able to stretch teams.
  13. Man of the match today. Consummate performance. Attacked and Defended, superb.
  14. The game where Given played a blinder. Horrible game to be at.
  15. Kinnear clearly knows that the average fan hates his guts. Wouldn't surprise me if he spouts this shit to get people on board.
  16. Its not actually. Shouldn't it be Premier League Manager of the Month?
  17. Now, I'm going to wait a few years before jumping into the Janujaz-hype. :lol: These headlines are like chaos. It's like Sam fucked up in an episode of Quantum Leap.
  18. Said the exact same thing to my mate after the match regarding Campbell, never be a premiership player. Think he might even struggle in championship. Same. How bad was his touch man?! I couldn't believe it, was ridiculous to watch, he must have knocked it about ten yards each touch he had. The Chelsea lads were all miles above him ability wise When we played Cardiff in pre-season last year he was arguably the best player on the pitch. He only got a 10 minute run out but he was clearly a very gifted footballer. Not saying you're wrong but it's a real worry if his development has gone that far backwards.
  19. There we go, pretty much saying Haidara will never be good enough here to replace Santon. Therefore he hasn't got what it takes never good enough = not ready
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