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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Cry havoc and let slip the Mags of War!
  2. If you go to the Court of Appeal you're basically talking to three Judges who have already written their Judgment. Generally the better Judges will have read the important stuff before hearing a case and have a rough idea of what they are going to do without hearing from the Lawyers. Of course its a joke to say everything is already decided before you speak and you can of course persuade a Judge to take a different path than the one they initially thought they would. But Judge's are Lawyers (usually accomplished Lawyers at that) and so when they read something before a hearing they have already formed a view as to what should be done. and sometimes that's abudantly clear.
  3. And Ashley's still here, he should have just gone to games instead.
  4. Without knowing what Man City knew its really hard to say if it's odd.
  5. Man that Joelinton deal is dodgy as fuck. Literally nothing to suggest he was a £40m player.
  6. It's very early and hard to speculate. The early signs don't look too favourable for him.
  7. Chester Crown also happens to be where Ched Evans was convicted.
  8. @ManDoon I haven't read anything much at all. It is quite difficult predicting outcomes at the best of times and it's gotten harder in recent years. I think Jury's are more likely to convict post #metoo and Savile both in terms of sexual offences generally and convicting celebrities. The fact that there are multiple complainants will make it easier to prove a case beyond reasonable doubt. However, the fact each of these incidents happens at his house may well help him with the reasonable belief in consent defence he is almost certain to be running. Also from what I understand three rape charges are on the same day (2 complainants?) which again helps from a defence point of view. It's difficult to say much without reading the evidence so that's all very broad brush stuff. What will be damning evidence is if there are similarities between the methodology of the October 2020 rapes and the most recent Rape alleged to have been committed whilst on bail.
  9. You're at much more risk of attack in general population than you would be in with people accused of similar is the logic.
  10. Nonce Wing. Crown Court bail app was refused today so highly likely to stay in prison now until his trial, unless there is a change of circumstances.
  11. Comfortably into double figures and will serve two thirds if it sticks.
  12. We would have also accepted Abu Hamza.
  13. Yeah and he deleted his Savile posts.
  14. They go on a forum, behave like a complete weirdo, all and sundry tell them to fuck off then they get their revenge.
  15. Good time to merge the threads and perhaps lock it until there is some news on CAT?
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