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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Everybody is always advocating for violent revolution and seizure of all land/property.
  2. They were dreadful, they still came back into the game throughout the first half, with England managing the threat posed very well. I think they had two very good chances in the second half (one they scored from). Can see the appeal of trying to grind out 45 minutes but Plan A stopped really working after about 25 minutes. Would have liked to have seen Sancho brought on, particularly when Chiesa went off, there was a real opportunity there to seize the initative. Really hard to assess it, because whilst the game itself was managed poorly, we lost on penalties. Italy had few clear-cut good chances for all their possession. Stone's was a few centimetres away from nicking it in extra time. The balance of the team is just out for me a little bit too defensive at the expense of attack. Would like to see Foden in the middle with Mount and one of Rice/Phillips. If we're going to play a front 3 against good footballing teams we probably need a striker more mobile than Kane...
  3. Southgates limitations exposed in that game. It’s a bit of a puzzler because he’s done very well but it’s all plan A type of stuff. We missed Foden massively. There are still some problems with the way we play in England too. So much talk of needing to find ways of bringing players into the game. Whereas you want players who play themselves into it.
  4. If the sponsors would agree to allow changes to colour to match the kit that would be grand.
  5. How quickly they forget intertoto cup.
  6. "Don't make me redundant. Please." "I've changed my mind, I don't want this, I don't want redundancy. I haven't signed anything." "No, put just say it's not definite now. Before you go. And we can... I will try twice as hard. I really will. I know I've been complacent and all. I'll turn this place around if you just say that it's not definite now, and then we can... You know, not go in until... Just starting from now. Starting from now."
  7. Italy v Maguire and Pickford will be red cardi
  8. Batty in 97 was our player in the 0-0 against Italy.
  9. It’s a beautiful thing when you’re not on the receiving end of it. A real craft.
  10. Can’t imagine going through life like this. The balls it must take.
  11. This Italy team is phenomenal. Great watch.
  12. Seems like a pretty sensible verdict. Jury felt that the officer acted unlawfully, but could not be sure he intended to cause a really serious injury. I suspect the officer was given more latitude than Joe Soap would have been regarding a kick in the head and intention to cause serious injury but that is speculation. Proving intent to the criminal standard is a difficult issue to Prosecute particularly so in a homicide, and particularly where there is no motive or evidence toward pre-meditation.
  13. Portugal were God awful when they won the Euros. Maybe that's our blueprint.
  14. You're not going to graffiti your 1000 thread count Egyptian Cotton.
  15. How fucking hard is it to not reply to somebody on a forum too. Jesus Christ.
  16. Shelveys an ever present till ham heads gone
  17. rattled. Also I'd have swapped one of the exclamation marks for the correct spelling of you're.
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