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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. May have been appearance related.
  2. I admit to hating his early Sheffield United team as they were completely filthy. Massive soft spot for him now though. Some of the dressing room footage and clips of him berating officials is just magnificent. Can remember he starts off one half time bollocking by standing in silence for ages drinking his tea. He then asks the physio if there's any injuries. Physio says no. He then says of course not what a stupid question, how can there be any fucking injuries.
  3. So we’re moving into the conquest of the tarmac of the apes stage of the takeover.
  4. Quite like him as part of a front three with Almiron and ASM. He's not really a goal threat but he's looking more useful.
  5. One imagines she thought the takeover would have been done by the time the Court Case kicked off. Also I'm not sure how I'd fancy being the key part of a £1.5bn contested court case. Stressful times.
  6. Interesting. It will also be interesting to read what that football law twitter account has to say as he said he's doing a write up on the WTO report which will be out done by tomorrow. Case in point, whilst these guys know more about the law than you and I, international trade law is a very niche subject and I wouldn’t 100% value their opinion above and beyond the written conclusions prepared by WTO themselves. In fact its pretty pointless listening to them about anything other than an executive summary of the report.
  7. This stopped being funny after the 1st time, no idea why people do this. FYP
  8. Long and short of it seems to be that Saudi has stopped Qatar and others gaining legal redress in Saudi for breaches of intellectual property law. Further, that Saudi has not used its Criminal Law to punish those responsible for BeoutQ. Hardly surprising.
  9. Baines hit a howitzer of a free kick at the leazes
  10. The moral authority of a guy who posted about the odour of a strippers fanny.
  11. I agree it makes no sense. Think it's because the Saudi's would bring substantial wealth and success.
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