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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. It was the bit in bold about squad depth that I was really on about. Not because I particularly disagree-although another centre back wouldn't hurt- but because I can see a mile off he's going to contradict himself as soon as a convenient excuse to mask a shit performance is needed.
  2. Shameless. Can we bookmark the fuck out of this please. Cause when this run ends and we're getting beat every week, that'll be the first thing he starts bleating on about. Well, unless the Notting Hill Carnival is on or there's a big science conference at the university.
  3. Tbf, if you really want the s*** flags that much, they can stay as far as I'm concerned!!!
  4. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/ryan-taylor.996510/ Respected. Throughout. Football.
  5. Respected throughout football marra. Respected. Throughout. Football.
  6. Don't have to play a qualifier when you finish in the top 3
  7. If we get to the final, do you think either Pardew or Ashley will decide enough is enough, they've laid the 'Can't be bothered with cups' criticism to bed, and that throwing the cup, thus avoiding Europe, would make survival easier for next season? Personally wouldn't put it past them.
  8. Does winning the league cup now preclude us from winning anything in 10 years, or could it be a springboard onto better things? If the scenario is to win now then nothing after for 10 years, I think I'd rather wait. If up in the air, I'd take it now and hope Pardew turns out to somehow be the next Alex Ferguson (I know I know).
  9. geordiesteve710


    Maybe I'm really missing something very obvious, but what's the fucking point? People use Wonga cos they're either too impatient to wait a week til payday to get something or they're in the shit financially. They're not going to use Wonga cos Steven Taylor sez ther propa mint. Be interesting to see if any other papers run anything remotely similar, and if so what the player says/does to promote Wonga exactly. And as for Bird, was probably a shit player he couldn't be arsed interviewing so thought he'd run with the 'morality' angle. Iirc the Sun gets dibs on most of the good stuff from the club, media-wise.
  10. Went past about an hour ago. Left shaking my head in disbelief. Amount of fully grown adults on there is cringe worthy. Also "home of the toon army" is one of the wankiest slogans imaginable.
  11. Think its philanthropic organisation Wonga's latest altruistic act in its charitable mission to give the fans what really matters. See also: Gates, Ridiculous.
  12. Not sure what to make of it really. Do feel a bit of sympathy for the club, who must be looking at the lack of grief Plymouth and Oldham got and thinking Why us?' On the flipside though they seem to market themselves as a particularly family friendly club (in the style of the mackems 'caring club' from the 90s) so fuck it you live by that, you die by it too. On one hand this decision does seems like an example of football having grown up since the aforementioned incidents and is taking it's role in society more seriously. On the other hand I find it a little uncomfortable with what has really prompted the decision, that it's a case of who shouts loudest /who is more famous gets what they want. We have a legal system in place to deal with issues of crime, punishment, rehabilitation yet it's like another symptom of today's celebrity obsessed x-factor style culture. Taken to its extreme, why even bother with legal rules and institutions, might as well just establish guilt based on the opinion of who has most twitter followers, or have a live tv vote to determine what punishment someone gets.
  13. British managers union innit. Get such an easy ride from each other and the mass media Imagine it was Villas Boas sent those texts. He'd be characterised as a mentalist in the papers.
  14. Just loves defending the indefensible. Utter turd of a human being.
  15. Thing is even this "footballing reasons" explanation leaves me feeling a bit uncomfortable, something just doesn't stack up. For ages he was Pardews favourite, seemed undroppable, and to the frustration of many on here. I get that he had slipped out of the starting line up but to go from Golden Boy to "find a new club" in a matter of months doesn't add up. I'd really hope I'm wrong like because for everything I've said about Pardew, and for all the low expectations I have of him and the club in general at the minute, this still shocks me.
  16. We,had the same conversation last year iirc. Pretty sure the reciprocal deal is 'on the table' for all 19 other clubs, but they like to charge us full whack for the return so have refused it. Sure I paid £42 for the game there last season. Not being funny but given that your transport is included for free (if you want it) the derby is still the cheapest away day of the season for most, as well as the most sought after. Seems like some people will just find anything they can to moan about. And that goes for both sets of fans btw.
  17. And we ran him out of town with pitchforks and burning effigies.
  18. They fucking love that like. Assuming these conversations have actually taken place, if I got talking to opposition fans at away games, as I have a habit of doing, and the first thing I was constantly hearing back was a comment about our rivals, I think it would start pissing me off after a while. This lot just revel in it.
  19. Was it not the lovely Ms Taylor from the Guardian?
  20. 8 of whom probably had the facebook middle name 'FTM'
  21. They did, but we strung a few wins together for the first time in a year and they've been told to pipe down as the panic is over and Pardew is a genius again. Sorry, I was thinking of professional journalists, mass media etc. You know the people paid to provide insightful comment as their job. Should have clarified.
  22. He's literally sat for days thinking of how to spin this and the best he's got is 'Sometimes we don't got the ball much.' Before explaining the concept of simple counter attacking slowly as if he's reinvented catenaccio or summat man. Unbelievable no-one's called him out on this shit.
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