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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Only two centre backs and not a goal scorer amongst them. Of course more mediocre midfielders are what is needed
  2. Funnily enough I've always thought of Keane and Manchester United as being an arrogant bunch, even for a club that's won fucking everything!!!
  3. Very wrong. Apparently, it's actually them who have have caused ALL of our misery: http://readytogo.net/smb/threads/hang-on-who-is-at-fault-for-the-mags-current-plight.972787/ If only. Is it wrong that a world in which Sunderland getting to Wembley is our biggest concern seems like some sort of a magic Utopia right now? Have I really been Pardewed too?
  4. Why when he can't buy a win he hasn't tried 4-3-3 with Sissoko, Tiote and Anita is beyond me - Cabella and Perez on the wings and Cisse or Riviere up front. Or just a 4-4-2 with 2 of Riviere/Perez/Cisse/Armstrong. Surely he has to try something. ON last nights performance (And all season) I just don't see what the f*** Gouffran offers he was totally invisible apart from giving free kicks away and trying to give pens away. I'll never understand why he sticks with the same things even when getting battered every week. The set pieces situation is genuinely crazy. This is the daft thing. You'd think being on the edge as he obviously feels he is, you'd just go balls out and try a front 3 or try 2 up top with 2 genuine wingers or just do something bold to change it and get some goals. What does he have to lose exactly?
  5. “We had a big chance with Jack who is beating himself up about it. “If that goes in we all knew what we’d do. We’d try to get the winner." Horseshit. Just when that 'crying' gif was breaking through to my sympathetic nature. Lying cunt. If that goes in, we'd cling onto the point like grim death and he'd be banging on about unbeaten in 2 and through in the cup in his last 3 games.
  6. I'd say half an hour of not getting close should see him gone. If he does get sacked tomorrow I'm buying this green and blue 'comemorative' effort as a souvenir.
  7. Got one last December iirc, reset the clock. We're next due for one January 2016
  8. More schoolboy defending New manager is gonna have a right job on his hands.
  9. I thought that was set up by one of our good friends down the road with too much time on their hands??
  10. This is exactly what I said to a steward, and he didn't try to argue with me. Can imagine most of our fans dutifully doing as they're told in single file, dropping their posters into the bin bags having their rights infringed upon without the gumption to question it.
  11. Seriously Pearce is a f***ing idiot, surprised he hasn't mentioned goal line technology.
  12. We need to lose this now. If we go through I might be tempted to do something silly and go to the game. And I'd rather not waste the time/money.
  13. Right wing, nailed on Specific instructions to track back, cover Janmaat. We'll make a full-back out of you yet, Arma.
  14. Really? Aye. And this is why we're forever doomed. Burn it all down imo. Fans n arl. Just seems like a really short term point of view that's all. I feel like I am able to want us to win cup games without feeling uneasy or guilty. It's based on knowing how unimportant they are to Ashley and that progress in this won't save Pardew should we be rock bottom with a gap opening up after Liverpool spank us at at the beginning of November. Ashley only cares about staying up and money, not one jot about this.
  15. This. Outside the ground everyone was up for it. Even after the match at the Haymarket everyone wanted to borrow the banner to have their photo taken with it. What happened at the ground? Sheep handing over banners and posters upon being asked- not told as reported- and then once in the arena, nothing. I know the effort and sacrifices MKSC put in to make it up to help out with the protests, I get how dispiriting it was and I understand. NUFC is one of two personal vices I have (alcohol since you ask) and is by far the most unhealthy of the two. I have and continue to spend far more time and energy concentrating on the club when really there were far more pressing issues in my life. In a way I wish I had the strength to walk away. I will be back though. At the end of the match some mong of a gypsy bird and her gormlesss feller confronted me asking '2-0 down, they've come back from that man. What more do you want?' Throwing her arms up in the air at me. That's right, we're supposed to be grateful for a draw at home to Hull now. That is exactly what Ashley and Pardew want. It's what they have done to many fans. Well as I told a particularly obnoxious steward, it's not his (Ashley's) club- it's ours. It's far too important and I'm not letting them win.
  16. That was pretty much my feeling after the match on Saturday- these people are fast getting the football club they truly deserve. Now I've come round to thinking it'll just take a little longer. International break or not I'm sure the 2 upcoming defeats will persuade more to get involved when they see 3 points from 7 games and a gap opening up. As for the extra/over-zealous stewarding, Imo Ashley was rattled by the images from the Cardiff game- fans openly revolting next to his precious advertising, taking the piss out of security throwing banners between them while hapless stewards ran up and down stairwells as the piggies in the middle. The Thatcherite in him would have been appalled and not prepared to tolerate a repeat.
  17. You might be able to get a flag in but that loudspeaker needed to initiate that is going to be a b****** to hide. Or get a fire certificate for, tbh
  18. You weren't at the Cardiff game then. Multiple banners, anti-Ashley/Pardew chants alternated with some of the loudest pro-Newcastle songs I've heard at home game for a long time. Entirely possible to be singing 'get out of our club' one minute followed by 'Newcastle we love you' the next. These c***s are not 'the club' and never will be. And before anyone lectures me on 'short term-ism', all I would say is after the c*** is gone the players will still be here. We will most likely need them to be happy,motivated and performing well in order to not get relegated. Basically everything they're not feeling under Pardew. Would you feel particularly happy/inclined to play well for a bunch of fans that you remember not wanting to support you? Alternating the chants gets the point across to the players "we hate the manager/board, we're still behind you." Which is what we should be aiming for imo. Good point, I suppose those pro-Newcastle chants do happen. On this point though, presumably we don't want to actually support the players on the day, because if we do it might help them win. Personally, I would be happy to see the team win. I wouldn't worry or get upset about it though, as there really isn't much danger of it with this cunt in charge. That's why we're protesting isn't it? It is a good point that I hadn't put too much thought into- what happens if we win? I suppose the silver lining is we've set 2 very clear precedents then that when we banish Pardew to his seat and stop him contacting the players results are better. And as fans we'll know what we have to do every game...
  19. geordiesteve710

    John Carver

    I'm assuming she's still in charge of all things 'pr' related at the club? I know she had her hands full banning anyone who has ever worked for a newspaper and producing an inhumanely cold statement on a player who is battling cancer but still.
  20. You weren't at the Cardiff game then. Multiple banners, anti-Ashley/Pardew chants alternated with some of the loudest pro-Newcastle songs I've heard at home game for a long time. Entirely possible to be singing 'get out of our club' one minute followed by 'Newcastle we love you' the next. These c***s are not 'the club' and never will be. And before anyone lectures me on 'short term-ism', all I would say is after the c*** is gone the players will still be here. We will most likely need them to be happy,motivated and performing well in order to not get relegated. Basically everything they're not feeling under Pardew. Would you feel particularly happy/inclined to play well for a bunch of fans that you remember not wanting to support you? Alternating the chants gets the point across to the players "we hate the manager/board, we're still behind you." Which is what we should be aiming for imo. NB abusing Rob Elliott is still fine by me
  21. You weren't at the Cardiff game then. Multiple banners, anti-Ashley/Pardew chants alternated with some of the loudest pro-Newcastle songs I've heard at home game for a long time. Entirely possible to be singing 'get out of our club' one minute followed by 'Newcastle we love you' the next. These cunts are not 'the club' and never will be. And before anyone lectures me on 'short term-ism', all I would say is after the cunt is gone the players will still be here. We will most likely need them to be happy,motivated and performing well in order to not get relegated. Basically everything they're not feeling under Pardew. Would you feel particularly happy/inclined to play well for a bunch of fans that you remember not wanting to support you? Alternating the chants gets the point across to the players "we hate the manager/board, we're still behind you." Which is what we should be aiming for imo.
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