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Everything posted by TK-421

  1. TK-421


    They must think its like Darras Hall.
  2. TK-421


    Reviewing their sponsorship deal with 'Invest in Africa' in the summer, with Tullow Oil being accused of bribery in Africa. Oh Dear. More questionable headlines linked to the 'Classy Club'.
  3. TK-421

    Papiss Cissé

    We just need Gillespie to ping them crosses in.
  4. TK-421


    Noticed a funny comment from Colin Murray last night on MOTD2, at the lead in to the Sunderland highlights. Talked about [Di Canio] being nervous the night before his first game, and 'getting ready in the dark'.... neither Hansen or Kilbane reacted, so I think it went right owa their heads.
  5. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/4877532/MIchael-Owen-frustrated-at-being-a-non-starter-at-Stoke-City.html He must be on a 'pay-as-you-play' deal now, if he's complaining at not getting on the pitch.
  6. TK-421


    A late Taylor winner and they would probably burn RTG to the ground. Hehe aye, if Stevie scored a winner against them i dont know who'd explode first... Him or them??!! )
  7. TK-421


    Zamora sent off for QPR.... Dont really want Wigan to win, but I'll let them have this one to put the mackems into the bottom 3.
  8. TK-421


    They really are a desperate bunch aren't they? Aye... as if 'Ponteland' Airport wouldn't be swarming in red and white shirts if they ever had a european match to go to?! They seem to miss the fact that they wear their shirts to go on holiday... making a statement when travelling from 'Ponteland Airport'.
  9. Minor thing, but notice there are no sponsors logos on any of the training kit on those pics from Portugal - whereas the training pics from the UK have Virgin Media and SD.com on them.
  10. I like the way the local media keep calling it The 'Real' Stadium of of Light..... true, of course. Magedia in full effect.
  11. TK-421


    [bBC Newcastle]: Durham Miners now letting their banner stay at the Stadium of Far Right, following Di Canio's statement today. Wonder if Miliband will ask for his job back, next??!!
  12. TK-421


    They already made their statement on Monday. Looks like they're just gonna try and ride out the media sh*tstorm till the end of the season.
  13. TK-421


    http://www.sunderlandecho.com/news/local/all-news/irish-lawyer-margaret-byrne-31-is-new-sunderland-afc-chief-executive-1-3551981 Apparently she's a qualified solicitor.... yet she came out with that statement.
  14. TK-421


    Just remembered, there was a crackin little dig on North east Tonight, on their sports bulletin. They finished discussing Di Canio/SunderLOL, and then got on about Newcastle heading out 'to play at The Real Stadium of Light'. I bet there were a few things thrown at stolen TV's in Pennywell this evening. Bloody Magedia!
  15. TK-421


    In todays press conference he has said he watched their matches against Norwich and Man Utd. I'd guess this appointment was on the cards for longer than saturday night. In fact, total sport suggested last night that O'Neills backroom staff had been told to clear out their stuff at the academy on Friday, and that he himself took satrudays match knowing he was already being binned.
  16. TK-421


    2 up top looking like they'll be Wickham and Graham then... both arguably 'target men', neither with any great pace... expect them to get stuck right in though.
  17. TK-421


    Bennett on Total Sport just said he thinks there will now be some [pro-fascist] people, in Sunderland jerseys 'infiltrating' the crowd, in attempt to 'Influence' people, following Di Canio's appiontment. Think BBC Newcastle might need to find a new co-commentator for SunderLOL's matches soon.
  18. TK-421


    Actually took me a moment to notice the fans in the background. Fantastic work.
  19. TK-421


    Thats brilliant... one of them even mentions the 1-9 result as a come back.
  20. TK-421


    Its been said before, there are other reasons this has made headlines, but one is undoutedly that Sunderland are a higher profile club than Swindon, and top flight (for the time being). Its much like us and the Wonga deal. Not as many headlines when they sponsored Blackpool And Hearts(?).
  21. TK-421


    anyone have the full quotes from when di canio said he was a fascist and was misquoted? In that press conference yesterday, i dont think he said he was 'misquoted', just complained that the media had taken that one quote ("I am a fascist, not a racist") and used it to portray him negatively. He has never denied saying it, or claimed to have been misquoted as far as i've seen.
  22. TK-421


    I personally find this amazing.. You really dont care about openly fascist views being given a platform by a high profile manager within the PL? You really dont care that an openly racist viewpoint will potentially now be given some credence and time? Have we sunk so far, become so de-politacized as a society that a "blind eye" can be turned to these vile, pernicious and abhorent views? I know its sport, and for many the two shouldnt mix. I disagree, I remember the same arguements around sport and the openly racist South Africa during the apartheid years. The apeasers and apologists making the same noises... Its a sad day for sport that this man is allowed anywhere near our national game. Yes its the mackems, but some things are actually more important than football,,this is one of em. He isnt a misguided young un, one of the skin heads selling the bulldog ouside SJP from the 70s and 80s that we had to contend with. A youngster feeling marginalised by society, easy prey for the base arguements of "3 million blacks, 3 million on the dole"et al.... Hes a certified, self confessed ideological fascist and by that ideological link a racist, anti semite, anti trade unionist, anti sexual freedom... it wasnt just the heat of the moment rash fascist salute in 2005/6..This guys a committed racist. Lets laugh at the Mackems eh? I wonder if any of their Jewish, Bangaladeshi, Indian, Pakistani or other ethnic minority supporters are laughing. I wonder if any of the elderly population, who fought against fascism in the 30s and 40s are laughing? We should actually be uniting with any of their support who are rightly disgusted at this appointment by showing some solidarity with them. I see there was actually an Anti Fascist Action event on in Wearside this weekend...ironic. Take a chill pill man FFS. It doesn't matter whether he's pink, green, fascist, communist, Mormon, Taliban or Fenian, all that matters is he makes a right hash of managing them and gets them relegated. Aye it does though. No it doesn't. What he says and thinks about the world are irrelavent man. He's manager of the mackems FFS, that's the only reason you need to either hate or laugh at him. The rest doesn't matter. So you would be happy for him to be our manager? If it doesn't matter what his views are It wouldn't get us the three points against Wigan back, would it?
  23. TK-421


    The Sun website has nailed it, like... http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag126/TK-421-NUFC/Paolo_zpsed86c460.jpg
  24. TK-421


    And I bet the Mackem typed that without a hint of Irony, either.
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