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Ankles Bennett

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Everything posted by Ankles Bennett

  1. I'm really quite excited by this signing and not that bothered we didn't get Berahino. I really think he will turn out to be the best sign of the transfer window. Don't know why....just a gut feeling.
  2. Telling people unashamedly that someone has '11 composure'.That means absolutely nothing you stupid c***s! Its just completely absurd. I mean I can just imagine my dad sat in front of the tv wondering what the f*** 11 composure even is. You either have composure or you don't would be his opinion Or they could just say he doesn't panic under pressure. Good old English. The most descriptive language in the world. That's why it's the business language of choice worldwide.
  3. When you think we paid a world record £15m for Shearer twenty years ago in 1995, £25m these days doesn't seem that much. Not that I'm saying Berahino is anywhere near as good as Shearer.
  4. Very strange that they haven't responded at all to our offer yet as well. Might be wishful thinking but could it be that Peace will sell at that price but won't do so until nearer the deadline so there's no time for Pulis to ask him for the cash to spend? If he rejects it now we might move on, but if he doesn't respond at all we'll wait (for how long who knows) and he can come back closer to the deadline and accept it claiming it had to be considered by the board for a while. Also we may even increase the offer in the mean time, so its win win for him. Its more than likely that he isnt responding in order to keep us hanging on until later on this evening, which then leaves us no time to bring in one of our other targets, thereby making it likely we wont be able to score the goals to keep us up, which in turn goes quite some way to helping preserve West broms EPL status. He's a devious one this Pearce is......
  5. Fair enough West Brom not wanting to sell to a fellow relegation rival, but they are saying West Brom believe they will get just as much for him next summer. I've got news for Jeremy Pearce. No one will pay £20m to £30m for a player in the summer who is in the last year of his contract and who can be bought for peanuts in the following January transfer window, or even nothing the following summer. Charlie Austin £15m last summer anyone?....£4m the following January. West Brom will be lucky to get around £12m for Berahino next summer and if no one takes a punt he will probably sit out the last year of his contract and get a bumper payday on a free transfer. Still thats their perogative. In my opinion, if they had sold Berahino at the start of the transfer window they could have brought in the likes of Remy and Austin who would have scored the goals to keep them in the EPL and still had money left over, but hey, Jeremy Pearce is the hard nosed businessman... what do I know!!
  6. Its another Wayne Rooney from Everton scenario. Berahino will end up at Spurs because thats where he wants to go and Spurs know that, so they will simply outbid us by a few quid every time we submit an improved offer i.e we bid £25m they bid £25m and £5.00. Also Berahino knows he will get England exposure playing alongside Kane and Alli at Spurs so its only natural that Spurs are his forst choice. All we can offer is a cracking night life and a bucket of dosh ...oh yes and all the SD gear he can wave a stick at.
  7. So that's Dummett at centre back to replace Willo now that we have a left back.
  8. What everyone overlooks is in rugby the ayers have a modicum of intelligence. With football it's a completely different ball game (excuse the pun) because soccer players are essentially thick as two short planks and don't understand the word motivation unless it's mentioned in the same sentence as win bonuses.
  9. Exactly - none of Rodgers, Moyes or Benitez were free in the summer but they are all free now. They may have some contractural agreement with their last clubs that we need to cover but it's better than what we will lose if we drop out the league. With a nine day break before the next game now is the time to move. Its never going to happen while Charnley is MD because he would have to admit he got it wrong, yet again (Carver!!!) and would be exprected to tender his resignation, I am assuming Ashley will have a clause in his conract that means no pay off if he resigns. However, when, not if, we get relegated he will be sacked and replaced by the groundsmans assistant, and will no doubt be entitled to a massive golden handshake for abiding by the perennial confidentiality clause in the severance package. Money!!! thats all these cretins are interested in rather than doing the honourable thing and admitting they are just not up to the job.
  10. Ankles Bennett

    Loïc Remy

    To stand any chance of staying up I reckon we need Remy, on loan, or bought, Berahino and Townsend.
  11. But Stevie has told them we are playing so well we wont be in the bottom three at the end of the season, so why would we want to buy players we dont need?
  12. You watch. There is method behind Levy asking £14+ for Townshend. If we are still chasing him near the end of the transfer window he will lodge a bid for Perez and offer to drastically reduce Towns ends asking price if we agree to sell them Perez. Also I don't think Mclaren really wants Perez so wouldn't be surprised if this happens.
  13. Totally this. Yeah I think that would be ideal. I've got a feeling that he's better than some think on here, but would still prefer to have a proper look before parting with daft money. But come next summer £12m isnt going to be daft money, its going to be peanuts compared to the TV money each EPL club will get. Dont forget, the higher you finish the bigger the slice of TV money, so Ash is going to want us to finish pretty high up in the EPL, if not this year, then certainly next season so I can understand him splashing the cash now. Speculate to accumulate....
  14. If we are serious about getting Berahino in we need to do it before we buy Townsend, because if its a cash deal for Townsend, Spurs may then have enough cash to outbid us on Berahino.
  15. Just shattered I would guess, to be fair as well not many others react much at all either. Probably worried Dean would disallow the goal if they celebrated too much!
  16. Because he is trying to raise the readies to buy Berahino. WBA would have probably been happy to drop their price if they were getting Townsend in part ex, but as he doesnt want to go there, Spurs are having to pay top dollar, hence Spurs asking a ridiculous fee for a "reserve winger".
  17. Played 18 scored 2 goals but no assists!!!This signing is going to solve our lack of creativity??
  18. Can anyone tell me why we are supposed to be leading the chase for Kemar Roof who has scored 14 goals in league 2 when we have a striker on loan at Coventry who has scored 16 goals in league 1?
  19. If the board are not going to back mclaren with at least on EPL class striker they may as well sack him and see if someone else can get these players winning games or at least scoring goals
  20. Offering extended contract options is the only way we can attract managers, even those of McLaren's level of incompetence!!!
  21. Dummett has never been a left back IMHO. He looks far more comfortable at centre back. I would be quite happy to have him as 2nd choice for that position if we can get Matip through the door in January.
  22. my ears may have decieved me and it may just have been me being paranoid about the media hate for us, but I thought he said if we open this game up it'll be a cricket score then added "I hope" at the end of it. Shouldn't criticise anybody in a job while he can't do his properly. A tv presenter who can't pronounce the simplest of names and is generally inarticulate. "I before e except after c".
  23. Ashley needs to call a players meeting and tell all the players that they will be made to honour their contracts and will be playing in the championship next season if we get relegated.
  24. As in cricket, the decision is only set aside if it is clearly wrong. If its arguable, i.e. open to debate after a TV review, then the original decision of the ref stands.
  25. Its quite a damning indictment of Madely that Mourinho is currently having to answer an FA charge for comments he made regarding the officiating prowess of Madely in the Chelsea Southampton game. This bloke is quite clearly a one man refereeing disaster zone and he needs to be dropped from all EPL games immediately.
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