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Claudia Winkleman
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Everything posted by Cf

  1. Maybe, but this feels more like a protocol error to me. It seems in this case the VAR has made the correct call, and quickly at that, and just gone "check complete" as a shorthand for "agree with your decision" which he erroneously thought was to allow the goal. If instead they confirmed what the ref's decision was this wouldn't happen. "Check complete, goal is awarded". "Check complete, no penalty" then this sort of problem goes away.
  2. Benitez always held Dummett in high regard if I remember correctly.
  3. Cf

    Dan Burn

    I don't think we are at a point of starting Hall yet but feel like we need to start with our Burn exit plan.
  4. We took a minute taking the previous one on fairness.
  5. Nice result in the end. Very much take the point there. It's painfully obvious what our weaknesses are though.
  6. We need changes here surely? We're going to lose to our own tired legs.
  7. Instant offside calls too. Not used to any of this.
  8. Seemed more a foul against Longstaff to me that.
  9. Couldn't see this thread for a second. What's it doing up here?
  10. Nick Pope is one of our young players according to whoever this is.
  11. Passion is good but it has to be channeled right. Was such an unnecessary yellow and over a season they add up.
  12. That's an awful decision for the goal and now for the penalty.
  13. I enjoyed it for what it was. Some of it, mainly the board stuff, was so staged it was cringeworthy though.
  14. As hilarious as this is I feel so conflicted when I see the result is Arteta celebrating.
  15. Do feel like they're overplaying this from Rice a bit. Took a massive deflection.
  16. Good result for us this? Man Utd more likely to be in a similar position to us.
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