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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. I used to work with a lass a few years back who when she parked up it would look like the car had been abandoned after being stolen. Didnt matter how much the arse end or front stuck out, how sideways the car was or even if it was in a parking bay. Not a single shit was given. Was really annoying like.
  2. It is amazing like. The playing staff have gone from part time to full time (as has the manager) and whole departments are being staffed and probably being created too. How on earth do you run a premier league club on skeleton staff?
  3. Anyone else read that from top to bottom at first?
  4. Does he snap at defenders heels?
  5. https://twitter.com/JustWorldies/status/1545354757988040704?s=20&t=6ozuxM4Di4kFGF-5IILF8Q
  6. Were clearly concentrating on outgoings at the moment - not sure what the problem is
  7. If we dont sign him i wont fret.
  8. Hugely experienced bloke. When he was at Liverpool he also helped diagnose Houlliers heart problem that led to the op that saved his life.
  9. Obviously - that means hes not getting sold either.
  10. 5ft 9 was Cannavaro's height wasnt it?
  11. Those sports scientists really earning their crusts.
  12. Have West Brom started their preseason yet?
  13. So.....Botman Vs Haaland. Who wins?
  14. Cant wait to see him ghost past players
  15. Why everyone arguing about what position Bruno will play, what position Paqueta will take up, whether Big Joe will be a pivot or go box to box? None of that is important. Just put them on the pitch and say "Lets play".
  16. If Paqueta is genuinely available we should try and sign him. We could probably meet just about any transfer fee asked for but Arsenal might have the edge in terms of wages. My only worry about him is that he would give us an all brazilian midfield - who plays when they all get called up?
  17. Lazarus

    Footy trivia

    Hang on - Beckham??
  18. i think hes up by the powder monkey pub, near to the railway lines behind it.
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