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Kid Icarus

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Everything posted by Kid Icarus

  1. The amount of unbelievably thick people on the forum has been growing and growing for a while, but this whole thing was obviously cat nip for them.
  2. I think it's probably fair to say that being associated with all of the geordiedeans in our support is also going to be one of the costs. Wonderful.
  3. I'd argue that he's still here precisely because most of us have sat in SJP every other weekend for the last 13 years tbh. It's a self fulfilling prophecy, claim you can't do anything to change anything>don't do anything>nothing changes The same applies in this situation, but considering barely anyone would do anything despite detesting Ashley, they're not going to do anything when the majority are welcoming them with open arms.
  4. Kid Icarus

    Euro 96

    The 1970 World Cup final that everyone bangs on about is almost entirely at walking pace like. It's a shame, I bet the football was on another planet at the time but it's really hard to appreciate now with everything that's come since then.
  5. Kid Icarus

    Euro 96

    Aye and now half of them are pundits who complain when modern players give the ball away. You'd think they were all Xavi the way some of them go on.
  6. Would have been perfect with it being part of the same move where Ginola skipped past Neville as well. The last 25 minutes of that match are an absolute piss take.
  7. Watched the 5-0 again last night but have also been meaning to say for a while that David Batty doesn't get enough of a shout out for his performance in that match. Arguably man of the match tbh.
  8. Kid Icarus

    Euro 96

    I thought he was class. Very good at Real Madrid as well, I always thought it was a bit weird that hardly anything was made of him scoring the goal that decided the Champions League final as well.
  9. I'll be canny relieved if it's off, but of fucking course the issue is to do with broadcasting profits and not for any ethical reason.
  10. Kid Icarus

    Euro 96

    Totally ridiculous how few Newcastle players there were considering we'd just finished second. I know Ince was quality, but Lee definitely should have had a look in around 94-96
  11. Kid Icarus

    Euro 96

    I remember this game being really boring at the time. Canny interested to see whether it still is, or if I was just spoiled by watching us under Keegan.
  12. Yeah and FWIW I was a complete sucker as far as he was concerned. Never agreed with his bollocks but thought he was still being genuine and didn't recognise the grift until later.
  13. The thing I find funniest about all this is that if any of the people saying this bollocks ventured into the politics thread, they'd see members of the clique that supposedly only ever agree with each other regularly tearing strips off one another.
  14. Genuinely, have any of you ever considered that people with shared viewpoints just don't agree with your opinions? It seems to me that you're all just framing it as some weird stone cutters sort of thing because you can't handle that your opinions are unpopular with a lot of people on here. Again, none of it even makes any sense anyway because half of the supposed clique left last year and yet here you all are claiming it still exists, presumably because your opinions are still unpopular on the forum.
  15. Not to mention it was actually half of the supposed 'clique' that walked away.
  16. I'd probably be able to show you if their news feed went back further than this season.
  17. Not saying it's bollocks or anything, it seems pretty obvious at this point that it's going ahead regardless, just saying that .com is often wrong about the things its been told by the people they trust.
  18. I used to take what .com said seriously because it seemed like they were often right, but from around 2007-ish onwards when they claimed Deco was signing they've been wrong fairly regularly.
  19. Someone told me to f*** off when I highlighted Saudi charities. Okay? Not sure I follow. ‘snowflakes’ can be t***s as well They're all snowflakes is the point, I guess.
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