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Kid Icarus

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Everything posted by Kid Icarus

  1. Watching that mic'd up session with Howe, he's the type of coach you'd have loved to have as a kid, tons of encouragement and confidence boosting.
  2. Wasn't Howe as close to becoming Celtic manager as Emery was to being our manager? I'm not convinced he'll come like, I've seen Martinez's name too often and it feels like it'll end up being him purely because I can't stand him
  3. You could say that Emery being put off by a leak is a red flag and that he wasn't the right person because of that, but you could probably also say that he might have seen the leak as a red flag and that Newcastle wasn't the right club for him. Both would be right as well. Shame, the drop off in calibre after him on the list is pretty huge.
  4. Would have understood 2 yellows but a straight red for dissent is ott
  5. Ref doing to Atletico what should have been done years ago, but it might mean he ends up sending them all off
  6. I don't think going to Newcastle who have a team that's 6 points from safety and hasn't been improved in the few years since multiple trophy winner Rafa Benitez struggled to keep us in the league is the draw some people think it is. Particularly when most going in now will know that it's not a long-term thing for them. Emery would have been ideal in the same way that Rafa could have been because you'd think that they could do the short and the long-term.
  7. Fonseca sounds desperate to manage anyone in the Premier League
  8. I just can't see Howe taking it for some reason.
  9. Really surprised I haven't seen AVB's name thrown around in all of this actually.
  10. I mentioned on here last week about how if Newcastle is anything like Neom and The Line then a lot of people are in for a rude awakening. Huge fantastical promises and more money than sense.
  11. People are saying this episode has been a shitshow, which it has been. Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade.
  12. He went to the same Lyle Lanley School of Football Manager PR that Pardew went to.
  13. Do people really see him as the man who took Bournemouth down though? I really don't think they do.
  14. With managers it's not necessarily about better or worse, it's about suitable or not suitable. Look at Moyes, Pellegrini, Mourinho etc. Sometimes managers are a bad fit and it doesn't work despite being great elsewhere. Howe is absolutely without question a better manager than Steve Bruce, that goes without saying, but that's the lowest of bars to clear and is he the right fit for this club with the players it has, in the position it's in? I don't this he is at all and I didn't think Fonseca was either FWIW. Who knows who it'll be now, but Emery or Rafa were the type we needed imo.
  15. At this point Howe might not even take it. It's absolutely fair to say that the last two days have been a shitshow like.
  16. Just got back from my meeting to see this. What an absolute shit show. Never change Newcastle.
  17. I have to say I don't think it's all that important that the styles of Emery and Howe are totally different. The philosophy at the moment is clearly 'stay in the PL' and the style of play is probably, or at least should be, secondary to things like win %, success in the PL, getting the best out of poor players, etc etc. If we were a comfortably mid-table team it would be more important and I'd expect someone like Fonseca to have been more in the running.
  18. According to Caulkin he's doing the contract negotiations.
  19. I don't think you can possibly blame a manager in his position having reservations about coming into this situation like.
  20. Have to say I think Howe would take us down like and that's not really a criticism of him, I just think the type of players we have and the quality of the other teams in the league means that there's no obviously rubbish teams aside from us and Norwich.
  21. Top managers like Xavi... Literally the first time I've seen Xavi or Low mentioned by anyone.
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