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Kid Icarus

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Everything posted by Kid Icarus

  1. Not sure about that mind. I remember him being doubled up on and it just meaning that the likes of Anelka, Bergkamp and Wright were left free.
  2. Could be wrong but the goals he was getting for Arsenal at the time felt unheard of for a winger. You could maybe argue that he'd have been more suited to the game now than he was then.
  3. I think the lack of rumours has maybe lead people to have too much time on their hands to overthink the whole Rafa coming back thing. He'd be absolutely ideal, particularly considering the lack of any stand out alternatives. Part of why he's so respected though is because he's not someone who's going to walk away from a contract. Can only really see it happening if there's a combination of us getting desperate, Everton having a few more bad results and their fans turning, and the Everton owners being tempted by some extra FFP money to use.
  4. All I can really add is to make sure your headlines, content, keywords, image alt text, and meta descriptions are all optimised for search engines, screenreaders, and for maximum readability and accessibility.
  5. If they take a long, considered approach and then appoint Lampard or Martinez
  6. I know Man United and OGS are hogging the news cycle at the moment, but it's still really quiet isn't it.
  7. Voted Rafa because that's who I want, but would go for Emary if that's a possibility.
  8. The scoreline wasn't as bad, but I actually thought the 0-3 to Sunderland was much worse that season.
  9. Not sure on Newcastle's worst home performance, but the worst home performance I've seen overall is easily Brazil's 7-1 in 2014. Pretty sure David Luis was still trying to bomb forward through the centre of Germany's midfield when they were 5 down.
  10. Have to say I think this is the strongest Premier League I can remember. Liverpool, Man City, and Chelsea are absolutely incredible and below them the difference in quality between the teams really isn't as huge as it usually is. I think Norwich and Newcastle are the only really poor teams in the league.
  11. Some nice to read insight there, cheers. ? My mate who's a Liverpool fan thinks Henderson missing the last few matches of 13/14 was the main reason you didn't win the league, or at least more than the slip, would you say that's right?
  12. Different roles, but even then there's not a DM out there I'd put anywhere near Kante tbf. Henderson must be an excellent leader as well, which you don't really get to see purely by watching. His stock has probably risen more than any other player I can think of. Vardy maybe, but in a different way. From this bang average Sunderland player everyone laughed at for being signed for £20m, to captaining Liverpool for 6 years to the league and Champions League and being a key player in all of it. Thought he was underrated from about 2013, but I never saw him getting to the level he's got to.
  13. No you don't remember or no he's not quality?
  14. Remember when everyone thought Henderson was shit? Not even just underrated now, just an absolutely quality player.
  15. Man United are very All the gear, No idea. They have been for a while, but OGS is surely gone now. Incredible that he's managed a club like Man United for this long,
  16. Liverpool took mercy on them from 60 minutes onwards from what I saw, that's maybe the most damning thing from Man United's perspective. Could probably have easily got 2-3 more if they'd really tried to.
  17. As funny as the Brazil Germany 7-1? Can't believe I'm missing this like
  18. This could be what gets him sacked, which would be a right shame. Can only hope it gets close to double figures if this is the end.
  19. If there had been a donation box there'd only be something else some people would say they should be doing anyway. Honestly, I don't know where 'support the team, not the regime' disappeared to. It was the ready made reason for supporting Newcastle without supporting Ashley. It's an argument that applies to this situation as it did with Ashley, yet instead people feel the need to defend or nitpick over arguments against a regime that's 100x more indefensible.
  20. Spawny undeserved draws away from home are what you need when you're second bottom.
  21. I remember saying to Yorkie last year when the takeover fell through that everyone's searching for a feeling rather than success. Hopefully if that's true, people will get that feeling back soon and realise they shouldn't need to compromise on the daft little things that mean a lot in exchange for the success, it can/will happen regardless.
  22. Yeah I think that's absolutely spot on like. Not that I personally blame Newcastle fans, I just think it's a sad indictment of the position Ashley and his frontmen drove the fanbase over 14 years, just as it was driven to those better positions about what a football club is supposed to mean by the likes of Keegan and SBR in the first place.
  23. Kind of how I feel about the 'what is a club in any case' SBR quote in relation to us. I still remember how much everyone on here lauded those words when his book came out and then especially when he died. How true what he was saying was and how it summed up what it means to support your club. Fast forward to now and believing in that feels as ridiculous as believing in Santa in your 30s. The fact he specifically talks about it not being the contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes is just an extra kick in the nuts. Ashley completely ruined this fanbase's sense of proprietary like.
  24. You're using Spurs as an example but they haven't renamed their stadium.
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