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Everything posted by Coffee_Johnny

  1. There’s probably a relevant analogy with the price of flights. Some good value early seats available. Price hikes closer to date and then better value again towards last minute. (of course the risk is there being no seats left that you want/need).
  2. Surely you don’t believe everything you read. It’s a good angle for a tabloid stylee story, but the reality is probably closer to a we made a simple enquiry (if there was one) rather than we’ve a firm interest and we’re holding out to pay a closing down sale price.
  3. Nice. We’ll take him off their hands.
  4. ☝️ tedious in the extreme. Going to be like this for every whipper snapper we’re linked with.
  5. Thanks for the 34 goals, DW. 23 in one Championship winning season ? 11 in 88 Premier League games. Just checked, 11 is same total as Dabizas, Wijnaldum, Elliott, Watson, Maxi, Guoffran, Shelvey, Sissoko, and Rondon.
  6. I don’t agree. I was really disappointed when we sold him. Can’t even recall the manager? Probs FSA?
  7. Despite the ignoble ending, Lee Clark was excellent for them too. Bob Stokoe is held in the highest esteem, and has a statue. Similarly, his young cup final winning captain, and subsequent Newcastle legend Barry Venison. There are obviously many more.
  8. Many thought Milner wasn’t good enough? Wow. I thought he was our strongest player, for a time at least. Was also an amazing youngster with Leeds. Maybe there’s at least a superficial similarity with Harrison and with Lee. All wingers early career, but to use a musical analogy no frills/ornamentation applied—just banged out a good tune with massive effort pretty much every gig.
  9. My guess, possibly preference, is a couple of young uns but good uns, like these, plus Harrison or equivalent experience/value, plus a quality CM on loan, like Wijnaldum. Add in Osimhen when I’m pissed on optimism. Even excluding, the low likelihood of, the latter would probably mean cashing in on Maxi.
  10. Works both ways… when your mind is sleepwalking, putting the world to right.
  11. Mara and Sesko couple of could be top drawer youngsters. Decent.
  12. Adds to our recent height bias, another 6’4” specimen (apols to The Wee Man). Big Ben may be coming to town.
  13. A bit of ‘Wiki’ suggests 22 in 44 last year?? Sesko, 19yrs. 22 in 44 for FC Liefering (loan ) Previous 5 in 25 for Salzburg. 2 in 13 for Slovenia (13 in 34 underage). Market value £9m.
  14. List updated with Sesko and Toney.
  15. I think the inevitable uncertainty is a good point. You minimise uncertainty, in any recruitment, by selecting people who have already done the job in the most similar circumstances possible. This works both ways for someone like Harrison. He has performed well, better than what we currently have, in our league. What we don’t know is in a better overall team, what is his true potential contribution? I’d be delighted to take that chance.
  16. Totally understand the sentiment. I completely checked out from all things NUFC due to that regime (at two points: when they got rid of Keegan—crept back into me during relegation season—then when they engineered Rafa’s exit). Thing is as club captain and seeing the toxic impact on the squad/everything NUFC of what was going on, trying to be facilitative/ambassadorial is understandable. Think you should give the lad a pass for those comments now. He’s earned it.
  17. Phew! We were linked with him earlier in the window.
  18. I remember Rob Lee signing at about the same age as Harrison. He got better and in time, I think Keegan’s faith in him and coaching really helped; he also in time adapted to a more central role. He was representing England a couple of years after he joined us and we all know what a stalwart he was in a very good side. I personally see Harrison as having the same potential and would therefore be delighted to have him.
  19. Based on Howe’s last 19 games in charge, I.e. once he had a reasonable chance to influence, we’d have finished third. Bizarre but true.
  20. Absolutely nowt new on tinterweb re our hoped for striker quest. Glaring gap that really need filled.
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