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Everything posted by Coffee_Johnny

  1. Hope it was unusual and didn’t feel like a groundhog day.
  2. Beats retiring to run a pub (…I think)
  3. I gently tuck it in, under my pillow, each evening and softly sing it to sleep. Try it; feels nice.
  4. Shit! Thought I had opened transfer rumours there!! A lot can change in 24hrs.
  5. Trippier is a natural leader and the sensible choice, knowledge wise.
  6. Decent half. Some nice passing movements throughout. Very much like Schar and Botman; add Targett in place of a bit pedestrian looking Dummett (going forward) and defence looks good. Fair play to Almiron, he’s been like a wasp—ok maybe a fly (needs more sting) — but decent from him. Wood… least said soonest mended. Fraser (maybe like a midge…) equally busy.
  7. That made me laugh out loud. “You’re a tremendous Nordic meat shield. Have at it!” “If I may be so bold? You have the poise of an apex predator but the eyes of a woodland creature.”
  8. Two from early career, two from his middle third, and two from final third. Sorted!
  9. As many that are required to answer one stupid question?
  10. Can’t help with the songs (you might know them!) but was great and surprising seeing all my lot (kids) dancing and signing along (best they could). Dutch band were superb!
  11. Great atmosphere and occasion at Bramhall Lane. First time I’ve watched a women’s international match, both sets of fans were great. Really friendly and good fun. Pub outside ground was fab too—blasting out songs from both and bedecked with flags.
  12. We could work on the Billy tag. To tune of ‘Billy don’t be a hero’ ? Billy, our local hero, another goal with your right, Billy, our local hero, setting the Premier alight! ?
  13. Must be some ‘surpass to requirements’ we might like to poach?
  14. I miss the days of being on holiday and seeing NUFC tops alongside Man Utd, and very little else.
  15. We’ll ‘cut our cloth’ according to the opposite. Sexy flexy Howeball (copyright).
  16. That is way overpriced. We won’t pay that and seems clear that perceived ‘value for money’’/fairness is something none negotiable at the moment. Might change if we’re shitting it towards the end of next month!
  17. Found this image which captures his game well. Slowed down as he is too rapido for the naked eye.
  18. Sleek big cat… lean and sexy at that. Strong man to man—someone who muscled past Burn first half (and got a shot in) just bounced off him in the second. Some hints of passing ability/progressive and another reason Shelvey doesn’t have to drop so deep to pick up the ball. Promising start, quality of opposition, acknowledged.
  19. There’s nothing like matches for errm, match fitness. I thought a few, Burn in particular, looked knackered against 1860. Though probs just an indicator of who is working hardest.
  20. Thought he did ok yesterday. this season, I hope he receives the ball more often in better areas so he doesn’t have so much to do in order to get in a shot. Also seems like we rarely have open options for him to lay off an easy pass for someone else to shoot (thinking lay backs to edge of box). Some of this is to do with established patterns of attack/system and some to do with having players intelligently finding critical (goal threatening) space.
  21. I totally understand the Gini marmite argument. Have to say I really enjoyed having him here. To echo a conversation from yesterday, I don’t think he was used effectively by McClaren, particularly away. Given a too structured deep role. Should have been just left to do his thing, ala Keegan style, though it is obviously much easier to do so with better players at your disposal who will fill holes. p.s. he did score 11 goals from CM in a relegated side and we made £10.5m on him (bought for £14.5 sold for £23 + £2m add ons).
  22. ☝️ this toxic sounding scrote is getting a lot of publicity on here. (errr, not talking about Darren Eales ?)
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