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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Is he a golfer? Being part of some society that other managers and ex players are is the only reason I can think of as to why they would stick up for him when every bit of common sense tells a different story. The whole implosion is all too predictable. A new manager takes just over a season to undo the routines a previous manager had, he’s been riding the coat tails of Rafa’s work for 12 months and now that the older players are starting to forget and the new ones never exposed to it, well, here we are. It’s reached a point when the decline will be sharp and brutal.
  2. The year that keeps on giving.. Not shocked as he burned the candle both ends and ate all around him. His heart can’t have been in good fettle for at least 10/15 years so probably more surprising that he made it this long. Toss of a coin between him and Messi as the best of all time, I’d give it to Maradona based purely on his influence and doing it on the international stage, their skill levels are on a par but he was just that bit nuts that sets him apart from almost every other player. RIP
  3. Maybe relegation is the aim. The lower leagues will wave a takeover through no bother. Back up in time for when the crowds can return to stadiums. I’d take that if it was an option.
  4. Just ignore the noise. An agent who’s making vague statements which could lead to a big payday (like they all do) and now a bunch of ex player has beens trying to stoke up a bit of anger off the back of it. Let’s not be played by the system this time. Aside from his occasional diving, he’s one of the most honest players out there in terms of how he applies himself to the cause. Has good games, some not so good. But he cares, that’s all we need to know.
  5. The spurious anti competition lawsuit is to trap the PL into giving certain information which goes on the record for when the real case starts. It’s all one big chess board.
  6. This whole saga reminds me of that South Park “World of Warcraft” episode. Richard Masters
  7. I don’t think that’s true, he’s a willing seller now and yeah we have or had a suitable buyer. There will be others. The difference before was that he didn’t really want to sell and the people attempting to buy had alternative agendas buy being public about it. I think that nobody else is coming to the table right now is due to not having the clout to compete with PIF, which also could mean they are still very much looking to invest. Not really interested in anyone else coming to the table, all of them had their chance before PIF and none of them proved serious enough to put down the cash. If the PIF deal falls through I doubt any future investors would be much different to Ashley. Pure speculation. Look at what we had before, Barry Moat and god knows who else. We never would have thought Saudi’s public investment fund would ever come to the table yet here we are. It’s not unrealistic to think someone else with clout might come in but there’s very few players to match their wealth so even someone who we would have snatched their arm off 3/4 years ago now will seem like the booby prize. We just have to pray this gets done because the alternatives will leave very few happy.
  8. It will soon be a year since that original Wall Street Journal piece about the new consortium. 3 months of things moving fairly quickly and then rest has just been lies, misinformation, poor journalism and basically a whole bunch of nothing. I still believe they’ll do a deal if one is to be had but honestly.. you wouldn’t put your mortgage on it would you..?
  9. I don’t think that’s true, he’s a willing seller now and yeah we have or had a suitable buyer. There will be others. The difference before was that he didn’t really want to sell and the people attempting to buy had alternative agendas buy being public about it. I think that nobody else is coming to the table right now is due to not having the clout to compete with PIF, which also could mean they are still very much looking to invest.
  10. It’s just gaslighting in it’s purest form. Ignore it.
  11. Golfmag is back! I can confirm my handicap is far far higher than what Golfmags would be ?
  12. Howay, man I hope this is a joke. Nope, Mandy out ? PIF still in but either with a lesser share (or more ?‍♂️) I know this lad pretty well and we talk football loads so it came up as a side comment when I was talking about the big picture debacle which of course led to me moaning about the takeover. He doesn’t support any team so he’s got no reason to know any of this otherwise. He handles investments and image rights for retired sports people in his day job.
  13. I heard earlier that the consortium has changed slightly involving someone new but won’t include Amanda Staveley going forward. The ownership percentages have also changed. I’m hearing this through a golf buddy who’s a member somewhere else where he would definitely be exposed to these sorts of people so have no reason to doubt him. - don’t know the new person but I’m guessing that’s who he’s heard this from (directly or indirectly)
  14. Dr Jinx

    Kevin Keegan

    Totally agree, the central defenders just didn’t have that bit more needed to win those games where teams had us under pressure. And the game at SJP against Man Utd, we battered them just as much as we did in the 5-0, just Schmeichel somehow kept the ball out of the net, then the sucker punch. Pav or Shaka never gave us that, as good as they were. Also the game against Liverpool, the 4-3, with some proper leadership at the back we might have hung on in that game. And that would have been the league..
  15. In hindsight perhaps, the reality is that Newcastle is a totally different beast to almost every other club in terms of pressure because of the size of the job to turn around. We’re constantly either reeling from years of poor management or else our best players have been sold on. There’s very few managers in world football that have broad enough shoulders to meet that head on. Gerrard took a while to grow into that job and the experience he’s gaining now might serve him better when he decides to step up but nufc would have been way too soon for him and would have done his managerial career no favours at all if he’d taken it.
  16. No idea what to think about this anymore. There’s a side that will say it’s good when things are quiet because it means things are getting done without the media finding out. But then also, nothing may be happening and that lawyer chap just might be a massive bread nonce. Or maybe the way has been cleared but PIF aren’t interested any more.
  17. Such a smarmy git. Has the look of someone who knows he’s corrupt as fuck but also knows he’s gotten away with it.
  18. Dr Jinx

    Jeff Hendrick

    Hypothetically, if a takeover ever happened. Any sort of top manager would walk in and bin that entire midfield. Hendrick is the only one there who thinks this is probably the best he’ll ever do. Shelvey, Hayden and the Longstaffs think or have thought of this club as a stepping stone in their career. Don’t tell me that talk of Longstaff to Man Utd didn’t flatter the cunt. He’s been dogshit ever since.
  19. It’s gas watching him huffing and puffing not having a clue what to do when he comes up against a manager who knows what he’s doing. He picked the team tonight though so it falls on him, if he didn’t notice Longstaff looked totally shot in training that’s on him. Our players man for man should be better than what they are. But they never will be under him
  20. As good as they’ve been (Southampton), Everton are a far better drilled team and despite their injuries they still had enough that they should have beaten us. But they didn’t. If we play to the same level we can get something from this. If we get lashed out of it, it’ll be down to bad preparation.
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