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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. That turn and pass to Wilson for the 2nd goal was outrageously sexy.
  2. Pretty much guaranteed at least 14th now as no chance Southampton will beat both Liverpool and Leicester.
  3. Not seen a Brazilian as tidy as this since I went to Magaluf.
  4. Best game in a long time. He linked up brilliantly in the first quarter of the game and did everything I’ve been desperate for him to do. Didn’t win the game on his own, but we’ve won it as a team. More of this please.
  5. There’s Xhaka again with his dodgy last minute yellow for his betting mates Always happens.
  6. Surprised it’s just an NUFC award and not some sort of Fifa recognition.
  7. Didn’t realise he was only 17 when I was reading that article - was expecting him to be in his mid twenties for some reason. Good on him. Hope others feel that they’re able to come out too.
  8. “A teenage Championship footballer will come out as gay in a televised interview next week in a bid to tackle the scourge of homophobia in the sport, it has been claimed. Seems really bizarre in 2022 that this is news, but here we are. Also find it crazy that there is only one gay footballer across the world who is ‘out’. Says a lot about the sport.
  9. Everton fans are bound to be okay with him, they literally hounded out the previous bloke before he signed on the dotted line. Lampard was pretty much appointed by the fans.
  10. A team fighting relegation “showing some fight” shocker. A few posts up @Yorkiehas summarised clearly why Lampard has been indifferent at best. He failed to get Derby promoted with Mount in the team, he failed at Chelsea (who immediately picked up after him and won the CL) and his Everton team are still tactically all over the shop and in a relegation battle. He also has Pardew lips. Every thing that comes out of his mouth is a PFM cliche and he’s a Tory tosser. Not sure what there is to like about him, tbh.
  11. Every fanbase has a mentalist called Adam then?
  12. If your account goes into minus, leave it alone and in a few days you’ll get an email to say they’ve written off the balance and reset it to zero.
  13. Fancy us to beat these, based on absolutely nowt.
  14. Didn’t realise but if Burnley and Leeds both win, even a point against Palace isn’t good enough for Everton. I know it won’t happen, but it’s still sexy to think about.
  15. Would love Everton to lose their last two. Every chance both Leeds and Burnley will be able to grab one win.
  16. Love how Everton fan are seemingly allowed to buy and have flares at every game, lobbing them onto the pitch constantly… do the FA not sanction clubs for shit like that these days?
  17. How the fuck is that a pen?
  18. No, I think you’ll find it’s you who is talking ‘complete bollocks’. As I said in my original post, which you seem to have been a bit to thick to comprehend, members could put suggestions forward. None of the hypothetical scenarios I put forward in my post would result in the suggestions you’ve made in yours. Inappropriate suggestions could of course be put to one side. I’d also argue your point that any charity donation would be ‘too small to make a difference’. Any donation to any charity makes a difference… that’s the whole point.
  19. Administering community grants is totally different from making a donation to a registered charity. They could’ve done something totally unusual and consulted with their members (you know, the people who are actually important in the Trust) and asked for suggestions. Those suggestions could be, as you say, a small % to hundreds of charities or big donations to two or three. Equally there could’ve been a list of suggested charities with a vote and the charities getting a % of the pot based on their votes. There are so many ways of doing it, loads of them could have been collaborative. I’ll leave it again. So many missed opportunities to get something/anything done with this Trust are absolutely infuriating though.
  20. Do charities have a long history of squandering donations?
  21. Are they seriously making charities “put forward” a case for the funds? Aye, let’s ask some charities to beg for cash. Everything Hurst does is like a little power trip. “Oh look at me deciding between you all” sort of thing.
  22. Why does his torso look like a sad face?
  23. Haven’t you heard? Greg’s got a new lass. Impossible to sort shite like this between work and a lass. He’s a top bloke though.
  24. NUST have sent a proposal to the club on how to manage STs without asking their membership on what people want Think that sums up the Trust more than anything else. Only in it for themselves. Remind me… isn’t Greg a ‘canceler’ himself? Weird that.
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