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Everything posted by RobsonsWonderland

  1. You buy Tierney, you end up buying again in a couple of years. You buy Hall, he adapts this season and first choice for the future. Chelsea sell him they claim the full profit... Which is the only reason he is on the market.
  2. Rule of thumb is nobody knows nowt... And when we do buy someone it's a surprise. So I'm not getting wrapped up on targets to replace targett just yet.
  3. I think this has now become the biggest shake up in football since clubs were allowed to buy more then three foreign players per team. And one thing is for certain... The premier League are no longer the biggest fish in the pound. We will still have the best product and league but it does make you wonder if this and Chelsea etc inflating fees will start to cripple or limit the spending at some premier League clubs.
  4. No football club can plan for a five / right year period. Players can be one season wonders, pick up long term injuries or sit on their long term contacts and not be arsed. Unless they can be moved on, it will also stop them buying and new players two / three years down the line. I know... I play Football Manager lol
  5. Yep I think it's my eyes! Or more the fact I keep expecting him to be more involved but it seems to be the game is being playing around him
  6. Had Mount went off? Or have they decided not to pass to him ?
  7. I think you might have nailed it on the head for me... I don't even think they are buying players for the squad now but so they can sell some of them every year to balance the books. If only there was a a crazy new league somewhere that would take players off there hands for ridiculous amount of money! It would be even better if there was a secret pact where everyone agrees not to buy any of their players and make them break the rules!
  8. Or was it we made the most of what we had? The lads did a great job for what we needed (a relegation battle at one stage) But you would not be looking to buy either Burn or Targett as your future lb options if they were on the market today.
  9. The daft thing is if they didn't bid ridiculous fees for players last window then we wouldn't be here now... And they could have bought even more players at half the price lol
  10. Both Ibrox and St James you say... guess Mike's left his old Telewest internet router plugged in up there as well. Next you will be telling me their speakers were crackly and they only have one CD for their song list! Say it after me...Mc Brunoooo!
  11. I know people go on about our extra champions league games but think even the Europa League will but pressure on the Liverpool, Brighton and Villa squads after watching this weekends games. Easier competition but their benches will be impacted as much as ours
  12. I think it's just the stadium acoustics It never stopped in the leazers east corner... And if I'm honest we can't hear the noise in the galllowgate or corner from where we are. Just make it the best you can from wherever you are... And it will grow and grow.
  13. Not much to shift but I guess if we could move Frazier, Hayden, Manquillo, Hendrick etc even out on loan it would free some FFP funding?
  14. I reckon with the little twats smudging windows and kicking cars.. the player's would love it to be on the edge of town!
  15. Think he is too much of a maverick for Pep and Southgate... Always asking for the ball and creating movement. Understand England as Southgate prefers not to take risks
  16. Of course he wants to go... Maybe he had hoped for other options to appear but I think it's a fantastic move for him. It's ironic that between him and shearer they will have only one one trophy!
  17. Oh well just have to hope to play them in the FA Cup
  18. Yeah but half the parents will be u18 as well... So it's a £5 for everyone!
  19. We will be seeing the medical stats and maybe this has been sold to Trippier as a way to extend his career by one or more seasons... you are long time retired.
  20. Personally thought Trippier played with an injury or on the edge of one the second half of the season. A fair few games he was holding the back of his hammy and at least now we can rest him if need be
  21. I don't mind what Carra is saying... Let's keep being the dark horses and watch the other clubs self combust as the season progresses.
  22. Remember when we used to put fake bids in to say we tried... I think Man U are putting fake fees on players to at least say they tried to sell them!
  23. A lot of if's and buts but the rules have now changed to say players can switch dual nationality as long as they don't play in the senior tournaments... It's wrong in my eyes but he could still play for both teams
  24. Rice, Bellingham and one other in Cm. Surely someone has to replace Henderson....
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