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Everything posted by christ

  1. Just flatten the Leppings Lane end and be done with it. Death trap.
  2. I wonder if we might plug a couple of gaps with loans and keep our powder dry until the summer? We could be operating in a completely different league and attracting a different calibre of player if we manage CL qualification. Could be the savvy thing to do if there’s no deals for our first choices to be done.
  3. £15m for a fringe player on a massive wage, the wrong side of 30 and with 18 months left on their deal is far too good to turn down. I hope he does well. Seemed like a great bloke. That transfer fee was like a millstone around his neck though. He always looked under pressure.
  4. Does anyone know how we were doing at this exact point last year?
  5. Looks like he’s keeping weight off the ankle. Worrying.
  6. I imagine we’re being just opportunistic and seeing what we can get out of Chelsea being fucking mental.
  7. Been telt to up his game and do some fancy patterns like at the King Power so Maddison feels at home.
  8. He’s all sweetness and light compared to a lot of people on here.
  9. christ

    On this day...

    15 years today Liam Lawrence jipped me out of a couple of hundred quid
  10. Now there’s a player I completely forgot about.
  11. christ

    Alexander Isak

    His movement is mental. Finds space so easily. It’s like defenders don’t even realise he’s on the pitch.
  12. Probably the best I’ve seen at SJP this season.
  13. Any injury to Bruno is obviously a negative, but could be a bit of a blessing by allowing us to refresh things. Teams are starting to come to SJP with a gameplan.
  14. Don’t read too much into the tears, he’d only just realised Joelinton was driving him home.
  15. Two and a half pages of people slitting their wrists for nought.
  16. Having to cut his foot off just above the ankle apparently.
  17. The Everton stadium situation does seem suspect as fuck to me. They’re building it on the assumption they’ll get enough investment to finish it, and they’re on the hook from Liverpool Council to return the site to normal should they not.
  18. https://theathletic.com/4087929/2023/01/15/aleksandar-mitrovic-fulham-newcastle-exclusive/?source=user_shared_article
  19. I think our issue is spending outside our means now could stop us from flexing our muscles later when we have loads of commercial deals etc in place.
  20. I don’t think there’s a manager in the world who could take a squad of wingers and wide forwards and get them winning on a regular basis. Just the most incoherent transfer policy going, cutting off their new manager at the legs so that daft Yank can play FM. I’ve long since given up trying to work out how FFP works.
  21. Rodgers is having a proper Pardew season. Large periods of dog shit broken up by an inexplicable, skin saving winning run.
  22. It does my tits in that people ever liked him. He was always a bellend, even during his first seasons.
  23. Malicious they’re definitely not. They’ve chucked money around like nee cunt’s business. It’s now coming back to bite them.
  24. A PL streaming service would kill Sky, BT etc. Sports rights are where they make most of their money, and the majority of people who do subscribe do so because of the football.
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