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Everything posted by christ

  1. I don’t know how you forge a career in professional football and end up as one footed as Miggy is.
  2. Our lack of quality out wide really being exposed now teams are coming to SJP and sitting back. Need ASM and Wilson back urgently.
  3. I’ve seen similar in North Korea, so unique might be pushing it.
  4. I don’t think Adam P has done anything wrong here like. He defended himself. Whatever is going on with Lowes he can’t go around bullying people. On the other hand Wraith is a fucking tit.
  5. You’re getting wound up by something you’ve imagined in your own head.
  6. It could work quite well at a home cup tie (if we get one).
  7. That’s the flip side aye. Give a new meaning to the term Royal Rumble.
  8. The other consideration - unmentioned so far I think - is some stadium-wide activity backfiring because some fans get pissed off with those who aren’t minded to take part.
  9. People are not advocating that we burn an effigy of her before kick off, they just don’t think we should be going out of our way to celebrate her. That’s the most middle of the road opinion possible. The more I think on it the more I want Wor Flags to steer well clear. It’s not worth the arse ache. It’ll be out of mind by the time we play Brentford. Leave that shite to Rangers.
  10. If there was a chance a home game reasonably soon I could see the point but by the time we play Brentford she’ll have been dead for a month. Would just look odd.
  11. What am I meant to do with all these knock off Gucci headbands, Allan? Selfish.
  12. Toffs have been around for yonks. Haven’t bought anything from them for a decade plus but the quality was top notch.
  13. I know so many Royal hoop lickers who are absolutely fizzing the football is off
  14. I’ve seen a few bits of “I can’t believe people are carrying on as normal” handwringing this morning. I’m not sure what the expectation is? Life is fucking miserable enough at the moment without expecting people to forego all leisure activity to sit in front of BBC News for the next week and a half. Not like we’re getting ten days off work either.
  15. I done similar for a few of the Tyne-Wear affairs, including the 5-1. Woke up the next day not quite sure whether the result was real or not.
  16. I’ll be knocking around a few of those. Can’t wait to try it.
  17. The turnover of first team players is mental really when you see it written down. It obviously needed to be done but to change half your starting XI in two windows is some ask. The fact we appear to have managed it without falling into the traps that every other nouveau riche club with pretensions of the top half does is a massive credit to the club.
  18. I feel very protective of everyone in the squad at the moment. I don’t dislike any of our players.
  19. Great servant. Never let us down. Best of luck to him.
  20. Remember last year when we couldn’t afford to loan Hamza Choudary
  21. He’s been a bellend for ages. His vendetta against Burnley was pathetic.
  22. I don’t think we’ll sign anyone and I don’t think that’s an issue. The squad is vastly improved on where we were twelve months ago - look at the spine of our team ffs - and it’s unreasonable to expect the owners to be able to address every weakness in two very different transfer windows. We’re at the start of a very long ride. I’m just going to try and enjoy supporting us for once.
  23. Where do we stand on player registrations? Hard to see us bringing anyone in (except maybe a centre mid) unless we can move a couple of players on.
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