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Everything posted by christ

  1. I’d go with this. Maybe Longstaff for Joe. ASM loves games like this.
  2. There was some absolute bollocks being floated about Howe in December and January. I remember a lot of people acting like utter minges when Bruno wasn’t starting every game. That thread was a fucking nightmare.
  3. I liked our substitutions yesterday. Giving English lads a run out in front of Southgate. Very nice.
  4. I’ve been on the beer for the last few hours so forgive the superlatives, but for a 20 minute period after our second is some to the best football I’ve seen us play. We could’ve added another five. We were irresistible.
  5. There’s a degree of mental exhaustion for a lot of us. If PIF had arrived following a relatively popular owner who hadn’t ran the club into the ground a lot more fans would be uncomfortable with the situation. That’s not the case though, and a lot of people just want to enjoy football again. It doesn’t help that the world around is utterly fucked too. Got to find those small moments of joy where you can.
  6. People kicking off about this either now or on the day are just proving everything people say about sportswashing correct. The first game after the takeover had its share of protests and things didn’t appear to get heated. I hope it’s the same this time around. Doesn’t really matter what you think of these people or their motivations they have a point.
  7. PSG doesn’t sound like a particularly healthy environment, but the daft cunt only has himself to blame so fuck him.
  8. Last year I found threatening to fuck them was pretty good at shutting them up.
  9. Don’t Wor Flags have a LGBTQ flag from years past? It would be nice to see that at the weekend.
  10. It’s frankly shameful the club have swerved this so far. I hope it’s rectified between now and the end of the month. We could really do with some of the journalists who have spent the last few days working themselves into a tizzy because Howe criticised Klopp turning their attention towards this.
  11. christ

    Fabian Schär

    Is he our best value for money signing ever?
  12. How the fuck was their goal not VARed off? More to the point, how the fuck did we not have to penalties? Joke officiating.
  13. christ

    Nick Pope

  14. Absolutely nee idea how this is up for debate. It’s shit goalkeeping.
  15. Possibly. If we’re missing Bruno and Joelinton we might not have much choice.
  16. Holt’s always been an idiot. He’s from the cabal of ex-Sunday Supplement journalists that just sit around sniffing their own farts.
  17. It does beg the question what the fuck he was employed for like.
  18. I don’t think it was ever a secret. Even Gerrard told everyone Beale did the tactics and training.
  19. It was never anything approaching a fucking penalty. To say the Toxteth Princess Di went looking for it would be an understatement.
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