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Everything posted by christ

  1. I’ve seen no reason he can’t play there longer term, but because Burn’s so physically imposing it just looks wrong. Should be a height limit on fullbacks. I do like the flexibility having him in that position gives us mind. We basically switch to 352 when we’re in possession now, which lets Trippier bomb on and cause carnage with his crosses.
  2. Wet blankets. Bloke signed up to the project when we were in a relegation battle, has spoken frequently about wanting to be a legend here and has a load of time left on his contract. People need to chill out.
  3. I can’t quite articulate how I feel about Owen. I hate him obviously, but it’s now more to do with the fact he’s a fucking charisma vacuum than anything else. He’s so terminally dull it makes me furious
  4. christ


    Yeah, I’m going to need links.
  5. christ

    St James' Park

    My gut feeling is the club and council are going to break their backs to find a way to increase the capacity. Not sure by how much (East Stand is a lost cause IMO), but there’s too much on the line here. Everyone benefits. Reckon we’ll get a ridiculous steep single tier Gallowgate expansion.
  6. christ

    St James' Park

    After the first underwhelming season a load of people will fuck off in a huff.
  7. christ

    St James' Park

    People have a preconceived idea of what a world class ground looks like based on the current trend towards turning stadia into these all encompassing centres of entertainment in which a game of football just happens to be played. It’s a very Americanised view of what the stadium experience should be. Pack people in and rinse them for all their worth. I don’t see it being particularly desirable from a moral perspective, but I think it’s also something that would actually be to the detriment of the current match day experience. One of the best things about a SJP is how the proximity allows the club to essentially take over the entire city centre on a Saturday afternoon. To deliver on this ‘world class’ stadium experience you’d likely need to move out of the city centre. It’d kill match days stone dead. There’s an opportunity for the club to do something really innovative here. It doesn’t necessarily mean moving away from SJP. It doesn’t necessarily mean looking at the fans as cash cows.
  8. christ

    Jacob Murphy

    Wrong. It’s full of tarts who are constantly on the verge of a leppy fit. Zero perspective. You had people practically self-harming in the Fulham thread when the team was announced. Maddening stuff from a fanbase who were holding up banners saying “we don’t demand a team that wins” a few years ago.
  9. ‘Extraordinary’ puts me in mind of a proper ridiculous FM-style marquee signing. The type of player we’ve avoided thus far. I can think of a few names but to even commit them to text feels daft. Tbh I quite enjoy the approach we’ve taken thus far. Younger, highly rated players who are going to be the backbone of the team for years to come. I’m not desperate for us to start chucking silly money around at big names.
  10. christ

    Jacob Murphy

    Our fans and this place in particular are bad for it. Sure it happens with other clubs too, but some of the nonsense spouted on here is beyond belief at times. Could forgive it if there was a lack of application or effort, but that’s evidently not the case for any of our lot right now. I also can’t abide the steadfast refusal of some to accept a player who is not flavour of the month (Murphy, Willock, Wood etc) can ever contribute positively in any way whatsoever. Murphy played well on Saturday. Absolutely indisputable. I saw it with my own eyes. He had help because they were a man down, but what are you going to do? Lad did exactly what was asked of him and he did it well. And you’ve got certifiable cretins trying to dismiss reality lest they have to eat a tiny slice of humble pie online.
  11. Glad it’s not just me that thinks Pod on the Tyne is unlistenable. The ‘banter’ is fucking minging.
  12. His stock has fallen since he left us, no doubt. There’s only a finite number of Prem jobs and he’s not getting anything towards the top end of the table. Forest make sense in that regard.
  13. No brainer. Guarantees goals when he’s on the pitch. Now we just need to sort out a better chant for him.
  14. I haven’t seen anyone getting carried away, just enjoying an impressive win away from home where we played well despite missing some key personnel.
  15. Fraser has in the past. Not this season. Miggy is just shit.
  16. Don’t fully understand that selection (other than Burn for Targett, which I assume is about height) but we’re not leaving anything outstanding on the bench. Murphy over any of our other players is a much of muchness.
  17. Likewise. Blood pressure can’t cope with Almiron killing every attack stone dead.
  18. If he’s getting out of breath doing a simple press conference I don’t think he’s fit.
  19. christ

    Garang Kuol

    We have been spectacularly shit at doing either like. Look at Toney. Considered a relative success because we had a sell on clause but in reality letting him go for what we did - or even at all - was a massive fuck up.
  20. christ

    Miguel Almirón

    Anger squared because of the pipes in our support that insist he’s a decent player.
  21. There is a degree of perspective required. We haven’t been bested by anyone we’ve played against really. Even Liverpool has a massive asterisk attached. These are missed opportunities though.
  22. Yep. We’ve had to rejig the entire midfield to make up for his absence.
  23. He is properly shit. The number of people on here who were fooled by him after preseason too
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