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Everything posted by christ

  1. Imagine if we didn’t have a fanbase full of grifters and bullshitters who are in love with the smell of their own farts.
  2. His recommendations were generally quite good, it’s just we usually signed the ones at the bottom of the list.
  3. christ


    The SMB brain trust have weighed up the evidence and decided it’s mags.
  4. Those are the only two that have had any sort of sustained presence, and IMO that was because of the qualities of the people on here who drove it. Every other campaign falls to bits because of the egos involved and the general feeling among our fanbase that any small disagreement in either action or desired outcome means the only response is to call the protesters twats. That said I don’t see much value in protests at the moment. Not until this takeover stuff has went through the courts. Let people get enjoy themselves for a couple of months. No one is going to want to do anything right now for a variety of reasons.
  5. christ

    Joe Willock

    I am under absolutely no illusion as to how this football club operates.
  6. christ

    Joe Willock

    I wouldn’t say I’m jubilant like. It would be a good signing. I think you have to be pretty churlish to suggest otherwise. Some of the criticism - about the fee, about the fact other clubs aren’t in for him - is just plain odd. At this point signing anyone that makes it marginally less likely we get relegated is cause for some small degree of cheer, because Ashley isn’t shifting a Championship club for £300m.
  7. christ

    Joe Willock

    Not sure what that has to do with my post but ok.
  8. christ

    Joe Willock

    I appreciate everything is shit and the club is a mess, but the level of pissing and moaning at the prospect of us spending money on a player Arsenal fans want them to keep hold of is quite something. I’m off to watch Requiem for a Dream to cheer up.
  9. Got some tickets for me and my eldest yesterday and there are lot of sections with 100+ seats remaining. Gallowgate is pretty much sold out but other than that you can take your pick. Probably be around 47k.
  10. christ

    Joe Willock

    It’s hard to work out exactly what the going rate is for players since we as a club are so detached from the economics of the wider football world. £20m is probably fuck all nowadays but for us it’s astronomical
  11. christ

    Joe Willock

    This. Sit on the bench at Arsenal or come here and get himself in the shop window, presumably with a pay rise included.
  12. It seems a bit weird we need a thread specifically for people to self-sooth and we can’t just discuss the matter at hand but that’s just me.
  13. Hoffenheim confirmed it was £40m upfront when the deal was announced.
  14. Gold on any of our kits just feels like someone taking the piss tbh.
  15. I think 40 people is pretty respectable given the circumstances. As Stiffy has pointed out, and I think as the reaction to NUST’s non-involvement shows, our fans love the idea of a protest just as long as it is exactly what they want and doesn’t actually require them themselves having to do anything. People would be shitting themselves in much the same way had they actually got involved in yesterday. Out of curiosity how many people kicking off about NUST on here actually bothered their backside to go to the protest?
  16. Maybe they could’ve done but I think the protest is pretty inconsequential now. It doesn’t make sense to get so wound up about it. I’m usually pro-direct action, and I’ve always been a big advocate and participated in the stuff we’ve done in and around the stadium against Ashley. This is totally different though. It’s a legal matter. I don’t think it’s that important.
  17. I have some degree of sympathy with NUST. The reason we’ve had dozens of fan groups over the last decade is that - speaking frankly - our supporters are hysterical children who flip their lid the moment any one of these groups does something that they don’t agree with to the letter. There’s no small amount of it on display in this thread for example. Someone needs to do the boring stuff. Someone needs to try and liaise with the club, try to get them to improve the match day experience etc. I assume that since the takeover is now in the courts, far beyond the stage where a fan group could influence the outcome, they’ve decided they’re better off focusing on that stuff than wasting time having a massive paddy.
  18. I must be blind. I think the home shirt is canny. Grandad collar and big stripes are a winner for me. The only thing spoiling it is the eyesore of a sponsor.
  19. I’ve seen their viewing figures. I refuse to believe hundreds of people have been asking for this.
  20. It’s definitely Raylor he’s referring to. Stevie T was more likely to lick a TV screen than smash it.
  21. How anyone can look at his track record - not just in our takeover(s) - and think he’s anything other than a total gobshite I do not know. Dodgy as fuck.
  22. Give your head a wobble you silly bugger. The problem with Stone Cold Steve Daftcunt isn’t that he has the same views of Tommy Robinson. He probably doesn’t. It’s that he’s such a shameless self publicist he think it’s fine to platform the dickhead.
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