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Everything posted by LordJake

  1. Parklands will be I’d imagine. Racecourse will be floated by RacingUK money. The only meetings they will make money otherwise would be the plate, fighting fifth and ladies day and they have all diminished in stature once it went all weather
  2. No chance of building on the woods it’s SSSI. Only option is the racecourse or Parklands. Racecourse would be viable as it’s already owned by the Ruebens
  3. I pity those having affairs. Where are they going to go if the Border Minstrel shuts? The Falcons Nest doesn’t have the same ambience or discretion
  4. I remember watching the ressies when Gazza played and coming home and telling me fatha this fat kid from Gateshead was the future. First Newcastle lad I’ve seen who’s at the same level. This kid is outstanding
  5. Don’t think it will. Us and Man U going straight out puts a big hole in the coefficient boat. Germany, Italy and Spain are ahead in the current rankings
  6. Aye, I was working at the city council at the time and it would have be a lengthy process with public enquiry after public enquiry. SJH got impatient binned the scheme and threatened relocation to either a site at the metro centre or a site near Gateshead stadium. There two main opposition groups, No Business on The Moor and Friends of Leazes Park led by the Indefatigable Dolly Potter, she was like a dog with a bone!
  7. Yep, my mate’s nephew is one of the head honchos. His father died recently and he wanted to be involved to honour his dad’s legacy. Deal was done a couple of weeks ago
  8. LordJake

    Alexander Isak

    The way he shifts his feet for the goal man, that’s a top draw forward
  9. I was half decent as a young’un until I realised there were kids way better than me. Few of the lads I played with had good northern league careers, winning the vase. Started playing again in my twenties but it was half hearted, more interested in necking pills and chasing lasses. One of our squad members was our erstwhile former chairman, Lee Charnley ?
  10. For all you lot moaning about comms and shit, try Bein. Gray Keys and McAteer honestly want to put me pint through the tv
  11. Currently watching in Malta. Obviously Bein and hairy hands and Gray doing the half time analysis. Maltese barman - Richard Keys is a wanker The universal language of football ?
  12. I was in gallowgate corner last night towards the east stand. It was like I’d joined a knitting club, full of middle aged ladies. Got told to sit down loads and was almost the only one singing apart from the lads behind me. Awful last night compared to PSG when I was in level 7 Leazes
  13. True. This is how AA and GA works well with the aid of sponsors, people with the same lived experiences. He’d be in a position to teach others of the pitfalls and warning signs of addiction
  14. My 70yr old mate, platinum club seat told the club he didn’t have a smartphone and wouldn’t be getting one and told them to sort it. They sent him a card
  15. Sat in the Crows Nest and was joined at my table by a couple of Jocks, one late 40’s the other late 50’s. They asked where do the away fans drink. Anywhere really, i replied, there’s no set pubs, why? We want to stab a few of the cunts?
  16. Aye, me too. My first season going with mate’s rather than with me dad or uncle
  17. Took me through the queuing to redirecting to website and then no ballots available
  18. LordJake

    Steve Harper

    No neurosurgery theatre scrub
  19. LordJake

    Steve Harper

    Yep, I work in neurosurgery, if he hasn’t had a surgical intervention that’s a good sign
  20. LordJake


    My mate was living in Zurich at the time. Flew there and got the train through the alps to Turin via Milan, great experience. We did the same, went for bait and had a canny drink. The alcohol ban was barely enforced. We went to a few places and were only moved on once a place got mobbed. Remember an ice cream van on the way to the ground doing a roaring trade, not many people leaving with cornets mind?
  21. Juve away was the same. Kept us all back and people started to get agitated. Coppers pulled their masks over their faces and raised their batons
  22. LordJake


    Locksy? Doesn’t drink in there anymore, drinks in the Crows. Sadly he’s not very well
  23. LordJake


    Nah, The County was a coppers bar years ago when the station was opposite on Hawthorn road but that’s been closed nearly 30 years! I’m a regular, there’s more Chelsea and Spurs fans. Only one openly mackem I know of gets in regularly
  24. Keegan will always be the beating heart, Eddie is the brain
  25. St James’s Terrace is grade 2, same as Leazes Tce
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