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Derby 1 - 0 Newcastle United - 17/09/07 - Post match reaction from page 19


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Tin hat on time here. im probably going to be crucified for what i say here but who gives a f***.That performance was totally and utterly unacceptable, outfought outpassed and out thought by a team who in all fairness are nailed on to finish bottom of the league. Not once could we do anything simple like make a square pass or play the ball out wide. after watching all the games so far this season we have been clueless in all of them playing boring ugly through the middle football ( we were warned by a lot of bolton fans on here and theres us thinking they were just bitter, welcome to there world  under Allardyce)


Nicky Butt had possibly his worst game for the club and thats saying something after the shambolic display he put in against Man U at cardiff, our 2 centre halves were terrorised and terrified by an ex roofer from tow law and Kenny Miller...kenny miller for fucks sake what on earth is Fernando Torres going to do. Our goalkeeping situation is a worry after seeing Sam's interview it doesnt look like shay is going to get back in which is a crying shame as Harper is nothing short of a pub goalie, his positional sense is absolutely shocking ( too many people on here up the guys arse face it lads he is s****)


How can our players have such inablity to deliver a cross or a corner or deliver a free kick into a dangerous area, tonights set pieces were nothing short of a total disgrace, we gave away the best set pice taker and deliverer of a ball at the club ....nice one sam..we have no width everything is through the middle too crowded and sloppy...


One last thing we slated scott parker last year for his total inabilities in midfield now we have another captain in the same mould...and how s**** is Shola when will people accept that he is just not good enough to be a premier league player



Rant over im now going to get extremely drunk and fall asleep and not bother reading the s**** in the papers tomorrow



Knee jerk and ive got my tin hat on




Well said sir . Butty was in fact truly atrocious today

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Dreadful performance and the worst was from Allardyce himself!


My misgivings about him continually playing Smith on the right aside, his substitutions were truly incredibly awful!


1. Martins for Owen - Granted Owen wasn't getting a sniff but that was clearly because a) Our midfiled was imbalanced due to Smith being non existant and b) Ameobi being completely inable to hold the ball up or control the ball long enough for Owen to get a sniff!


But Ameobi's performance was ignored and like most games so far, so was Smith's.


2. Faye for Geremi - this was from the silly to the ridiculous - take off one of our so called creative midfielders, someone who could have replaced Smith on the right side and put on at best a 'defensive midfielder', who after 5 minutes clearly lacked match fitness.


Smith by this time had been booked and was still r*bbish - but hey ho, lets keep him on anyway, or at the very least if determined to keep him on, replace that piece of lard Ameobi who too had continued to be awful!


3.  And then to cap it all off, he takes Taylor off and puts Beye on, ignoring the fact that Rozenhal had been taken to the cleaners by the front two all night and we had desperately needed some 'muscle' in the centre position.


Clearly he thought Rozenhal was more creative and could push forward, slightly too late me thinks but lets reward sh*te performances eh?


Aside from Allardyce, the main culprits our there:


Rozenhal  - he looked so lightweight tonight, someone like Drogba or Davies is going to have a field day with him if he plays like that!


N'Zogbia - worked hard but really his first bad game and it was a shocker, his set pieces could have graced the Sunday Church League.


Smith - If this guy is a midflielder then someone better let me into the secret, all I saw was some rash tackles and no actual substance whatesoever, on the right he is a sham of a premiership player.


Ameobi - his big chance and true to his past - he was sh*t!



Overall, quite dreadful - we couldn't pass, couldn't create, lacked a cutting edge and had no shape whatesoever. 


PS. Hats off to James Milner who continues to work his socks off and also to Taylor, while not being a right back, again worked very hard..

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Guest Micktoon

Totally shit all over the park. Can't believe what I just watched. Fucking clueless. Hopefully just a hitch but that was absolutely fucking woefull.

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Not only is Smith useless, it's becoming clear that the blokes a liability and he'll be sent off soon.


How many yellow cards has he got so far this season?


Four in six games. Three in the league though, before you get any ideas. :lol:


One more yellow and he gets a ban then doesn't he?

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Despite the fact that we had two clear penalties denied it is fact that Derby wanted it more and were first to the ball especially in the second half. They still were only able to win by a wonder strike from Miller.


Other negatives... Zoggy was wearing ice skates from the look of his performance - especially in the first half. Rozza missed a sitter (before he was raped in the box twice by "he with the dodgy bonnet"). Smith was terrible and we are missing a playmaker.


Barton and Emre would have been handy this game... no idea why Geremi was taken off instead of Smith.


Also Ameobi cannot be Viduka... nor will he ever be - that plan was not working so why not try something else? Owen/Martins?


That sucked... but we'll survive and I am not sure Derby will.


Pearson was clear MOTM today still on a high from beating the frogs.

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To be honest I don't blame the team, I blame Allardyce, that team didn't work at middlesborough, didn't work against wigan and wasn't gonna work tonight.  Smith is not a midfielder and certainly not a winger, butt and geremi are negative players in the centre with no creative abilities  and milner is not so good on the left. 


The subs were senseless, why does he keep subbing like for like strikers, when the teams problem was the utter lack of service?  Then bringing on faye for geremi must be the most pointless substitution ever, 1-0 down you bring on a center back/DM to play on the left hand side?  I can't understand any of the logic in any of the team.


PS - Where the hell is Enrique, and I thought Emre was fit?

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Both manager and players were fucking appalling tonight.


Allardyce had it wrong from the very start with keeping that midfield. I'm repeating everyone else here but there is simply no creativity from Butt, Smith & Geremi. And then to keep this ridiculous opinion of Owen & Martins being incapable of playing together going just adds to the annoyance.


I didn't see one thing tonight from Ameobi which benefited the team, and if Smith is going to play then it can only be in the role which Ameobi was supposed to do. I'm no Smith fan but at least he is actually capable of holding up the ball and winning the occasional header without fouling an opposition player, and he actually works hard.


Charlie has to play in midfield as well. I don't give a frig if all other left backs are injured, N'Zogbia is more beneficial to us in a midfield role than he ever will in defense.


All in all it was depressingly bad. The passing was off, there was no cutting edge, we were shite, etc etc, which is especially unfortunate considering the tricky run of games coming up. Bollocks!

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Not only is Smith useless, it's becoming clear that the blokes a liability and he'll be sent off soon.


How many yellow cards has he got so far this season?


Four in six games. Three in the league though, before you get any ideas. :lol:


One more yellow and he gets a ban then doesn't he?


Does the cup card count towards the five?

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Guest DarkSchneider

It seems that Big Sam did everything wrong today. Owen off way to early. Smith and Ameobi ahead of Martins. Faye for Geremi, ...

I have seen just the last 25 minutes but what I saw was far from inspiring. Martins not getting one good ball, not one chance created, disgraceful passing and nothing positive. Why not play Emre? Why take Owen off when you could take Shola or Smith. Why play with 2 defensive midfielders + Smith who is just that, if he's not playing as a striker. No creativity at all...


It seems that our managers just fail to make tha right selection when they have options.


I Hope that Big sam improves soon.

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Not only is Smith useless, it's becoming clear that the blokes a liability and he'll be sent off soon.


How many yellow cards has he got so far this season?


Would have got a red if he was fast enough, one point shortly after he was booked he went down looking for a foul, didnt get it and you could see his intention after he ran as fast as he could at the Derby player with the ball. Luckily for Smith he got rid of it before he could clatter into him.

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TIme for some match ratings on that shower i think:


Harper - 5 : Seemed to waste time with his kicks when we needed to get back in it. Looked a bit flat footed for the goal but didnt   really have a chance


Taylor- 5 : Pretty poor display, lacked composure at times


Cacapa- 5 : Thought he could have done better for the goal and sometimes seemed to give howard too much time


Rozenhal- 5: At times did not look too composed. Missed a sitter but to be fair did really well to get there in the 1st place


NZogbia- 4 : The fans favourite had a shocker. What boots does this guy wear??? He was like an ice skater for the majority of the match. His set plays were woeful


Milner - 6 : The only player with an ounce of creativity. Tried his best to make things happen.


Geremi: 4 : Seemed to slow the midfield down together with butt. No fluidity at all


Butt: 4 Formed an invisible midfield combo with Geremi


Smith: 4 - Slid about to show commitment to the cause, whilst not actually using his brain.  Captain :frantic:


Owen: 5 - Woeful service to Owen. Having played with the england lads last week he must have felt like he was playing in the Blue premier tonight.


Ameobi: 2.5 -  An abysmal performance. Did not hold the ball up, hold possession nor engage his brain in any of his play. Im not quite sure what he does in training, maybe the others are just not trying which makes him look half decent.


Allardyce: 4 - What were you playing at Big Sam


Setanta Camera team: 10  - Great directing to miss the derby goal so i can pretend it never happened.



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On the bright side, Rozenhal is a fucking amazing player.


Still think he's class, myself.

That was what I was saying.


I know.


He's good, but today showed that he isn't up to the Premier League tempo...yet.

Our best player by far today.

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Not only is Smith useless, it's becoming clear that the blokes a liability and he'll be sent off soon.


How many yellow cards has he got so far this season?


Four in six games. Three in the league though, before you get any ideas. :lol:


One more yellow and he gets a ban then doesn't he?


Does the cup card count towards the five?


I would have thought so, if you get a ban then that includes all domestic cup games.


Only Europe is different.

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Despite the fact that we had two clear penalties denied it is fact that Derby wanted it more and were first to the ball especially in the second half. They still were only able to win by a wonder strike from Miller.


Other negatives... Zoggy was wearing ice skates from the look of his performance - especially in the first half. Rozza missed a sitter (before he was raped in the box twice by "he with the dodgy bonnet"). Smith was terrible and we are missing a playmaker.


Barton and Emre would have been handy this game... no idea why Geremi was taken off instead of Smith.


Also Ameobi cannot be Viduka... nor will he ever be - that plan was not working so why not try something else? Owen/Martins?


That sucked... but we'll survive and I am not sure Derby will.


Pearson was clear MOTM today still on a high from beating the frogs.


The thing is, we can all argue for those penalty shouts but the fact of the matter is that they are never given by referees. In recent times, I've never seen a referee give a foul like that, although they are clear as day penalties.

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Not only is Smith useless, it's becoming clear that the blokes a liability and he'll be sent off soon.


How many yellow cards has he got so far this season?


Four in six games. Three in the league though, before you get any ideas. :lol:


One more yellow and he gets a ban then doesn't he?


Does the cup card count towards the five?


I would have thought so, if you get a ban then that includes all domestic cup games.


Only Europe is different.


Ah, apologies. He'll miss the Arsenal game then, as someone else said earlier.

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5 games gone, Allardyce surely has to see now that Geremi-Butt-Smith on the pitch at the same time DOESN'T WORK - f****** get over it!


We missed some real edge and pace in midfield tonight, Smith cannot play there and Owen should never have been taken off. We threw that game away ourselves - easy 3 points down the drain.


From those 5 games we've amassed 8 pts, would you have taken that at the start of the season ?


If I hadn't looked at the opposition I would probably have said yes, considering 3 of the 5 were away from home and we've had so many changes over the summer.


However if you take into account who we've been playing we've been playing you've got to hope things improve a hell of a lot because we've got 3 very tricky games coming up.



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Smith, Zog, Butt Ameobi were all fucking dire.


Ameobi cant do a job for shit.


Zog and milner on the wings. Smith was fucking shit. We had no balance or creativity.



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Not only is Smith useless, it's becoming clear that the blokes a liability and he'll be sent off soon.


How many yellow cards has he got so far this season?


Four in six games. Three in the league though, before you get any ideas. :lol:


One more yellow and he gets a ban then doesn't he?


Does the cup card count towards the five?


I would have thought so, if you get a ban then that includes all domestic cup games.


Only Europe is different.


Ah, apologies. He'll miss the Arsenal game then, as someone else said earlier.


He needs 5 yellows for a ban, Dave.

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