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Steve McClaren


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I'd create as much of a hell as possible. Let Sissoko rot outside of the squad so that he misses out on the euros for example, he'd cry while cuddling with his Louis Vuitton bag. I'd also put Coloccini in a cage with Mitrovic after creating rumours that he's slept with his girl. I would loan out Colback to HBO so that he can spend the rest of his contract as an actor in Walking Dead.

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I'd create as much of a hell as possible. Let Sissoko rot outside of the squad so that he misses out on the euros for example, he'd cry while cuddling with his Louis Vuitton bag. I'd also put Coloccini in a cage with Mitrovic after creating rumours that he's slept with his girl. I would loan out Colback to HBO so that he can spend the rest of his contract as an actor in Walking Dead.



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I'd create as much of a hell as possible. Let Sissoko rot outside of the squad so that he misses out on the euros for example, he'd cry while cuddling with his Louis Vuitton bag. I'd also put Coloccini in a cage with Mitrovic after creating rumours that he's slept with his girl. I would loan out Colback to HBO so that he can spend the rest of his contract as an actor in Walking Dead.


Call it ITK but my sources tell me that's not happening.

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I'm sorry but if people think McClaren's best hope of turning this around is to drop its best players and lead under 21's to the slaughter against a rejuvenated Liverpool side he may as wll give up there and then. How about he comes up with a gameplan that gives our brittle defence at least some protection and our forward(s) something to work with? And how about he and his team instill some discipline and belief in these players? They may not be world beaters, but they're a damn sight better than they're showing at the moment. In fact, pretty much every single one has done so before they joined us and even in their time with us? Is there one player you can say has showed something like their best form since the start of the year? McClaren is not to blame for our problems, but he certainly isn't the solution either.

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I'd create as much of a hell as possible. Let Sissoko rot outside of the squad so that he misses out on the euros for example, he'd cry while cuddling with his Louis Vuitton bag. I'd also put Coloccini in a cage with Mitrovic after creating rumours that he's slept with his girl. I would loan out Colback to HBO so that he can spend the rest of his contract as an actor in Walking Dead.


That's a pretty good shout. Colback should play Nicholas Mach 2 - perfect for a role as the group's village coward.

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It's too easy to put all the blame on the players. McClaren's job is to coach them, give them belief and mould them into a winning side. There are teams full of worse players than ours doing a shitload better than we are.


McClaren persists with a lineup that doesn't work, continues to play Colo and has stuck with him as captain, consistently left Aarons and De Jong on the bench when we clearly lack pace and creativity and employs a motivational specialist who couldn't motivate a s*** out of his own arse.


In short, we're f***ed!


Watch a lot of game here in Australia and I have not see many teams with worse players , we have a squad which is bottom six at best.

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I'm sorry but if people think McClaren's best hope of turning this around is to drop its best players and lead under 21's to the slaughter against a rejuvenated Liverpool side he may as wll give up there and then. How about he comes up with a gameplan that gives our brittle defence at least some protection and our forward(s) something to work with? And how about he and his team instill some discipline and belief in these players? They may not be world beaters, but they're a damn sight better than they're showing at the moment. In fact, pretty much every single one has done so before they joined us and even in their time with us? Is there one player you can say has showed something like their best form since the start of the year? McClaren is not to blame for our problems, but he certainly isn't the solution either.

Fucking exactly. Taking abuse from TCD in spades yesterday for saying this exact thing in a different way. He's a football manager/coach and he should be able to affect some kind a change to our predicament with alterations in tactics and personnel but he just picks more or less the same team every week.


Apparently him not doing any of those things that even fat fucking Sam has started doing is all down to Ashley and Charnley.


It's mental, it's the same excuses Pardew used to trot out for himself but people are actually doing it for McClaren [emoji38]

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I'm with Shearer - how can you coach players who don't wanna be coached? The Mike Ashley cancer has eroded this club to the core, the fans and the players and unfortunately, even the top managers wouldn't get owt out of this shower now.


You cut the cancer out of the club, banish the players not showing the effort and bring through our younger players, who may be raw but will also be up for it. Short term we need results and need to tighten up in midfield and defence, become a unit and compete. If that means dropping Sissoko, Colo or any other player pissing about then we need to make an example. Mclaren needs to stop thinking of Sissoko and Wijnaldum as wingers because more often than not it offers nothing. We need that solid centre and that may mean deploying 3 centre midfielders.


aye, SMC has been as weak as piss from day one, taking the softly softly approach and they've ripped the piss out of him as a result


he should have made some hard calls from the off, dropped some of the wankers and sent a message, they clearly don't respect him and think they'll play regardless


and they're right


He's done absolutely nothing to try and change things, neither does he seem to have any ideas where to go from here. You were right to point at Sunderland, think what you like about Fat Sam but he has got them defending properly if nowt else. We were all laughing at Wes Brown and Kaboul two weeks ago, now they've been transformed into a side that defends properly and looks like it can avoid relegation. Allardyce showed clarity and direction where McClaren has trotted out the same vague bullshit after every defeat.

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Your comprehension skills are awful. SMC is a poor manager but the squad isn't significantly better. We should be doing better but we are long way (and yes, a spine of a team is a long way) from being in that bracket just below the top 6-7 with Everton or Soton.


This isn't 1972. The most important thing in modern football is money. Making the people who control it - the most important people. That's why you get Abramovic or Venky's.


TCD - Sam Allardyce says Hai.  He also says that without money there is no way a manager can influence a squad of utterly s***, abject players :thup:


You two should talk.


You're an absolute idiot. Sunderland have been a bottom half Premiership team and they'll continue to be.


I was dead set against SMC from the start. Got pelters for saying he would be no better than Pardew and that nothing had changed. Turns out on evidence thus far.... he's worse. We could do better but this is fundamentally a s*** team.


SMC is the new cog in the s*** system.


I think you are missing the point. Sunderland don't have any pretensions to be a top half team, Allardyce's remit was to keep them in the premier, something that looked impossible a few weeks ago under Advocaat. Fat Sam has already got them more organised at the back by switching formation to a back 3 with wing backs and they are fighting harder as well. That's not to say Allardyce has suddenly become a good manager, but he knows what he's about and makes no apologies for it.


What the f*** Steve McC is about I still haven't got a clue. He's changed nothing despite the same players and formations performing dismally every week. He's like a f***ing rabbit caught in headlights.

I'm not looking at Sunderland with any kind of jealousy.  I'd rather get relegated than get by with an Allardyce (or SMC). SMC is a crap manager as i've said all along. But the team is barely much better. I'd rather finish 18th than 14th.

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James, He was w*** today too what the f*** are you talking about?


I know he was, the point is that the opposition can just walk right through our midfield, hence "missing"


He's always missing and the opposition can walk through our midfield whether he plays or not.

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I'm with Shearer - how can you coach players who don't wanna be coached? The Mike Ashley cancer has eroded this club to the core, the fans and the players and unfortunately, even the top managers wouldn't get owt out of this shower now.


They either want to be coached or have to be coached, neither seems to be the case and it's up to the manager/coach to make sure they do.  He should be taking them to one side and telling them if they're not doing enough.  He should tell them what he expects and what they should expect if they don't do it,it's part of his job.

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I'm with Shearer - how can you coach players who don't wanna be coached? The Mike Ashley cancer has eroded this club to the core, the fans and the players and unfortunately, even the top managers wouldn't get owt out of this shower now.


They either want to be coached or have to be coached, neither seems to be the case and it's up to the manager/coach to make sure they do.  He should be taking them to one side and telling them if they're not doing enough.  He should tell them what he expects and what they should expect if they don't do it,it's part of his job.

Right [emoji38]

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The midfield is woeful but to a man, the defence is terrible at defending. I think the combination of midfield and defence is the worst in the division. Fullbacks turning their backs at the ball time and time again. Loser mentality. Wickham stronger and faster than both our CB's.


SMC is poor, you can search my posts here. Never wanted him. The fact he's here at all is the problem. Charnley/Carr should be sacked if we can't get rid of Ashley. But Ashley is the main problem.

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Has he tried a different formation since he's been here?


We've played the 4-2-3-1 for ages now and it's shite. Seems that just because other managers use it and make it successful it seems our past 3 coaches look at it as some kind of holy grail.

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Right he should be doing the basics of the job, but he's not


I don't think he has it in him to do it. Some think he's lost the dressing room, it's up to him to get it back if has and he'll have to gain the players respect to do that.

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Right he should be doing the basics of the job, but he's not


I don't think he has it in him to do it. Some think he's lost the dressing room, it's up to him to get it back if has and he'll have to gain the players respect to do that.


Probably never had the dressing room to start with.

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Your comprehension skills are awful. SMC is a poor manager but the squad isn't significantly better. We should be doing better but we are long way (and yes, a spine of a team is a long way) from being in that bracket just below the top 6-7 with Everton or Soton.


This isn't 1972. The most important thing in modern football is money. Making the people who control it - the most important people. That's why you get Abramovic or Venky's.


TCD - Sam Allardyce says Hai.  He also says that without money there is no way a manager can influence a squad of utterly s***, abject players :thup:


You two should talk.


You're an absolute idiot. Sunderland have been a bottom half Premiership team and they'll continue to be.


I was dead set against SMC from the start. Got pelters for saying he would be no better than Pardew and that nothing had changed. Turns out on evidence thus far.... he's worse. We could do better but this is fundamentally a s*** team.


SMC is the new cog in the s*** system.


I think you are missing the point. Sunderland don't have any pretensions to be a top half team, Allardyce's remit was to keep them in the premier, something that looked impossible a few weeks ago under Advocaat. Fat Sam has already got them more organised at the back by switching formation to a back 3 with wing backs and they are fighting harder as well. That's not to say Allardyce has suddenly become a good manager, but he knows what he's about and makes no apologies for it.


What the f*** Steve McC is about I still haven't got a clue. He's changed nothing despite the same players and formations performing dismally every week. He's like a f***ing rabbit caught in headlights.

I'm not looking at Sunderland with any kind of jealousy.  I'd rather get relegated than get by with an Allardyce (or SMC). SMC is a crap manager as i've said all along. But the team is barely much better. I'd rather finish 18th than 14th.


I don't know if you are just deliberately missing the point or just can't read properly. Have I ever struck you as an Allardyce fan? What I'm saying is that a manager can make a difference assuming he's not an absolute fucking lemon. Allardyce might build teams that play horrendous football, but his only job at a club like Sunderland is to keep them in the premier. You can keep skirting around this as long as you like but if you've been watching any of their games this season you can't fail to acknowledge that he's getting some fairly rubbish players to defend at least moderately effectively. It's a game plan and it's what managers are paid for. The reason we keep bringing it up in the McClaren thread is because there doesn't seem to be one as far as McClaren is concerned other than "we knew it was going to take time to turn it round and we have to play for 95 mins."



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Your comprehension skills are awful. SMC is a poor manager but the squad isn't significantly better. We should be doing better but we are long way (and yes, a spine of a team is a long way) from being in that bracket just below the top 6-7 with Everton or Soton.


This isn't 1972. The most important thing in modern football is money. Making the people who control it - the most important people. That's why you get Abramovic or Venky's.


TCD - Sam Allardyce says Hai.  He also says that without money there is no way a manager can influence a squad of utterly s***, abject players :thup:


You two should talk.


You're an absolute idiot. Sunderland have been a bottom half Premiership team and they'll continue to be.


I was dead set against SMC from the start. Got pelters for saying he would be no better than Pardew and that nothing had changed. Turns out on evidence thus far.... he's worse. We could do better but this is fundamentally a s*** team.


SMC is the new cog in the s*** system.


I think you are missing the point. Sunderland don't have any pretensions to be a top half team, Allardyce's remit was to keep them in the premier, something that looked impossible a few weeks ago under Advocaat. Fat Sam has already got them more organised at the back by switching formation to a back 3 with wing backs and they are fighting harder as well. That's not to say Allardyce has suddenly become a good manager, but he knows what he's about and makes no apologies for it.


What the f*** Steve McC is about I still haven't got a clue. He's changed nothing despite the same players and formations performing dismally every week. He's like a f***ing rabbit caught in headlights.

I'm not looking at Sunderland with any kind of jealousy.  I'd rather get relegated than get by with an Allardyce (or SMC). SMC is a crap manager as i've said all along. But the team is barely much better. I'd rather finish 18th than 14th.


I don't know if you are just deliberately missing the point or just can't read properly. Have I ever struck you as an Allardyce fan? What I'm saying is that a manager can make a difference assuming he's not an absolute fucking lemon. Allardyce might build teams that play horrendous football, but his only job at a club like Sunderland is to keep them in the premier. You can keep skirting around this as long as you like but if you've been watching any of their games this season you can't fail to acknowledge that he's getting some fairly rubbish players to defend at least moderately effectively. It's a game plan and it's what managers are paid for. The reason we keep bringing it up in the McClaren thread is because there doesn't seem to be one as far as McClaren is concerned other than "we knew it was going to take time to turn it round and we have to play for 95 mins."


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"the killer goal was the fourth"


:lol: :lol:


After taking oiff Perez for Lascelles. The amount of muppets on here who were saying that he was doing ok and progress was being made was unreal a few weeks ago. I bet not many of those people are saying a jot right now, though I do see some one or two have changed their mind also - welcome to the real worls.

Your permanently pointlessly aggressive tone cannot possible help like :lol:


Just sick of people trying to jusify things who blatantly have not got a clue about football no more no less.

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Sunderland have an easy gameplan because of their defence and midfield. They're a crap team of footballers, generally, but they have physicality and are passable backs-to-the-wall style players to be a typical Allardyce side - there's a theme there, at least. M'Vila is a good protector of the defence too and streets ahead of any of our CMs. Our lot are a completely different kettle of fish and, frankly, are more difficult to work out for a situation like this, IMO. We can't push up the pitch because we're slow and light in the middle, don't exactly have the warriors to do a lot of penalty box defending. We're a side with absolutely nowt going for it defensively.

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