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Steve McClaren


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Mark Douglas on the Chronicle blog:


McClaren - no bitterness


Dignity and no hint of bitterness from Steve McClaren in his statement. Always felt he was a good man. Not the right one, but a step up in class from the previous full-time incumbent.



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First class statement.


Still a shocking gaffer, and don't buy all this great coach bs, if it was the case we wouldve shown some sort of development, shape, style etc. practised on the training ground during these high quality sessions, we simply did not!


Nice bloke not very good at his profession, thankfully as his inabilities have brought us Rafa!


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Guest Howaythetoon

The way the club have handled his sacking is a disgrace. I know they wanted everything to be final RE Rafa, but to keep him hanging there is piss poor and typical of the way this club does things. Yes he was the wrong appointment and he is indeed a shit manager (for a club like ours anyway), but he went into work every day giving it his all to try and make this club better. If half the players did the same and the owner and his minions, we wouldn't be where we are, fighting relegation. the players are a fucking disgrace as well.

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Just seen Slaven Bilic's comments on McClaren's sacking.  Basically saying he's not sure why we've sacked him because its not like we've had a terrible season and this kind of thing is normal for us looking at the last 4 or 5 seasons, what a cretin.  I mean not only is that patently wrong, but even if it was true he's basically saying that because we haven't done great in recent years we should be happy to sleep walk into relegation :lol:

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Just seen Slaven Bilic's comments on McClaren's sacking.  Basically saying he's not sure why we've sacked him because its not like we've had a terrible season and this kind of thing is normal for us looking at the last 4 or 5 seasons, what a cretin.  I mean not only is that patently wrong, but even if it was true he's basically saying that because we haven't done great in recent years we should be happy to sleep walk into relegation :lol:


Managers are gan to defend other managers though, it could be him next.

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I was totally wrong about him. Thought he'd be at least decent, but he was terrible. The football he had us playing at the start of the season looked very promising I thought, but then he seemed to lose his courage and it snowballed from there. He's clearly not a leader. He made some shocking selection decisions as well, not least the ridiculous Colback situation.

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The way the club have handled his sacking is a disgrace. I know they wanted everything to be final RE Rafa, but to keep him hanging there is p*ss poor and typical of the way this club does things. Yes he was the wrong appointment and he is indeed a s*** manager (for a club like ours anyway), but he went into work every day giving it his all to try and make this club better. If half the players did the same and the owner and his minions, we wouldn't be where we are, fighting relegation. the players are a f***ing disgrace as well.


I subscribe to the general view that McClaren was a very decent guy but I'm not going along with the "he was treated badly" line. Here's a bloke who had no right to expect to land a PL job, based on his recent CV, which included getting sacked from a championship club at the top of it. He's been handsomely rewarded financially during his time here, and because he didn't walk, will be going away with a tidy compensation. These figures are likely to be well beyond what most of us here will make in 20 years or more of our working careers.

The club were being selfless and looking out for itself in making sure the replacement and all his assistants were signed up prior to sacking the man in charge, fearing being in a situation like last year where they had a kit man running the first team. No problem with that at all. If that hurts poor Steve's feeling a little, well to be honest I really don't give a shit. Go work in the media and earn more in a couple of hours than most of will in a month !

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Went to the Gateshead friendly just after he took over and we were shocking our North American tour was shocking the whole season has been shocking the man got paid a hefty wage for changing absolutely NOTHING... good riddance to rubbish I say  :knuppel2:

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Very classy statement from McClaren and I do not doubt that he means all of it.


Likeable person.


I interviewed him for a UK newspaper during his 2nd stint at Twente and he was a condescending, arrogant prick.



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Guest Howaythetoon

The way the club have handled his sacking is a disgrace. I know they wanted everything to be final RE Rafa, but to keep him hanging there is p*ss poor and typical of the way this club does things. Yes he was the wrong appointment and he is indeed a s*** manager (for a club like ours anyway), but he went into work every day giving it his all to try and make this club better. If half the players did the same and the owner and his minions, we wouldn't be where we are, fighting relegation. the players are a f***ing disgrace as well.


I subscribe to the general view that McClaren was a very decent guy but I'm not going along with the "he was treated badly" line. Here's a bloke who had no right to expect to land a PL job, based on his recent CV, which included getting sacked from a championship club at the top of it. He's been handsomely rewarded financially during his time here, and because he didn't walk, will be going away with a tidy compensation. These figures are likely to be well beyond what most of us here will make in 20 years or more of our working careers.

The club were being selfless and looking out for itself in making sure the replacement and all his assistants were signed up prior to sacking the man in charge, fearing being in a situation like last year where they had a kit man running the first team. No problem with that at all. If that hurts poor Steve's feeling a little, well to be honest I really don't give a s***. Go work in the media and earn more in a couple of hours than most of will in a month !


I personally believe you treat people fairly, even if they are crap at their job. I'm a businessman and have at times had to be ruthless and tell people straight up they are not good enough or will be getting the chop. But you treat them like people at all times, like how you would want treated. Just because you're not good enough at your job shouldn't mean you get treated like shite. He is or was a privileged man being paid handsomely and he was failing massively, but again treat him with dignity and humility as he has treated the club on his departure.


Penfold hasn't the balls to speak to people face up, he's a coward and a wimp of a man. Ashley likewise.

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I wonder what he thinks ..I know today the training session this afternoon  was a PR exercise  ( but it did go down well ) How do you justify a side who got absolutely turned over  on Saturday training for  three days (mornings) in between a eight game break .... This for me sums up what SMC was all about..... sadly good riddance but  sure he may find a job elsewhere  ..

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