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Steve McClaren


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Never said he's s***. Simply been cautious and defensive as I suspected.


That might also be down to the player's conditioning from the previous regime, I would be surprised if the mentality can be changed overnight. It took Keegan 8 games of dross before he got them to click following Allardyce's time as manager.


Keegan took over mid season however. 8 games was roughly... 8 weeks, no?


just came to post the same aye, mclaren has had the entire preseason like :lol:


Preseason isn't the same as playing competitive games though. I don't know if you were expecting results overnight, but I said before the season started that I thought it would be a couple of months in before we started to take shape. If McClaren had come here in January we'd be a lot further forward IMO.


That said, if we don't look any better in a month's time then he is obviously going to start coming under pressure. Just too early to draw much conclusion from 4 games and a pretty tough start.



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Midfield 3 of Wijnaldum, Sissoko and Anita is what we need to go for, with Perez and Thauvin on the wings.


Would not say no to that although still not convinced at all by Anita.


Has to be this, wont be this.


Agree with the won't be and that's why I am so annoyed about it as it's just so obvious that we are a far poorer team but hey ho

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Never said he's s***. Simply been cautious and defensive as I suspected.


That might also be down to the player's conditioning from the previous regime, I would be surprised if the mentality can be changed overnight. It took Keegan 8 games of dross before he got them to click following Allardyce's time as manager.


Keegan took over mid season however. 8 games was roughly... 8 weeks, no?


just came to post the same aye, mclaren has had the entire preseason like :lol:


Preseason isn't the same as playing competitive games though. I don't know if you were expecting results overnight, but I said before the season started that I thought it would be a couple of months in before we started to take shape. If McClaren had come here in January we'd be a lot further forward IMO.


That said, if we don't look any better in a month's time then he is obviously going to start coming under pressure. Just too early to draw much conclusion from 4 games and a pretty tough start.




Patterns of play. Defensive organisation. Movement. is best learnt on the training ground... pre-season is a fantastic time for that.

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Never said he's s***. Simply been cautious and defensive as I suspected.


That might also be down to the player's conditioning from the previous regime, I would be surprised if the mentality can be changed overnight. It took Keegan 8 games of dross before he got them to click following Allardyce's time as manager.


Keegan took over mid season however. 8 games was roughly... 8 weeks, no?


just came to post the same aye, mclaren has had the entire preseason like :lol:


Preseason isn't the same as playing competitive games though. I don't know if you were expecting results overnight, but I said before the season started that I thought it would be a couple of months in before we started to take shape. If McClaren had come here in January we'd be a lot further forward IMO.


That said, if we don't look any better in a month's time then he is obviously going to start coming under pressure. Just too early to draw much conclusion from 4 games and a pretty tough start.


Posted on this very page or the one just before he needs time, so no I don't expect overnight results but I expect changes to be made to things that are obviously wrong. Took him 3 games to suss Obertan by the looks of it so hopefully that's done with. How many games to work out his midfield pairing does not work and for him to drop Colback? Think we'll be waiting a while myself but literally everyone knows its a bag of shit, there's no one on this board arguing its a good call and that should tell you everything.


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Never said he's s***. Simply been cautious and defensive as I suspected.


That might also be down to the player's conditioning from the previous regime, I would be surprised if the mentality can be changed overnight. It took Keegan 8 games of dross before he got them to click following Allardyce's time as manager.


Keegan took over mid season however. 8 games was roughly... 8 weeks, no?


just came to post the same aye, mclaren has had the entire preseason like :lol:


Preseason isn't the same as playing competitive games though. I don't know if you were expecting results overnight, but I said before the season started that I thought it would be a couple of months in before we started to take shape. If McClaren had come here in January we'd be a lot further forward IMO.


That said, if we don't look any better in a month's time then he is obviously going to start coming under pressure. Just too early to draw much conclusion from 4 games and a pretty tough start.




Unfortunately he will still be playing Anita and Colback in a month's time and that is the problem - it doesn't work and never will work and just about everyone can see it so why can't he.

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Never said he's s***. Simply been cautious and defensive as I suspected.


That might also be down to the player's conditioning from the previous regime, I would be surprised if the mentality can be changed overnight. It took Keegan 8 games of dross before he got them to click following Allardyce's time as manager.


Keegan took over mid season however. 8 games was roughly... 8 weeks, no?


just came to post the same aye, mclaren has had the entire preseason like :lol:


Preseason isn't the same as playing competitive games though. I don't know if you were expecting results overnight, but I said before the season started that I thought it would be a couple of months in before we started to take shape. If McClaren had come here in January we'd be a lot further forward IMO.


That said, if we don't look any better in a month's time then he is obviously going to start coming under pressure. Just too early to draw much conclusion from 4 games and a pretty tough start.




Unfortunately he will still be playing Anita and Colback in a month's time and that is the problem - it doesn't work and never will work and just about everyone can see it so why can't he.

He might be able to see its not working but he might be trying to change one thing at a time.
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Never said he's s***. Simply been cautious and defensive as I suspected.


That might also be down to the player's conditioning from the previous regime, I would be surprised if the mentality can be changed overnight. It took Keegan 8 games of dross before he got them to click following Allardyce's time as manager.


Keegan took over mid season however. 8 games was roughly... 8 weeks, no?


just came to post the same aye, mclaren has had the entire preseason like :lol:


Preseason isn't the same as playing competitive games though. I don't know if you were expecting results overnight, but I said before the season started that I thought it would be a couple of months in before we started to take shape. If McClaren had come here in January we'd be a lot further forward IMO.


That said, if we don't look any better in a month's time then he is obviously going to start coming under pressure. Just too early to draw much conclusion from 4 games and a pretty tough start.




Unfortunately he will still be playing Anita and Colback in a month's time and that is the problem - it doesn't work and never will work and just about everyone can see it so why can't he.


If he's still playing it and we aren't getting results then it will be good indicator he's not a very good manager. I don't like them as a pair myself, but he's paid to do the job. If he's not winning matches in the next month then his team selections will rightly be looked at for the reasons why.

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Never said he's s***. Simply been cautious and defensive as I suspected.


That might also be down to the player's conditioning from the previous regime, I would be surprised if the mentality can be changed overnight. It took Keegan 8 games of dross before he got them to click following Allardyce's time as manager.


Keegan took over mid season however. 8 games was roughly... 8 weeks, no?


just came to post the same aye, mclaren has had the entire preseason like :lol:


Preseason isn't the same as playing competitive games though. I don't know if you were expecting results overnight, but I said before the season started that I thought it would be a couple of months in before we started to take shape. If McClaren had come here in January we'd be a lot further forward IMO.


That said, if we don't look any better in a month's time then he is obviously going to start coming under pressure. Just too early to draw much conclusion from 4 games and a pretty tough start.




Unfortunately he will still be playing Anita and Colback in a month's time and that is the problem - it doesn't work and never will work and just about everyone can see it so why can't he.

He might be able to see its not working but he might be trying to change one thing at a time.


Yeah sure, only time will tell on that front but he does have other options, this is the issue for me, its not like he's totally boxed into that selection

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Never said he's s***. Simply been cautious and defensive as I suspected.


That might also be down to the player's conditioning from the previous regime, I would be surprised if the mentality can be changed overnight. It took Keegan 8 games of dross before he got them to click following Allardyce's time as manager.


Keegan took over mid season however. 8 games was roughly... 8 weeks, no?


just came to post the same aye, mclaren has had the entire preseason like :lol:


Preseason isn't the same as playing competitive games though. I don't know if you were expecting results overnight, but I said before the season started that I thought it would be a couple of months in before we started to take shape. If McClaren had come here in January we'd be a lot further forward IMO.


That said, if we don't look any better in a month's time then he is obviously going to start coming under pressure. Just too early to draw much conclusion from 4 games and a pretty tough start.




Unfortunately he will still be playing Anita and Colback in a month's time and that is the problem - it doesn't work and never will work and just about everyone can see it so why can't he.


If he's still playing it and we aren't getting results then it will be good indicator he's not a very good manager. I don't like them as a pair myself, but he's paid to do the job. If he's not winning matches in the next month then his team selections will rightly be looked at for the reasons why.


Very true I just hope where not playing catch up again with most of the league by then as I honestly think we will be - but your right we just have to wait and see as we have no other choice but too

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Never said he's s***. Simply been cautious and defensive as I suspected.


That might also be down to the player's conditioning from the previous regime, I would be surprised if the mentality can be changed overnight. It took Keegan 8 games of dross before he got them to click following Allardyce's time as manager.


Keegan took over mid season however. 8 games was roughly... 8 weeks, no?


just came to post the same aye, mclaren has had the entire preseason like :lol:


Preseason isn't the same as playing competitive games though. I don't know if you were expecting results overnight, but I said before the season started that I thought it would be a couple of months in before we started to take shape. If McClaren had come here in January we'd be a lot further forward IMO.


That said, if we don't look any better in a month's time then he is obviously going to start coming under pressure. Just too early to draw much conclusion from 4 games and a pretty tough start.




Unfortunately he will still be playing Anita and Colback in a month's time and that is the problem - it doesn't work and never will work and just about everyone can see it so why can't he.


If he's still playing it and we aren't getting results then it will be good indicator he's not a very good manager. I don't like them as a pair myself, but he's paid to do the job. If he's not winning matches in the next month then his team selections will rightly be looked at for the reasons why.


Very true I just hope where not playing catch up again with most of the league by then as I honestly think we will be - but your right we just have to wait and see as we have no other choice but too


The one plus of having a tough start is that we might not have got many points out of these fixtures anyway. By the time we get to the easier games we should be in a lot better shape to start winning the games that count most against our immediate rivals for the illustrious top 8 spot.

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Anita - Wijnaldum - Sissoko looks good on paper and I'm sure it's great on Fifa and everything, but we don't know if it works until we see it. Feel defensively light to me but I suppose it could be our selection for when we are going to dominate the ball.

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Cannot believe what I am reading, some people really do like to live up to the deluded Geordie stereotype.


Four games in and unless we've scored 50 goals and have 12 points, everything is terrible.


goes both ways tbh, there's only one poster who has come out with something totally outrageous that i can see so where the rest of your post comes from is a mystery, other people think it's fair to point out that he's made mistakes in his selections and tactics so far, which he f***ing has


overall i'm personally not unhappy but instead of getting more quality at the back and forming a solid defensive unit we've 'opted' to get the whole team to protect the defence that's still as shaky as f*** when exposed imo and that's coming at the expense of our own attacking intent


you'd have to be overly harsh not to accept that we're going through a process mind and that mclaren is clearly trying to instill some professionalism all over the place and we'll be the better for it in the long run, he's being cautious and i can accept that but he can't do it forever he's actually going to have to get some points on the board, which i'm sure he will


I was referring to both Elcid and TCD who have made comments on the fact that SMC is s*** because we're not playing attacking football (amongst other things).

Of course he is going to make mistakes early on, he's been manager for four games for crying out loud - he's got new players he's trying to fit in around the existing team.


If we had lost every game and been battered in each one, I'd understand peoples comments - but so far we've looked more organised (especially defensively) then we have for years.


I just think he is a s*** manager end of and just have a look at the number of times he has been sacked fully illustrates that. He is here though (how many actually wanted him though lets be honest) but to continue to play Colback and Anita to the detriment of the team is just totally baffling - doesn't matter if it's only four games or not a it was a lot more last season when they played together - the two don't work together as they neither have the physique or the passing ability to dominate the centre of midfield and are overrun very easily and in just about every game also.


I could get away with Anita (though even then he would not be by first choice as he is just brushed aside too easily) but to play both is honestly just shocking management and I don't care how you dress it up it is. Perez has done a million times more than these two and contributes a lot more also but is dropped and as a result we isolate our main striker. Sissoko is not a winger as he can't cross the ball and if he is to play should be in the centre of the pitch.


Looks like everyone would not play Colback and Anita and yet I am being seen at 'outrageous' for criticising the man who is selecting them to play lol - totally unreal - the formation is wrong, the tactics are wrong and playing on the break howay man do you really want to watch the passing of the ball 10 - 15 yards for 90 minutes between the midfield and defence to then have the odd break away. I put money on now that McClaren will continuously play Anita and Colback doesn't matter what - I wonder what would be said if a certain Mr Pardew carried out the same selection if he was still here.


The other options we have aren't exactly great, for a scenario such as yesterday's, but you seem to be painting it like it's completely obvious. You drop Wijnaldum back, he's going to have to do a lot of covering work for one of Anita/Colback against a team like Arsenal; plus he's not particularly defensive, he's probably never played in a 2 man mid in his life and he's brand new to the league. Put Tiote in there? Right sort of player but he's a liability, these days. Drop Sissoko back? Can't tackle and doesn't have the defensive concentration. If we'd have gone 4-3-3 against Arsenal with Wijnaldum-Anita-Sissoko there's barely any defensive cover in there against one of the best midfields in the league. Yesterday highlighted we need a new central midfielder to come in that can handle himself defensively, tbh.


Mitrovic is going to be isolated, no matter what, when we play 5 men in midfield against better sides. We played Perez last week, he had to do a lot of tracking back. That's why we need Mitrovic to hold the ball up and allow players to get forward. We certainly got numbers forward against Southampton, in contrast.


SMc said in his BBC interview that he thought Wijnaldum was a good option for when we had to go for games, did he not? I'd wager he'll not be playing Anita-Colback in a lot of fixtures, once we're settled.

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But KK is known for attacking football. My opinion of SMC is that he's defensive. He's not in Sam's league of awfulness but Big Sam would say the same s***.


Derby finished 1st and 4th in goals scored in his seasons there. So your opinion is wrong.


Remind me again please what Derby done at the end of the season?


Derby have four draws and a defeat since he left. They lost in the league cup too, so winless in six.

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Cannot believe what I am reading, some people really do like to live up to the deluded Geordie stereotype.


Four games in and unless we've scored 50 goals and have 12 points, everything is terrible.


goes both ways tbh, there's only one poster who has come out with something totally outrageous that i can see so where the rest of your post comes from is a mystery, other people think it's fair to point out that he's made mistakes in his selections and tactics so far, which he f***ing has


overall i'm personally not unhappy but instead of getting more quality at the back and forming a solid defensive unit we've 'opted' to get the whole team to protect the defence that's still as shaky as f*** when exposed imo and that's coming at the expense of our own attacking intent


you'd have to be overly harsh not to accept that we're going through a process mind and that mclaren is clearly trying to instill some professionalism all over the place and we'll be the better for it in the long run, he's being cautious and i can accept that but he can't do it forever he's actually going to have to get some points on the board, which i'm sure he will


I was referring to both Elcid and TCD who have made comments on the fact that SMC is s*** because we're not playing attacking football (amongst other things).

Of course he is going to make mistakes early on, he's been manager for four games for crying out loud - he's got new players he's trying to fit in around the existing team.


If we had lost every game and been battered in each one, I'd understand peoples comments - but so far we've looked more organised (especially defensively) then we have for years.


I just think he is a s*** manager end of and just have a look at the number of times he has been sacked fully illustrates that. He is here though (how many actually wanted him though lets be honest) but to continue to play Colback and Anita to the detriment of the team is just totally baffling - doesn't matter if it's only four games or not a it was a lot more last season when they played together - the two don't work together as they neither have the physique or the passing ability to dominate the centre of midfield and are overrun very easily and in just about every game also.


I could get away with Anita (though even then he would not be by first choice as he is just brushed aside too easily) but to play both is honestly just shocking management and I don't care how you dress it up it is. Perez has done a million times more than these two and contributes a lot more also but is dropped and as a result we isolate our main striker. Sissoko is not a winger as he can't cross the ball and if he is to play should be in the centre of the pitch.


Looks like everyone would not play Colback and Anita and yet I am being seen at 'outrageous' for criticising the man who is selecting them to play lol - totally unreal - the formation is wrong, the tactics are wrong and playing on the break howay man do you really want to watch the passing of the ball 10 - 15 yards for 90 minutes between the midfield and defence to then have the odd break away. I put money on now that McClaren will continuously play Anita and Colback doesn't matter what - I wonder what would be said if a certain Mr Pardew carried out the same selection if he was still here.


The other options we have aren't exactly great, for a scenario such as yesterday's, but you seem to be painting it like it's completely obvious. You drop Wijnaldum back, he's going to have to do a lot of covering work for one of Anita/Colback against a team like Arsenal; plus he's not particularly defensive, he's probably never played in a 2 man mid in his life and he's brand new to the league. Put Tiote in there? Right sort of player but he's a liability, these days. Drop Sissoko back? Can't tackle and doesn't have the defensive concentration. If we'd have gone 4-3-3 against Arsenal with Wijnaldum-Anita-Sissoko there's barely any defensive cover in there against one of the best midfields in the league. Yesterday highlighted we need a new central midfielder to come in that can handle himself defensively, tbh.


Tiote is a better option as long as he is told to win the ball and play it simple as he is the one defensive midfielder who is not bullied by other players and if that doesn't work then yes get a new defensive midfielder both options in my opinion are better than Anita or Colback being bullied and outplayed every week. Wijnaldum and Sissoko are not defensive midfielders and so shouldn't even be considered that. I still say we need a playmaking midfielder in the middle who can pass the ball more than 10 - 15 yards sideways or backwards. My points is that playing both Anita and Colback is detrimental to the team and most options compared to that would be better.




Mitrovic is going to be isolated, no matter what, when we play 5 men in midfield against better sides. We played Perez last week, he had to do a lot of tracking back. That's why we need Mitrovic to hold the ball up and allow players to get forward. We certainly got numbers forward against Southampton, in contrast.


We played Perez last week on the wing not as a support player though and maybe away from home to the better teams I would agree (still not Colback and Anita though) but at home nope and if you set up to play with two defensive midfielders at home your inviting pressure and for teams to attack and the top teams don't need a second invitation to do that. De Jong would also be a good option in these matches against the top teams as he is a clever player and brings other players into play. I know Aarons had a poor game on Tuesday (not surprising as he never gets a look in) but his pace is key because at the moment we are so narrow in the centre of the pitch we are inviting full backs to attack. Sissoko is not a winger and if he is to play should be in a middle.


SMc said in his BBC interview that he thought Wijnaldum was a good option for when we had to go for games, did he not? I'd wager he'll not be playing Anita-Colback in a lot of fixtures, once we're settled.


We will see but I very much doubt it and I'll wager also that unless through injury neither are dropped in the next five games.


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But KK is known for attacking football. My opinion of SMC is that he's defensive. He's not in Sam's league of awfulness but Big Sam would say the same s***.


Derby finished 1st and 4th in goals scored in his seasons there. So your opinion is wrong.


Remind me again please what Derby done at the end of the season?


Derby have four draws and a defeat since he left. They lost in the league cup too, so winless in six.


Which is a continuation of their atrocious form at the back 1/3 of last season - so your point being?

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really glad that run of games is out the way, it was always going to be tough. Need to start showing what they can do in the next two before we play city and chelsea then hopefully kick on from there. so frustrating that there's an inter national break.

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To be honest Anita-Sissoko-Wijnaldum trio looks good offensively, but it asks a lot from Gini. Anita can't really win the ball back and Sissoko is not disciplined and loses his man often. He needs freedom and space to burst into. That's why he is on the right, and he is not playing as a winger anyway.


Anyway I think we need a goal threat from midfield because we only have 1 striker on the pitch and neither Cisse nor Mitro is actually Shearer in his prime. Wijnaldum as no 10 just doesn't score enough I am afraid. Colback and Anita don't score 2 goals combined this season that's for sure.

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Cannot believe what I am reading, some people really do like to live up to the deluded Geordie stereotype.


Four games in and unless we've scored 50 goals and have 12 points, everything is terrible.


goes both ways tbh, there's only one poster who has come out with something totally outrageous that i can see so where the rest of your post comes from is a mystery, other people think it's fair to point out that he's made mistakes in his selections and tactics so far, which he f***ing has


overall i'm personally not unhappy but instead of getting more quality at the back and forming a solid defensive unit we've 'opted' to get the whole team to protect the defence that's still as shaky as f*** when exposed imo and that's coming at the expense of our own attacking intent


you'd have to be overly harsh not to accept that we're going through a process mind and that mclaren is clearly trying to instill some professionalism all over the place and we'll be the better for it in the long run, he's being cautious and i can accept that but he can't do it forever he's actually going to have to get some points on the board, which i'm sure he will


I was referring to both Elcid and TCD who have made comments on the fact that SMC is s*** because we're not playing attacking football (amongst other things).

Of course he is going to make mistakes early on, he's been manager for four games for crying out loud - he's got new players he's trying to fit in around the existing team.


If we had lost every game and been battered in each one, I'd understand peoples comments - but so far we've looked more organised (especially defensively) then we have for years.


I just think he is a s*** manager end of and just have a look at the number of times he has been sacked fully illustrates that. He is here though (how many actually wanted him though lets be honest) but to continue to play Colback and Anita to the detriment of the team is just totally baffling - doesn't matter if it's only four games or not a it was a lot more last season when they played together - the two don't work together as they neither have the physique or the passing ability to dominate the centre of midfield and are overrun very easily and in just about every game also.


I could get away with Anita (though even then he would not be by first choice as he is just brushed aside too easily) but to play both is honestly just shocking management and I don't care how you dress it up it is. Perez has done a million times more than these two and contributes a lot more also but is dropped and as a result we isolate our main striker. Sissoko is not a winger as he can't cross the ball and if he is to play should be in the centre of the pitch.


Looks like everyone would not play Colback and Anita and yet I am being seen at 'outrageous' for criticising the man who is selecting them to play lol - totally unreal - the formation is wrong, the tactics are wrong and playing on the break howay man do you really want to watch the passing of the ball 10 - 15 yards for 90 minutes between the midfield and defence to then have the odd break away. I put money on now that McClaren will continuously play Anita and Colback doesn't matter what - I wonder what would be said if a certain Mr Pardew carried out the same selection if he was still here.


The other options we have aren't exactly great, for a scenario such as yesterday's, but you seem to be painting it like it's completely obvious. You drop Wijnaldum back, he's going to have to do a lot of covering work for one of Anita/Colback against a team like Arsenal; plus he's not particularly defensive, he's probably never played in a 2 man mid in his life and he's brand new to the league. Put Tiote in there? Right sort of player but he's a liability, these days. Drop Sissoko back? Can't tackle and doesn't have the defensive concentration. If we'd have gone 4-3-3 against Arsenal with Wijnaldum-Anita-Sissoko there's barely any defensive cover in there against one of the best midfields in the league. Yesterday highlighted we need a new central midfielder to come in that can handle himself defensively, tbh.


Tiote is a better option as long as he is told to win the ball and play it simple as he is the one defensive midfielder who is not bullied by other players and if that doesn't work then yes get a new defensive midfielder both options in my opinion are better than Anita or Colback being bullied and outplayed every week. Wijnaldum and Sissoko are not defensive midfielders and so shouldn't even be considered that. I still say we need a playmaking midfielder in the middle who can pass the ball more than 10 - 15 yards sideways or backwards. My points is that playing both Anita and Colback is detrimental to the team and most options compared to that would be better.




Mitrovic is going to be isolated, no matter what, when we play 5 men in midfield against better sides. We played Perez last week, he had to do a lot of tracking back. That's why we need Mitrovic to hold the ball up and allow players to get forward. We certainly got numbers forward against Southampton, in contrast.


We played Perez last week on the wing not as a support player though and maybe away from home to the better teams I would agree (still not Colback and Anita though) but at home nope and if you set up to play with two defensive midfielders at home your inviting pressure and for teams to attack and the top teams don't need a second invitation to do that. De Jong would also be a good option in these matches against the top teams as he is a clever player and brings other players into play. I know Aarons had a poor game on Tuesday (not surprising as he never gets a look in) but his pace is key because at the moment we are so narrow in the centre of the pitch we are inviting full backs to attack. Sissoko is not a winger and if he is to play should be in a middle.


SMc said in his BBC interview that he thought Wijnaldum was a good option for when we had to go for games, did he not? I'd wager he'll not be playing Anita-Colback in a lot of fixtures, once we're settled.


We will see but I very much doubt it and I'll wager also that unless through injury neither are dropped in the next five games.



I don't want to see Anita-Colback in a lot of games but I can understand why it's been used as a starter and can really see why we played it yesterday. I didn't see them as purely defensive choices yesterday, either, they're both adept enough at keeping the ball and I think their inclusion was to allow us to hold the ball more and be more patient when going forward, frustrating Arsenal - plus they let our full backs get higher up. Our possession play was a concern in the opening 10 minutes, though, we were way too keen to get the ball up to Mitrovic at the earliest opportunity and kept on losing it. I hope that wasn't instructional and was just a confidence thing. Someone said we sat quite deep, I've just watched it back and we pressed them quite high on a couple of occasions in the opening 10 minutes, they just cut through us with interchanges on the flanks. We did leave their centre halves to play it, I'm assuming that was to get them to play it long to their small forwards.


I really like de Jong and want to see him more but I don't think yesterday was quite the game for him, he lacks the dynamism on the break and it's not like Mitrovic is quick himself, we'd have been ponderous in that central area. SDJ is someone I'd definitely be starting against West Ham, especially now we've lost a central physical presence, and he should always play against teams of that ilk. Perez and Wijnaldum as support are much of a muchness, IMO, and you can't drop Wijnaldum back in games like that when he doesn't have a suitable partner.


Sissoko was excellent out wide against Southampton and he was already threatening yesterday before the card, I don't see him as much of an issue, he generally sticks wide too and tracks his man well. Thauvin is a true wide left player, so I don't think Aarons was missed all that much from a positional point of view. Not happy that Aarons wasn't on the bench, though, he should be one of our first choice subs.

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Cannot believe what I am reading, some people really do like to live up to the deluded Geordie stereotype.


Four games in and unless we've scored 50 goals and have 12 points, everything is terrible.


goes both ways tbh, there's only one poster who has come out with something totally outrageous that i can see so where the rest of your post comes from is a mystery, other people think it's fair to point out that he's made mistakes in his selections and tactics so far, which he f***ing has


overall i'm personally not unhappy but instead of getting more quality at the back and forming a solid defensive unit we've 'opted' to get the whole team to protect the defence that's still as shaky as f*** when exposed imo and that's coming at the expense of our own attacking intent


you'd have to be overly harsh not to accept that we're going through a process mind and that mclaren is clearly trying to instill some professionalism all over the place and we'll be the better for it in the long run, he's being cautious and i can accept that but he can't do it forever he's actually going to have to get some points on the board, which i'm sure he will


I was referring to both Elcid and TCD who have made comments on the fact that SMC is s*** because we're not playing attacking football (amongst other things).

Of course he is going to make mistakes early on, he's been manager for four games for crying out loud - he's got new players he's trying to fit in around the existing team.


If we had lost every game and been battered in each one, I'd understand peoples comments - but so far we've looked more organised (especially defensively) then we have for years.


I just think he is a s*** manager end of and just have a look at the number of times he has been sacked fully illustrates that. He is here though (how many actually wanted him though lets be honest) but to continue to play Colback and Anita to the detriment of the team is just totally baffling - doesn't matter if it's only four games or not a it was a lot more last season when they played together - the two don't work together as they neither have the physique or the passing ability to dominate the centre of midfield and are overrun very easily and in just about every game also.


I could get away with Anita (though even then he would not be by first choice as he is just brushed aside too easily) but to play both is honestly just shocking management and I don't care how you dress it up it is. Perez has done a million times more than these two and contributes a lot more also but is dropped and as a result we isolate our main striker. Sissoko is not a winger as he can't cross the ball and if he is to play should be in the centre of the pitch.


Looks like everyone would not play Colback and Anita and yet I am being seen at 'outrageous' for criticising the man who is selecting them to play lol - totally unreal - the formation is wrong, the tactics are wrong and playing on the break howay man do you really want to watch the passing of the ball 10 - 15 yards for 90 minutes between the midfield and defence to then have the odd break away. I put money on now that McClaren will continuously play Anita and Colback doesn't matter what - I wonder what would be said if a certain Mr Pardew carried out the same selection if he was still here.


The other options we have aren't exactly great, for a scenario such as yesterday's, but you seem to be painting it like it's completely obvious. You drop Wijnaldum back, he's going to have to do a lot of covering work for one of Anita/Colback against a team like Arsenal; plus he's not particularly defensive, he's probably never played in a 2 man mid in his life and he's brand new to the league. Put Tiote in there? Right sort of player but he's a liability, these days. Drop Sissoko back? Can't tackle and doesn't have the defensive concentration. If we'd have gone 4-3-3 against Arsenal with Wijnaldum-Anita-Sissoko there's barely any defensive cover in there against one of the best midfields in the league. Yesterday highlighted we need a new central midfielder to come in that can handle himself defensively, tbh.


Tiote is a better option as long as he is told to win the ball and play it simple as he is the one defensive midfielder who is not bullied by other players and if that doesn't work then yes get a new defensive midfielder both options in my opinion are better than Anita or Colback being bullied and outplayed every week. Wijnaldum and Sissoko are not defensive midfielders and so shouldn't even be considered that. I still say we need a playmaking midfielder in the middle who can pass the ball more than 10 - 15 yards sideways or backwards. My points is that playing both Anita and Colback is detrimental to the team and most options compared to that would be better.




Mitrovic is going to be isolated, no matter what, when we play 5 men in midfield against better sides. We played Perez last week, he had to do a lot of tracking back. That's why we need Mitrovic to hold the ball up and allow players to get forward. We certainly got numbers forward against Southampton, in contrast.


We played Perez last week on the wing not as a support player though and maybe away from home to the better teams I would agree (still not Colback and Anita though) but at home nope and if you set up to play with two defensive midfielders at home your inviting pressure and for teams to attack and the top teams don't need a second invitation to do that. De Jong would also be a good option in these matches against the top teams as he is a clever player and brings other players into play. I know Aarons had a poor game on Tuesday (not surprising as he never gets a look in) but his pace is key because at the moment we are so narrow in the centre of the pitch we are inviting full backs to attack. Sissoko is not a winger and if he is to play should be in a middle.


SMc said in his BBC interview that he thought Wijnaldum was a good option for when we had to go for games, did he not? I'd wager he'll not be playing Anita-Colback in a lot of fixtures, once we're settled.


We will see but I very much doubt it and I'll wager also that unless through injury neither are dropped in the next five games.



I don't want to see Anita-Colback in a lot of games but I can understand why it's been used as a starter and can really see why we played it yesterday. I didn't see them as purely defensive choices yesterday, either, they're both adept enough at keeping the ball and I think their inclusion was to allow us to hold the ball more and be more patient when going forward, frustrating Arsenal - plus they let our full backs get higher up. Our possession play was a concern in the opening 10 minutes, though, we were way too keen to get the ball up to Mitrovic at the earliest opportunity and kept on losing it. I hope that wasn't instructional and was just a confidence thing. Someone said we sat quite deep, I've just watched it back and we pressed them quite high on a couple of occasions in the opening 10 minutes, they just cut through us with interchanges on the flanks. We did leave their centre halves to play it, I'm assuming that was to get them to play it long to their small forwards.


I really like de Jong and want to see him more but I don't think yesterday was quite the game for him, he lacks the dynamism on the break and it's not like Mitrovic is quick himself, we'd have been ponderous in that central area. SDJ is someone I'd definitely be starting against West Ham, especially now we've lost a central physical presence, and he should always play against teams of that ilk. Perez and Wijnaldum as support are much of a muchness, IMO, and you can't drop Wijnaldum back in games like that when he doesn't have a suitable partner.


Sissoko was excellent out wide against Southampton and he was already threatening yesterday before the card, I don't see him as much of an issue, he generally sticks wide too and tracks his man well. Thauvin is a true wide left player, so I don't think Aarons was missed all that much from a positional point of view. Not happy that Aarons wasn't on the bench, though, he should be one of our first choice subs.


See I'm a big believer (especially at home) that if you want to beat the top teams you have to take the game to them - I can see where you're coming from but to me Anita and Colback do not give you the platform to go and win a game from. Sissoko (I am not a mad fan by the way as he loses the ball too much and wastes too many opportunities even though he has all the attributes and should be perfect for the premiership) is not a natural winger who can constantly whip in balls of good quality. Hear what your saying about De Jong but actually I think he would have been perfect for yesterdays game.  Difference of opinion only time will tell who is right although it's frustrating when so many people are arguing in one breath my point about Anita and Colback and then saying they wouldn't play them both either.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I was impressed with him today, when he went to the dugout he was very active in his encouragement, motivation and management of the players. Lots of 'get out', 'keep it', 'get closer', 'pass pas pass' comments and at the end, acknowledging the crowd, he made all the players and staff clap all four stands.


I thought he got his subs spot on as well, in terms of timing and the players he brought on. Tactically we look far superior to Pardew's Newcastle and I thought we played some decent football at times, especially from the back.


I like seeing our keeper pass it out rather than boot it out and I like seeing our team, despite being down to 10 men, not crumble, look solid and have good spells of movement and threat.


We badly need a decent left-back though and it has to be one of either Anita or Colback, not both as they are both very similar and got in the way of one another at times.


We started the game badly though, too many long balls early on and too much ball watching. We also need to strengthen. We need a LB and another striker, preferably one with mobility and pace to get in behind. Mitrovic looks clumsy and one paced.


The red was harsh, as it was a clumsy tackle and not an intentional reckless one. That said, his studs connected so it was one of those that could easily be given and that's exactly what happened.


He needs to calm down like.


Back to the match, Pardew would have subbed of Thauvin after we went down to 10 and that's what I thought McClaren would have done, but he seems to trust his players a lot more. He's no striker, but keeping him on in that kind of role shows confidence in his player from the manager, trusting he can still do a job.


Good stuff and there were lots of promising signs.


However its a results business and we need to start winning. We cannot be down there come January fighting a relegation battle.


Nice to read, mate. Especially given what you've been saying about him over the last few weeks. Did you change your mind after you watch the team play?


I haven't really changed my mind, we won't achieve anything of note under McClaren. But I cannot deny good things I see, things I actually want to see and we need to see in order to improve.


And yeah, this is the first I've seen of us really.


What I will say is that under Pardew the players and team were a total shambles and all over the place. They had no real direction, tactical awareness, no motivation and no leadership or communication. That's why we almost went down and why players like Colo regressed so badly.


McClaren has came in and knows automatically the best way to build a functional team is to get them disciplined tactically, defensively strong, get them communicating, get them motivated and give them direction and tactical input. That is the base foundation to go forwards. Then its down to fitness, confidence and most of all quality.


We are basically getting there, but it will take 6 months or more.


Am I willing to give him time? Tbh, I'm out of it these days so I don't really give a shit really. He needs it though, but if we are down there come Christmas he will be under pressure and rightfully so.


I just think in general, his kind of appointment and approach is too little too late under Ashley's ownership.


What NUFC needed was a 100m investment of players and an exciting coach or manager to get it all going.


McClaren will build decent foundations, but there will be a ceiling as to what we can do under him. He's a very good coach, but he's defensive or rather cautious and I don't believe he can motivate players to excel in the way SBR and KK could. Even Hughton had that kind of ability.


He's Ashley's wet dream like, an acceptable face for NUFC who will have the team hard working, defensively strong, good enough for mid-table, and have the odd stand out moment. Players won't be Pardewed under him and thus lose value and fans won't kick up a stink if we are finishing top ten and are seen to be trying to improve and such.

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I was impressed with him today, when he went to the dugout he was very active in his encouragement, motivation and management of the players. Lots of 'get out', 'keep it', 'get closer', 'pass pas pass' comments and at the end, acknowledging the crowd, he made all the players and staff clap all four stands.


I thought he got his subs spot on as well, in terms of timing and the players he brought on. Tactically we look far superior to Pardew's Newcastle and I thought we played some decent football at times, especially from the back.


I like seeing our keeper pass it out rather than boot it out and I like seeing our team, despite being down to 10 men, not crumble, look solid and have good spells of movement and threat.


We badly need a decent left-back though and it has to be one of either Anita or Colback, not both as they are both very similar and got in the way of one another at times.


We started the game badly though, too many long balls early on and too much ball watching. We also need to strengthen. We need a LB and another striker, preferably one with mobility and pace to get in behind. Mitrovic looks clumsy and one paced.


The red was harsh, as it was a clumsy tackle and not an intentional reckless one. That said, his studs connected so it was one of those that could easily be given and that's exactly what happened.


He needs to calm down like.


Back to the match, Pardew would have subbed of Thauvin after we went down to 10 and that's what I thought McClaren would have done, but he seems to trust his players a lot more. He's no striker, but keeping him on in that kind of role shows confidence in his player from the manager, trusting he can still do a job.


Good stuff and there were lots of promising signs.


However its a results business and we need to start winning. We cannot be down there come January fighting a relegation battle.


Nice to read, mate. Especially given what you've been saying about him over the last few weeks. Did you change your mind after you watch the team play?


I haven't really changed my mind, we won't achieve anything of note under McClaren. But I cannot deny good things I see, things I actually want to see and we need to see in order to improve.


And yeah, this is the first I've seen of us really.


What I will say is that under Pardew the players and team were a total shambles and all over the place. They had no real direction, tactical awareness, no motivation and no leadership or communication. That's why we almost went down and why players like Colo regressed so badly.


McClaren has came in and knows automatically the best way to build a functional team is to get them disciplined tactically, defensively strong, get them communicating, get them motivated and give them direction and tactical input. That is the base foundation to go forwards. Then its down to fitness, confidence and most of all quality.


We are basically getting there, but it will take 6 months or more.


Am I willing to give him time? Tbh, I'm out of it these days so I don't really give a shit really. He needs it though, but if we are down there come Christmas he will be under pressure and rightfully so.


I just think in general, his kind of appointment and approach is too little too late under Ashley's ownership.


What NUFC needed was a 100m investment of players and an exciting coach or manager to get it all going.


McClaren will build decent foundations, but there will be a ceiling as to what we can do under him. He's a very good coach, but he's defensive or rather cautious and I don't believe he can motivate players to excel in the way SBR and KK could. Even Hughton had that kind of ability.


He's Ashley's wet dream like, an acceptable face for NUFC who will have the team hard working, defensively strong, good enough for mid-table, and have the odd stand out moment. Players won't be Pardewed under him and thus lose value and fans won't kick up a stink if we are finishing top ten and are seen to be trying to improve and such.

His Derby team weren't defensive or cautious. He might have been that 10 years ago but going abroad has certainly helped him evolve how he wants his teams to play.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I was impressed with him today, when he went to the dugout he was very active in his encouragement, motivation and management of the players. Lots of 'get out', 'keep it', 'get closer', 'pass pas pass' comments and at the end, acknowledging the crowd, he made all the players and staff clap all four stands.


I thought he got his subs spot on as well, in terms of timing and the players he brought on. Tactically we look far superior to Pardew's Newcastle and I thought we played some decent football at times, especially from the back.


I like seeing our keeper pass it out rather than boot it out and I like seeing our team, despite being down to 10 men, not crumble, look solid and have good spells of movement and threat.


We badly need a decent left-back though and it has to be one of either Anita or Colback, not both as they are both very similar and got in the way of one another at times.


We started the game badly though, too many long balls early on and too much ball watching. We also need to strengthen. We need a LB and another striker, preferably one with mobility and pace to get in behind. Mitrovic looks clumsy and one paced.


The red was harsh, as it was a clumsy tackle and not an intentional reckless one. That said, his studs connected so it was one of those that could easily be given and that's exactly what happened.


He needs to calm down like.


Back to the match, Pardew would have subbed of Thauvin after we went down to 10 and that's what I thought McClaren would have done, but he seems to trust his players a lot more. He's no striker, but keeping him on in that kind of role shows confidence in his player from the manager, trusting he can still do a job.


Good stuff and there were lots of promising signs.


However its a results business and we need to start winning. We cannot be down there come January fighting a relegation battle.


Nice to read, mate. Especially given what you've been saying about him over the last few weeks. Did you change your mind after you watch the team play?


I haven't really changed my mind, we won't achieve anything of note under McClaren. But I cannot deny good things I see, things I actually want to see and we need to see in order to improve.


And yeah, this is the first I've seen of us really.


What I will say is that under Pardew the players and team were a total shambles and all over the place. They had no real direction, tactical awareness, no motivation and no leadership or communication. That's why we almost went down and why players like Colo regressed so badly.


McClaren has came in and knows automatically the best way to build a functional team is to get them disciplined tactically, defensively strong, get them communicating, get them motivated and give them direction and tactical input. That is the base foundation to go forwards. Then its down to fitness, confidence and most of all quality.


We are basically getting there, but it will take 6 months or more.


Am I willing to give him time? Tbh, I'm out of it these days so I don't really give a s*** really. He needs it though, but if we are down there come Christmas he will be under pressure and rightfully so.


I just think in general, his kind of appointment and approach is too little too late under Ashley's ownership.


What NUFC needed was a 100m investment of players and an exciting coach or manager to get it all going.


McClaren will build decent foundations, but there will be a ceiling as to what we can do under him. He's a very good coach, but he's defensive or rather cautious and I don't believe he can motivate players to excel in the way SBR and KK could. Even Hughton had that kind of ability.


He's Ashley's wet dream like, an acceptable face for NUFC who will have the team hard working, defensively strong, good enough for mid-table, and have the odd stand out moment. Players won't be Pardewed under him and thus lose value and fans won't kick up a stink if we are finishing top ten and are seen to be trying to improve and such.

His Derby team weren't defensive or cautious. He might have been that 10 years ago but going abroad has certainly helped him evolve how he wants his teams to play.


I'll happily give him the benefit of the doubt on this if that is indeed correct, but his team line-ups and how we seemed to have started games and been set up have all been cautious to me thus far. Obviously we've conceded a s*** load over the last few years so maybe its a case of solid defence first then open up.

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You got there eventually.  ;)


He can't play defensively with the players we've bought recently. Get the team defending as a unit and build from there.


Another old pro, David James, said yesterday that McClaren was easily the best coach he'd worked under. Interesting when you consider who he's worked for.

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2nd bottom of the league is the stark reality of the situation. whether we have had a tough start or played well in those games is immaterial if we don't start picking up some points, Watford and West Ham are huge games for us now, we are not getting anything against Man City or Chelsea, even if we win both those games we'll be on 8 points after 8 games that's relegation form.

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2nd bottom of the league is the stark reality of the situation. whether we have had a tough start or played well in those games is immaterial if we don't start picking up some points, Watford and West Ham are huge games for us now, we are not getting anything against Man City or Chelsea, even if we win both those games we'll be on 8 points after 8 games that's relegation form.

The way Chelsea are playing at the moment I wouldn't chalk that down as a guaranteed loss

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