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Steve McClaren


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On not taking s*** from above, best if Ashley doesn't see those.


"One thing has to be clear, if I am to manage this team, I'm the one setting the terms. It's not going to be the president, the director of football, or the administrator. Absolutely nobody but me."


"Maybe they don't mind losing their manager. Even if that's not the case, they have been working hard to lose him."

Nee chance then.
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Most managers who bring a team up from the Championship ultimately get found wanting and we're chasing one who can't even manage that.



McClaren would not have got rid of Ben Arfa, Marveaux, Yanga Mbiwa or Santon. And likely wouldn't have treated Chucky so badly. He would have found a way to make use of them, and at least played them.


How much better would our squad look then? At this point I would accept him with open arms.


This is delusional thinking. The sale of at least one of them had nothing to do with the manager. Whenever a manager has little say over signings, there's going to be some talented lads under-utilised.


Don't know about Santon but the other 3 were all completely on Pardew. We sold them because he refused to use them, i doubt McLaren would do that either and then we wouldn't have sold them but still doesn't mean he's any good.

So......... the sale of at least one of them had nothing to do with the manager.


IMO if McLaren was our manager, he wouldn't have succeeded with all of our talented signings. That's wishful thinking.

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It's Sunday morning and I'm slightly hungover, so I'm going to go on a Jémez quote-a-thon.


"The essence of it all is that you have to give people a spectacle. This happens in theater, opera and football. What happens is that in football since there's a scoreboard it feels like it doesn't matter how you play. I know it's silly for a manager to say that - I live by my results, if those aren't good I lose my job. But you have to empower the player to do what he's there to do: to play good football."


"I don't want to see my team playing with their backs to the goal. I suffer when that happens. As a manager I want to enjoy seeing my team play. I have enough of a bad time sitting on the bench to also see that my team doesn't play the ball. And I want to see people having a good time. Winning 1-0, through a pen, I don't want that. I don't want to win at any price. I know it's a risky way to see things."


"We do put a lot of importance on defending. But there's lots of ways to do that. You can defend in your box or in midfield, which comes with some risks. When we sat down and decided what we wanted to do with Rayo, we thought that if we shat our pants, we would have no chance. If we played with our backs to goal, waiting for a corner or a free kick to come our way, we would have gone straight to the second division. So we decided to try and go the distance with our rivals, and try to hit them so hard that they couldn't get back up."


Wish you hadn't posted that. Brought tears to my eyes to think of football that way.

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If we played with our backs to goal, waiting for a corner or a free kick to come our way, we would have gone straight to the second division. So we decided to try and go the distance with our rivals, and try to hit them so hard that they couldn't get back up."


love that like

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It's Sunday morning and I'm slightly hungover, so I'm going to go on a Jémez quote-a-thon.


"The essence of it all is that you have to give people a spectacle. This happens in theater, opera and football. What happens is that in football since there's a scoreboard it feels like it doesn't matter how you play. I know it's silly for a manager to say that - I live by my results, if those aren't good I lose my job. But you have to empower the player to do what he's there to do: to play good football."


"I don't want to see my team playing with their backs to the goal. I suffer when that happens. As a manager I want to enjoy seeing my team play. I have enough of a bad time sitting on the bench to also see that my team doesn't play the ball. And I want to see people having a good time. Winning 1-0, through a pen, I don't want that. I don't want to win at any price. I know it's a risky way to see things."


"We do put a lot of importance on defending. But there's lots of ways to do that. You can defend in your box or in midfield, which comes with some risks. When we sat down and decided what we wanted to do with Rayo, we thought that if we shat our pants, we would have no chance. If we played with our backs to goal, waiting for a corner or a free kick to come our way, we would have gone straight to the second division. So we decided to try and go the distance with our rivals, and try to hit them so hard that they couldn't get back up."


Wish you hadn't posted that. Brought tears to my eyes to think of football that way.


Keeganesque (other than the pant-shitting line  :lol:).

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Sprinting before walking

Despite unlikely success with Middlesbrough he was a bungled and questionable appointment in 2006, and wholly deserving of his speedy dismissal following that disastrous Euro 2008 campaign.

Yet in two spells with Twente either side of nine enlightening months in Germany with Wolfsburg, two turbulent ones at Nottingham Forest and another renaissance at Derby, McClaren has evolved into the more patient, long-term thinking individual required to succeed at international level.

image: http://images.cdn.fourfourtwo.com/sites/fourfourtwo.com/files/styles/inline-image/public/mcclaren_croatia.jpg?itok=J1trFTOW


The image McClaren - or the rest of us - may never be able to forget


image: http://images.cdn.fourfourtwo.com/sites/fourfourtwo.com/files/styles/puff-image/public/john-carver_3.jpg?itok=dPqiKIUx


NEWS Carver reveals McClaren talks

He once used the term “sprinting” to describe his previous managerial approach by which he prematurely ditched David Beckham from his first England squad and often bought older, ready-made players at Middlesbrough. At Derby he has reaped the rewards from a broader outlook, recruiting impressively and using the likes of Andre Wisdom, Patrick Bamford, Jordon Ibe, Jesse Lingard and Tom Ince to great effect. At the same time, however, the 53-year-old has been instrumental in the improvements of Chris Martin and Will Hughes, players who were already there when he took over in September 2013. It's little surprise that Newcastle, where the preference is to buy players, improve them and sell at a profit, are reportedly so keen to hire him this summer.

Doing it for the kids

“He’s a really good coach first and foremost, and he’s getting better with the experience he’s collected working abroad, managing Forest and Derby,” says Jonathan Greening, York City’s youth team manager who played under McClaren at Manchester United, Middlesbrough and Nottingham Forest.

“He was really good to me at Manchester United. When he went to take the Middlesbrough job he took me and Mark Wilson with him, which was brilliant.

image: http://images.cdn.fourfourtwo.com/sites/fourfourtwo.com/files/styles/inline-image/public/mcclaren_downing.jpg?itok=r-jGdzNu


The Derby boss helped bring through the likes of Downing

“Even with me, when I was 25, one of the reasons he sold me to West Brom was because Stewart Downing was coming through, plus Adam Johnson, and he wanted to give them a chance. He knew the right time. He gave Lee Cattermole his chance, and bought Chris Riggott and Malcolm Christie [from Derby]. He’s not afraid to throw young players in at the deep end. Any experience of working abroad as a player or manager will definitely improve you. I’m a big believer of that.”

It's perhaps that, above all else, that has influenced McClaren. Developing younger players wasn't initially his first-choice approach at Middlesbrough – indeed, the likes of Alan Curbishley and Harry Redknapp once lamented the cash he'd spent at Boro (stones, glass houses etc) – but he learned to embrace it, having no doubt learned much as assistant to Sir Alex Ferguson at Old Trafford.

image: http://images.cdn.fourfourtwo.com/sites/fourfourtwo.com/files/styles/inline-image/public/twente_mcclaren.jpg?itok=6BksUaU6


McClaren became the first Englishman to lead a team to a top-level title since Bobby Robson with Porto in 1996

McClaren enhanced his education in Holland, a country long lauded for its ability to produce fine technically-gifted young players and coaches, plus its preference for 4-3-3. He was given little time to rebuild at Wolfsburg in Germany, and left "frustrated" but stronger.

It's said that at Twente, meanwhile, who McClaren led to the 2009/10 Eredivisie, his coaching staff were shocked at his propensity to shout and scream at his players during matches. Instead, they encouraged him to be less emotional and trust his players to independently solve their on-field problems.

Continental contact

Equally educational was his increased experience of how football is played on the continent. Manchester United’s 1999 Champions League success was achieved with a Premier League skill set, and the England team under McClaren favoured similarly unsubtle – but largely unsuitable – domestic strengths.

Of the England managers in the modern era, it was those with overseas experience – Terry Venables, Glenn Hoddle (who didn’t manage abroad but was truly inspired by four years playing for Monaco), Sven-Goran Eriksson and, to a much lesser extent, Fabio Capello and Hodgson – who have enjoyed some kind of success. The others – Graham Taylor, Kevin Keegan and McClaren 1.0 – failed miserably.

image: http://images.cdn.fourfourtwo.com/sites/fourfourtwo.com/files/styles/inline-image/public/mcclaren_wolfsburg.jpg?itok=QxFBg3jP


McClaren was the first Englishman to manage a top-flight German side - but he only lasted nine months

In international football, where access to players is frustratingly minimal, a clear philosophy is required and flexibility crucial, McClaren is finally equipped with the qualities and experience to succeed.

Teams tend to benefit from smaller coaching teams of a higher calibre, making a hands-off manager who delegates less suitable than the modern, more involved coach.

The job description for the modern England manager should also recognise the need to select from and improve players who aren’t necessarily regulars or valued at club level, as well as implementing technical director Dan Ashworth’s 'England DNA'.  For both demands McClaren, with his experiences of Dutch and German development, is suitable, as he also is for overseeing the guidance and nurturing of coaches.

image: http://images.cdn.fourfourtwo.com/sites/fourfourtwo.com/files/styles/inline-image/public/england_training.jpg?itok=FUvVrej8


Today's England squad is a young one that needs patience


image: http://images.cdn.fourfourtwo.com/sites/fourfourtwo.com/files/styles/puff-image/public/ashworthportrait_3.jpg?itok=sQTxgFac


INTERVIEW Dan Ashworth on England's DNA: "We want to be the best"

“I worked with some unbelievable managers: Mark Hughes, Tony Mowbray, Alex Ferguson,” says Jonathan Greening. “Roy Hodgson’s training was quality, and you could tell he’d worked in Italy; he worked on shape a lot and was well organised.

“But Steve’s up there, and his coaching sessions were very good – very hard, but really enjoyable. Steve would get his fingers dirty and get out on the training pitch, a bit like Roy Hodgson at Fulham.

“I took over York City’s youth team in December, and nearly all of my sessions are a mixture of Steve McClaren, Roy Hodgson and Tony Mowbray.”


McClaren's biggest obstacle to returning as England manager won't stem from his suitability to the role, but the public and media’s staunch refusal to forgive him for that fatal defeat to Croatia at Wembley.

But in that light it is relevant that Louis van Gaal led Holland to the 2014 World Cup semi-finals after failing to seal qualification for Japan and South Korea 2002; Brazil have reappointed Dunga after sacking him in 2010, and won all eight of their friendlies since – including the scalps of Argentina, France and Chile.

“Ultimately I'm a teacher, I'm a coach. I like to coach players and I like to coach coaches,” said McClaren in 2012. “We've come full circle and what's missing in our game is coaching the coaches.

“We have to do that better, and that will improve the English game and player. We have to make them more intelligent. Coaching the coaches is ultimately what I would like to do in the future.”

Sometimes there are those who deserve a second chance.


Read more at http://www.fourfourtwo.com/features/return-mac-how-englands-brolly-wally-repaired-ruined-reputation#zmkRs3FD280gVgUp.99

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Had a browse of  a Derby forum earlier, struggled to find anyone on there who wanted rid of him. They also talk about 'progressive attacking style', which I must admit, I've never seen evidence of anytime I've seen them play.

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He's still a million times better than Carver. He might not be perfect but I bet we wouldn't be lining up with such a site midfield today if he was in charge.

We shouldn't settle for second rate managers period.

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He's still a million times better than Carver. He might not be perfect but I bet we wouldn't be lining up with such a site midfield today if he was in charge.

We shouldn't settle for second rate managers period.


Shouldn't BUT unfortunately I would. That's how bad this fucking club is..

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He's still a million times better than Carver. He might not be perfect but I bet we wouldn't be lining up with such a site midfield today if he was in charge.

We shouldn't settle for second rate managers period.


Shouldn't BUT unfortunately I would. That's how bad this fucking club is..

He'd become a Pardew mark 2 mofo

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He's still a million times better than Carver. He might not be perfect but I bet we wouldn't be lining up with such a site midfield today if he was in charge.

We shouldn't settle for second rate managers period.

You are right, we should see if Mourinho fancies the job.

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He's still a million times better than Carver. He might not be perfect but I bet we wouldn't be lining up with such a site midfield today if he was in charge.

We shouldn't settle for second rate managers period.


Shouldn't BUT unfortunately I would. That's how bad this fucking club is..

He'd become a Pardew mark 2 mofo


What get us to fifth? (please note I'm only joking) :)

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He's still a million times better than Carver. He might not be perfect but I bet we wouldn't be lining up with such a site midfield today if he was in charge.

We shouldn't settle for second rate managers period.


Shouldn't BUT unfortunately I would. That's how bad this fucking club is..

He'd become a Pardew mark 2 mofo


What get us to fifth? (please note I'm only joking) :)

I know, your a far better poster than spouting such bollocks :thup:

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