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Italian Police kill football fan


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A football fan has been shot dead by police following fighting between rival supporters in Italy, officials say.

Local authorities said there had been a "tragic error" when police intervened to quell violence between fans of Roman team Lazio and Turin-based Juventus.


The victim, a Lazio fan, was shot during the clash at a motorway restaurant near Arezzo in Tuscany.


The Lazio fans were travelling to a match against Inter Milan, which has been suspended following the death.


Other games were starting 10 minutes late with players and officials wearing black armbands.


The Juventus fans were reportedly on their way from Naples to an away match against Parma.


"It was a tragic error," said Arezzo police chief Vincenzo Giacobbe.


"Our agent had intervened to prevent the brawl between these two groups, who had not been identified as fans," Mr Giacobbe said, according to the Italian news agency Ansa.


Earlier reports said the fan had been killed during the brawl.


News of the violence apparently sparked clashes between fans and police in Bergamo, where Atalanta were playing AC Milan.


That match was also suspended.


In April the Italian government introduced a law aimed at stamping out football hooliganism.


It was enacted after a policeman was killed in rioting at a match in Sicily in February.





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The Italians are their own worst enemy at times.  I don't know if it's their Machiavellian culture or what but it has to stop.


I "support" Lazio in the sense that they've always been my favourite Italian team.  I've never been to see them but the last couple of years i've had the cash to go to Rome for the weekend and take in a game.  I've always decided against it because of the safety element.  If that's what they do to eachother then imagine what they'd do to foreigners.

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Italian football doesn't seem to be getting any better in terms of safety. There doesn't seem to be an awful lot done about it. A few years ago we were discussing this very subject when we played Inter in the San Siro, and their fans in the upper tier launched all sorts from piss to a flare into our section, who were powerless to resist stuck in the lower tier. It was typically cowardly stuff from the Italians, and the police did nothing about it. Ironically, if our lot had been able to react, you know who would have been blamed. That time Inter only got a slap on the wrist from UEFA, a tiny fine.


4 years on and if anything Italian football has moved backwards.

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i hear Roma and Lazio fans have united against the coppers again.. last time this happened, there were riots all night and hundreds of cops in hospital.. pity i'm not there now


Anybody with a bit of sense would rather be anywhere than around a riot.

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How does an officer fire a warning shot?  Is this the wild west?  Also, I thought warning shots were fired directly upwards, not into a moving vehicle. 


Anyway, this is all very tragic and senseless violence, but it's what we've come to expect from Italy.  The whole country needs to have a word with themselves. 

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How does an officer fire a warning shot?  Is this the wild west?  Also, I thought warning shots were fired directly upwards, not into a moving vehicle. 


Anyway, this is all very tragic and senseless violence, but it's what we've come to expect from Italy.  The whole country needs to have a word with themselves. 


Doesn't sound like the police have got their cover story straight at all. It doesn't even sound believable.

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Guest nufc_geordie

I was thinking that the official line doesn't make any sense at all. The police claim that a warning shot was fired vertically up in the air, only one and the fan died by accident? Was he driving a f*cking spaceship or something becasue he was shot dead in his car. It's the Jetsons!

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I have heard the police officer was in the services on the other side of the motorway, around 60m from the man who was shot. Was he in a stationary car or was he driving down the motorway, between the fight on one side and the police on the other?


So you reckon he was shot while passing at 70mph? That's fucking unlucky.

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