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Slaven Bilic


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I like the way he moves on the sidelines, he covers alot of ground and makes people know his thoughts. Good job. :thup:


He sort of summed up what was wrong with our last two tenures really.


He was shouting and wailing and jumping up and down..... when his side were winning and through anyway.


Every time the camera panned to McClaren, he was either sat down drinking water, or just not there.

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I like the way he moves on the sidelines, he covers alot of ground and makes people know his thoughts. Good job. :thup:


He sort of summed up what was wrong with our last two tenures really.


He was shouting and wailing and jumping up and down..... when his side were winning and through anyway.


Every time the camera panned to McClaren, he was either sat down drinking water, or just not there.


And Venables was looking just like Phil Neal in that documentary about Sir Graham Taylor.

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I was very impressed by Bilic last time in Zagreb. All the talk about 4-5-1 and on that night 3-5-2 he basically said "systems are dead". And he's right.


Football is played on reactions these days and its about how players cover the ground to protect the ball or their goal. The Croatian 2nd was proof of that when too many england players went to the ball instead of doing their job defending.


The system didn't cost Englnd tonight, bad players, bad selections and bad BRAINS cost them.

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Venables is a cockney criminal spiv who shouldn't be allowed within 100 miles of any kind of gainful employment, let alone a football club. And yes, I'm aware that would mean he'd have to live at sea in a boat.


And apart from being a crook he's a crap football manager as well. Oh, I forgot, he got us to the semis of the European Championships. A feat that every other host nation has managed with the exception of Belgium in 2000, which our London press conveniently tend to forget as they have a group wank over how 'great' we were in that tournament.


(You may or may not be able to guess that Mr T Venables is not my most favourite football manager ever)

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I was very impressed by Bilic last time in Zagreb. All the talk about 4-5-1 and on that night 3-5-2 he basically said "systems are dead". And he's right.


Football is played on reactions these days and its about how players cover the ground to protect the ball or their goal. The Croatian 2nd was proof of that when too many england players went to the ball instead of doing their job defending.


The system didn't cost Englnd tonight, bad players, bad selections and bad BRAINS cost them.


"systems" are basically bullshit.


They are used by people who make excuses for losing.


Problems with English football are far deeper than this too



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I was very impressed by Bilic last time in Zagreb. All the talk about 4-5-1 and on that night 3-5-2 he basically said "systems are dead". And he's right.


Football is played on reactions these days and its about how players cover the ground to protect the ball or their goal. The Croatian 2nd was proof of that when too many england players went to the ball instead of doing their job defending.


The system didn't cost Englnd tonight, bad players, bad selections and bad BRAINS cost them.


"systems" are basically bullshit.


They are used by people who make excuses for losing.


Problems with English football are far deeper than this too





if he didnt have a system he'd put out the best 10 outfield players, guess what he plays specialist defenders,one or two players who are crap at right back but good at creating chances....how does he get round this...he uses a system.


too much can be made of systems but you are right about the problems being deeper than that

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Utter cunt.


And has the makings of a very good manager. won't be long till he's in demand by a host of clubs.


he might well have johnny. However, I think the time has come for England to appoint a manager who has proved he knows the international game and is successful at it.


How good he can be, I don;t know. You can't buy and sell players like you do at club level. But someone like him, or Scolari, is the direction they should go now.


A different topic completely, is how to improve the quality of English players, because even the best managers are still limited by limitations of players.


Team selections and poor motivation are the reasons why smuggins isn't the right manager for England. It should make me smile, that all the cockney tosser journos who slated Keegan have found that their own darlings are doing no better, in fact in smuggins case, worse. Smuggins will be gone soon. He may have the support of one or two idiots, but a manager who is booed by a shitty little club like the smoggies, will never be good enough for England. But it doesn't make me smile, not in a pleasing way anyway, because I used to go and watch England a lot when I worked down south in the late 1970's and early 1980's, and got to be quite enthusiastic about it all. I feel different now, totally different in fact.


I thought Croatia were excellent tonight. Their control of their own game, the control of their possession, their composure and the ability to play their possession at the pace they wanted, was top class.



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Team selections and poor motivation are the reasons why smuggins isn't the right manager for England. It should make me smile, that all the cockney tosser journos who slated Keegan have found that their own darlings are doing no better, in fact in smuggins case, worse.


In which way is McClaren a darling of the London media? Born in Yorkshire, so clearly not a regional thing.


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A different topic completely, is how to improve the quality of English players, because even the best managers are still limited by limitations of players.


Only two feasible things can be done imo:


1) More technical coaching from a younger age.


2) Incorporate a system where talented youngsters or domestic players can be bought for fair prices from smaller clubs. Enforce a minimum fee release clause into every contract (as in Spain), enable co-ownership (as in Italy), etc etc. Nicky Shorey, for example, should be at a bigger and better club by now (eg ours), but instead hes stuck at Reading because they wont sell for a reasonable price after one half decent England performance. Instead, Newcaslte end up with Enrique, and although that works out for the club, it means stagnation for Shorey - not because a foreigner has prevented him from being at a better club, but because his own club have priced him out of the move (not factual, but its probably true given the various quotes by Reading's manager/board about his potential sale).

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I bet Sven is having a good laugh! :lol:


And rightly so.


The English media is a cancer to the national team.



Mind you, Sven was sacked at the right time. I was backing him for a long time, but even with hindsight, I would've still have had him sacked after WC.

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