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It's absolutely crucial we stick by Sam during this period.


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In football today, fans get managers sacked. You might not like it or agree with it but on Saturday, Sam lost a fair % of the fans with some of his decisions. Personally, I'll stick by him til the end of the season and judge him in May but I'll also admit to being totally baffled by some of the things that he's doing and the way he's got us set up.


He can't afford too many more performances like that though.  :undecided:

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In football today, fans get managers sacked. You might not like it or agree with it but on Saturday, Sam lost a fair % of the fans with some of his decisions. Personally, I'll stick by him til the end of the season and judge him in May but I'll also admit to being totally baffled by some of the things that he's doing and the way he's got us set up.


He can't afford too many more performances like that though.  :undecided:


You reckon? I'm not convinced the clubs give a monkey's what we really think. Results (money) are all that matter IMO.


Obviously the two tend to go hand-in-hand.

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In football today, fans get managers sacked. You might not like it or agree with it but on Saturday, Sam lost a fair % of the fans with some of his decisions. Personally, I'll stick by him til the end of the season and judge him in May but I'll also admit to being totally baffled by some of the things that he's doing and the way he's got us set up.


He can't afford too many more performances like that though.  :undecided:


You reckon? I'm not convinced the clubs give a monkey's what we really think. Results (money) are all that matter IMO.


Obviously the two tend to go hand-in-hand.


Not saying I agree with it like but, by and large, aye!


If the fans of the vast majority of clubs kick off big time, the manager inevitably goes shortly after. 

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In football today, fans get managers sacked. You might not like it or agree with it but on Saturday, Sam lost a fair % of the fans with some of his decisions. Personally, I'll stick by him til the end of the season and judge him in May but I'll also admit to being totally baffled by some of the things that he's doing and the way he's got us set up.


He can't afford too many more performances like that though.  :undecided:


You reckon? I'm not convinced the clubs give a monkey's what we really think. Results (money) are all that matter IMO.


Obviously the two tend to go hand-in-hand.


Not saying I agree with it like but, by and large, aye!


If the fans of the vast majority of clubs kick off big time, the manager inevitably goes shortly after. 


If we'd given it our all on Saturday and simply been beaten by the better side, resulting in a decent reception at full time, do you think the club would view it any differently? I don't. Same as I don't think they would have been bothered about the plenty of people massively unimpressed even when we were winning games.


This is football clubs in general btw, not necessarily our new lot.

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In football today, fans get managers sacked. You might not like it or agree with it but on Saturday, Sam lost a fair % of the fans with some of his decisions. Personally, I'll stick by him til the end of the season and judge him in May but I'll also admit to being totally baffled by some of the things that he's doing and the way he's got us set up.


He can't afford too many more performances like that though.  :undecided:


You reckon? I'm not convinced the clubs give a monkey's what we really think. Results (money) are all that matter IMO.


Obviously the two tend to go hand-in-hand.


Not saying I agree with it like but, by and large, aye!


If the fans of the vast majority of clubs kick off big time, the manager inevitably goes shortly after. 


If we'd given it our all on Saturday and simply been beaten by the better side, resulting in a decent reception at full time, do you think the club would view it any differently? I don't. Same as I don't think they would have been bothered about the plenty of people massively unimpressed even when we were winning games.


This is football clubs in general btw, not necessarily our new lot.


That's fair enough.  :thup:


I just think the pressure to sack the boss starts from the fans. Results and poor performances might be the reason for the unrest but if every game was played behind closed doors then I think managers would last longer than they do. Hearing thousands of fans mouthing off must have registered and planted a seed of doubt in Ashley's mind. He wouldn't be human if he was able to completely ignore it all. I've never heard a substitution cause so much bother amongst fans as the Milner one. Piss the fans off on a major scale and you're on borrowed time imo.


Not quite sure how Mort and Ashley will play this but I hope they're patient enough to give the bloke a chance. 

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True Faith says - stick.


Read the whole article, in a nutshell it seems to be saying "stick with Sam because there's no one else". Which may well be true at the moment but it's a pretty weak defence if that's the best they can muster. At least HTT tried to convince us of the long term master plan and set out a possible, if optimistic blueprint.


For me personally, making fairly decent players look second best to truly awful teams just smacks of bad management. Big Sam has always banged on about results over performance which I agree with. If he's been trying to get results with his team line ups this season, he's done a s**** job so far. That's really all there is to it.




they also mention getting behind the team, having a reality check, and suggest you all stop moaning like f****** girls everytime something bad happens, which is worth a try for all of you, wake up, we're a laughing stock of a club thats been going backwards for YEARS and we cant be turned around in one season, nevermind 13 games


All vague "rally behind the troops, it's early days" soundbites which mean f*** all tbh. You could have said that about Sammy Lee if you were a Bolton fan. Big Sam was a big fish at Bolton where the odd upset was a massive triumph. Right now he's doing the opposite so why does he deserve special treatment based on his results so far?


massive, steaming, pile, of shit


one has a proven record in this league, one doesnt


he deserves 'special' treatment because he's the manager of OUR football club, and unless you believe he's trying to get bad performances then we're all pulling in the same direction, and if you class not booing him as special treatment then i feel totally disgusted to be associated with you and your 50,000 mates


'massive, steaming, pile, of shit




one has a proven record in this league, one doesnt'


or you could argue, Big Sam's 'proven record' was worse than Bobby Robson's in his senile days which saw him sacked.


or you could argue that Sammy lee wasn't given enough time.


or you might just ask like the rest of us, why it takes so much thought and tactical insight to make us look shit against the worst teams in the division?

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True Faith says - stick.


Read the whole article, in a nutshell it seems to be saying "stick with Sam because there's no one else". Which may well be true at the moment but it's a pretty weak defence if that's the best they can muster. At least HTT tried to convince us of the long term master plan and set out a possible, if optimistic blueprint.


For me personally, making fairly decent players look second best to truly awful teams just smacks of bad management. Big Sam has always banged on about results over performance which I agree with. If he's been trying to get results with his team line ups this season, he's done a s**** job so far. That's really all there is to it.




they also mention getting behind the team, having a reality check, and suggest you all stop moaning like f****** girls everytime something bad happens, which is worth a try for all of you, wake up, we're a laughing stock of a club thats been going backwards for YEARS and we cant be turned around in one season, nevermind 13 games


All vague "rally behind the troops, it's early days" soundbites which mean f*** all tbh. You could have said that about Sammy Lee if you were a Bolton fan. Big Sam was a big fish at Bolton where the odd upset was a massive triumph. Right now he's doing the opposite so why does he deserve special treatment based on his results so far?


massive, steaming, pile, of s***


one has a proven record in this league, one doesnt


he deserves 'special' treatment because he's the manager of OUR football club, and unless you believe he's trying to get bad performances then we're all pulling in the same direction, and if you class not booing him as special treatment then i feel totally disgusted to be associated with you and your 50,000 mates


'massive, steaming, pile, of s***




one has a proven record in this league, one doesnt'


or you could argue, Big Sam's 'proven record' was worse than Bobby Robson's in his senile days which saw him sacked.


or you could argue that Sammy lee wasn't given enough time.


or you might just ask like the rest of us, why it takes so much thought and tactical insight to make us look s*** against the worst teams in the division?


re: bobby, different teams, different levels of investment, different expectations, bad analogy


re: sammy lee, no reason to appoint him in the first place as he had no prior results in  that role, nevermind in this league, also see hutchings at wigan, another bad point


re: us looking s***, yeah, we've looked s***, i agree, my suggestion would be to leave sam in office until at least the end of the season and get behind him and the team, and stop booing, what would yours be?

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We played 4-4-2 for the most of it tbf, we were just utter shite.

It was 3-5-2, but they did not keep formation very well.


No, more of a 3-4-1-2 but it changed after about half an hour.


Quote from Rozehnal - "We actually changed the formation back to 4-4-2 after 15 minutes."


Aye, because Geremi couldn't get over the half-way line (and get back) ;)

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This place will go f****** insane if we lose to Blackburn which most think we will :lol: Imagine after the Arsenal game  mackems.gif

If we play a decent system and actually give it a go I think you'll hear a lot less complaining.  Most of the people who are annoyed with Allardyce aren't pissed about the results, just the manner in which we're playing in.  Seems like thats been said enough.


I know it has, my point still stands

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True Faith says - stick.


Read the whole article, in a nutshell it seems to be saying "stick with Sam because there's no one else". Which may well be true at the moment but it's a pretty weak defence if that's the best they can muster. At least HTT tried to convince us of the long term master plan and set out a possible, if optimistic blueprint.


For me personally, making fairly decent players look second best to truly awful teams just smacks of bad management. Big Sam has always banged on about results over performance which I agree with. If he's been trying to get results with his team line ups this season, he's done a s**** job so far. That's really all there is to it.




they also mention getting behind the team, having a reality check, and suggest you all stop moaning like f****** girls everytime something bad happens, which is worth a try for all of you, wake up, we're a laughing stock of a club thats been going backwards for YEARS and we cant be turned around in one season, nevermind 13 games


All vague "rally behind the troops, it's early days" soundbites which mean f*** all tbh. You could have said that about Sammy Lee if you were a Bolton fan. Big Sam was a big fish at Bolton where the odd upset was a massive triumph. Right now he's doing the opposite so why does he deserve special treatment based on his results so far?


massive, steaming, pile, of s***


one has a proven record in this league, one doesnt


he deserves 'special' treatment because he's the manager of OUR football club, and unless you believe he's trying to get bad performances then we're all pulling in the same direction, and if you class not booing him as special treatment then i feel totally disgusted to be associated with you and your 50,000 mates


'massive, steaming, pile, of s***




one has a proven record in this league, one doesnt'


or you could argue, Big Sam's 'proven record' was worse than Bobby Robson's in his senile days which saw him sacked.


or you could argue that Sammy lee wasn't given enough time.


or you might just ask like the rest of us, why it takes so much thought and tactical insight to make us look s*** against the worst teams in the division?


re: bobby, different teams, different levels of investment, different expectations, bad analogy


re: sammy lee, no reason to appoint him in the first place as he had no prior results in  that role, nevermind in this league, also see hutchings at wigan, another bad point


re: us looking s***, yeah, we've looked s***, i agree, my suggestion would be to leave sam in office until at least the end of the season and get behind him and the team, and stop booing, what would yours be?


Mine would be for Big Sam to realise he hasn't got the players to play long ball football. It really should have dawned on him by now. So until he's brought in those type of players (if he's allowed to) he really should concentrate on getting the best out of a fairly decent squad. it's just an opinion but 4-4-2, pass and move would see us beating at least the shite sides. I realise this goes against Sam's ethos of percentage football, but it doesn't take rocket science to work out that to play percentage football you need the right percentage of percentage-style footballers!



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Well said Tron (see my post in "times comment today").

I also think he is sticking to his guns and won't step back and admit his philosophy isn't working and our players would most probably play better in an attcking formation as we have better forwards and midfielders for attacking than we do for defending e.g.


-------Viduka/smith---owen /martins.-----





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Guest shaun11177

Play to your strengths Owen/Viduka/Martins not your weaknesses-defence.

Robson sussed it-we played attacking because we had Robert/Solano/Bellamy/Shearer-to play defensive with Dabizas/O'Brien in your defence would have been silly.

The bloke is very confused at the moment, if there is a plan it certainly isnt been communicated to us but more importantly to the players. According to Sam the idea was to contain Liverpool but then what? were we suddenly going to transform and attack, notice he didnt even say contain and counter attack-no just contain them, give them all the possession let them pass it around us while we ran our legs off. When you are confused and afraid you get cautious.

Nevertheless the pool of candidates out there as a replacement seems to get smaller every season. Apart from the obvious candidates who would want to manage Champions Lge clubs where are the up and coming Managers?

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Guest Brazilianbob

If you went to the cinema to watch an action packed movie and the manager then decided to screen Mary Poppins (no slur on Shearer intended) after he had taken your money, I think an adverse reaction from the audience would be well and truly merited don't you? 

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If you went to the cinema to watch an action packed movie and the manager then decided to screen Mary Poppins (no slur on Shearer intended) after he had taken your money, I think an adverse reaction from the audience would be well and truly merited don't you?  

I don't think that's a particularly apt analogy tbh.

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If you went to the cinema to watch an action packed movie and the manager then decided to screen Mary Poppins (no slur on Shearer intended) after he had taken your money, I think an adverse reaction from the audience would be well and truly merited don't you? 

I don't think that's a particularly apt analogy tbh.

Didn't you know football games were all pre-written to a script? No neither did I.

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We've had our say (or those who were booing have) and Allardyce knows how people feel, I think it's time to show support for now and see if we really can make a difference.  All the booing in the world will not change what's already happened.

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If you went to the cinema to watch an action packed movie and the manager then decided to screen Mary Poppins (no slur on Shearer intended) after he had taken your money, I think an adverse reaction from the audience would be well and truly merited don't you?  

I don't think that's a particularly apt analogy tbh.

I think if you dont like Cronenburg's latest film you should be able to personally abuse him as you, after all, pay his wages.... or something.

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We've had our say (or those who were booing have) and Allardyce knows how people feel, I think it's time to show support for now and see if we really can make a difference.  All the booing in the world will not change what's already happened.


Firstly I'm not someone who would boo my own team regardless, so let's make that clear. I think the fact that 6000 are heading to Blackburn answers all the critics about the fans supposed lack of support. Now it's over to Big Sam  to put out a team that will be allowed to play and have a go at Blackburn because the long ball approach is clearly not going to work with this squad. Let them play, let them pass and move and let them get forward in support of their strikers when in possession. Play the full backs we've bought at full back. Play the wide players wide. Keep it on the deck and let Blackburn huff and puff and concede posession by lumping it high and long.


These tactics might not work, but I'll bet the players we've got will be far more capable using them. If the fans still whinge then fair enough, but I doubt it.



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We've had our say (or those who were booing have) and Allardyce knows how people feel, I think it's time to show support for now and see if we really can make a difference.  All the booing in the world will not change what's already happened.


Firstly I'm not someone who would boo my own team regardless, so let's make that clear. I think the fact that 6000 are heading to Blackburn answers all the critics about the fans supposed lack of support. Now it's over to Big Sam  to put out a team that will be allowed to play and have a go at Blackburn because the long ball approach is clearly not going to work with this squad. Let them play, let them pass and move and let them get forward in support of their strikers when in possession. Play the full backs we've bought at full back. Play the wide players wide. Keep it on the deck and let Blackburn huff and puff and concede posession by lumping it high and long.


These tactics might not work, but I'll bet the players we've got will be far more capable using them. If the fans still whinge then fair enough, but I doubt it.




Far too simple for the fat idiot, he'll play 4 trundlers in midfield and loads of long balls, hoping to scrape a point

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I'd be happy if N'zogbia trundled.


At least he'd be doing something to justify his selection.


He might not even get the chance, I think its his turn to warm the bench. No problem though, Emre can play left wing

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I'd be happy if N'zogbia trundled.


At least he'd be doing something to justify his selection.


He might not even get the chance, I think its his turn to warm the bench. No problem though, Emre can play left wing

I hope that's tongue-in-cheek.

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I'd be happy if N'zogbia trundled.


At least he'd be doing something to justify his selection.


He might not even get the chance, I think its his turn to warm the bench. No problem though, Emre can play left wing

I hope that's tongue-in-cheek.

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