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It's absolutely crucial we stick by Sam during this period.


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Not really. He did well at Bolton, but don't go pretending it was a miracle or something.  And the one aspect about bolton that was good (they were organized) he's failed at to a great degree here.


That's the worrying thing. It's the very least I'd expect an Allardyce side to be, yet we are anything but a soft touch at the moment.


It is worrying but then how long does it take to make a team which is strongly made up of new players organised and hard to beat?


I can't really say but 13 games doesn't seem a huge amount, especially when some of these players have probably played in half of them.



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I agree we need to stick with him. But what he has got realise is that what worked at Bolton may not be right for Newcastle. When Fergie took over Man Utd he brought his number 2  Archie Knox with him & signed Jim Leighton. Things improved dramatically once Knox went back to Scotland in 1991 & Leighton got dumped for the late Les Sealy. Big Sam with his structure & mega backrooms is similar in the way Sir Clive Woodward operates, Sir Clive was a winner with England but when he tried to do the same with the British Lions it failed big time. Bringing no marks in like Heath & Saxton does not look good to me & neither does promoting Adam Sadler who gets the reserve gig from the Academy at time when the Academy is fucking shocking. Also employing Steve Maclarens number 2 does not fill me with confidence either.

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True Faith says - stick.


Read the whole article, in a nutshell it seems to be saying "stick with Sam because there's no one else". Which may well be true at the moment but it's a pretty weak defence if that's the best they can muster. At least HTT tried to convince us of the long term master plan and set out a possible, if optimistic blueprint.


For me personally, making fairly decent players look second best to truly awful teams just smacks of bad management. Big Sam has always banged on about results over performance which I agree with. If he's been trying to get results with his team line ups this season, he's done a shite job so far. That's really all there is to it.



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Guest robertbobo

If I'm honest I'm not displeased with our points tally really.  You'd expect a mediocre points tally after 13 games with a new manager. 


Oh yeah. Man City? Jesus man - we're absolutely shite.

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True Faith says - stick.


Read the whole article, in a nutshell it seems to be saying "stick with Sam because there's no one else". Which may well be true at the moment but it's a pretty weak defence if that's the best they can muster. At least HTT tried to convince us of the long term master plan and set out a possible, if optimistic blueprint.


For me personally, making fairly decent players look second best to truly awful teams just smacks of bad management. Big Sam has always banged on about results over performance which I agree with. If he's been trying to get results with his team line ups this season, he's done a s**** job so far. That's really all there is to it.




they also mention getting behind the team, having a reality check, and suggest you all stop moaning like fucking girls everytime something bad happens, which is worth a try for all of you, wake up, we're a laughing stock of a club thats been going backwards for YEARS and we cant be turned around in one season, nevermind 13 games

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I like it how the anti-sam crew have to name 5 managers I think naming 1 would be suffice.


short list? no? the first person asked obviously packs his bags straight away? ok?


Mourinho is definitely going to take it, silly!

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I like it how the anti-sam crew have to name 5 managers I think naming 1 would be suffice.

the first person asked obviously packs his bags straight away? ok?


Isnt that what happened with Sam when we employed him?


i dont know, i didnt do the job personally

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I like it how the anti-sam crew have to name 5 managers I think naming 1 would be suffice.

the first person asked obviously packs his bags straight away? ok?


Isnt that what happened with Sam when we employed him?


i dont know, i didnt do the job personally


Thats how it was. Shep had one name & he went & got his man.

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I like it how the anti-sam crew have to name 5 managers I think naming 1 would be suffice.

the first person asked obviously packs his bags straight away? ok?


Isnt that what happened with Sam when we employed him?


i dont know, i didnt do the job personally


Thats how it was. Shep had one name & he went & got his man.


ok lets cut the crap, is your point that because you think that was the case last time, that it could feasibly be the case if we were to sack sam and went looking for another manager? well, ok, i accept that may be a possibility, but would the person packing their bags be of a higher quality than sam? thats the point, think about it

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True Faith says - stick.


Read the whole article, in a nutshell it seems to be saying "stick with Sam because there's no one else". Which may well be true at the moment but it's a pretty weak defence if that's the best they can muster. At least HTT tried to convince us of the long term master plan and set out a possible, if optimistic blueprint.


For me personally, making fairly decent players look second best to truly awful teams just smacks of bad management. Big Sam has always banged on about results over performance which I agree with. If he's been trying to get results with his team line ups this season, he's done a shite job so far. That's really all there is to it.




TF's right. We just need to shut up for a bit and see what happens.

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Sven walked into the job with half his defence already established/settled. He has also had his best players fit for most of the season.

Did he? Sort of. Distin was off. They didnt have a left back. They had a kid who played at right back and Richard Dunne who has been decent to good but never outstanding. They had fuck all out wide and nowt in the middle or up front. Our squad was an awful lot better than the shit he took over. Of course his kids appear to be a lot more talented than our 'will only get better' brigade. However, he spent well and identified the key positions and bought them. He has done well, good luck to him.
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I like it how the anti-sam crew have to name 5 managers I think naming 1 would be suffice.

the first person asked obviously packs his bags straight away? ok?


Isnt that what happened with Sam when we employed him?


i dont know, i didnt do the job personally


Thats how it was. Shep had one name & he went & got his man.


ok lets cut the crap, is your point that because you think that was the case last time, that it could feasibly be the case if we were to sack sam and went looking for another manager? well, ok, i accept that may be a possibility, but would the person packing their bags be of a higher quality than sam? thats the point, think about it


I think Sam should stay, so I am not going to waste my time putting a case forward for any managers. I just think asking people for 5 names is bit much when 1 would do really. What would equal a higher quality than Sam? Harry Redknapp? Michael Laudrup? Alex Mcleish? Paul Jewell? Bobby Robson? Manuel Pellegrini? Aloysius Paulus Maria van Gaal ?



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This place will go f****** insane if we lose to Blackburn which most think we will :lol: Imagine after the Arsenal game  mackems.gif


We were always going to be in the shite, most people could see it coming by us not winning against shite teams like Derby & Sunderland. We have to thank the fixture computer for giving us a nice start to the season.

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True Faith says - stick.


Read the whole article, in a nutshell it seems to be saying "stick with Sam because there's no one else". Which may well be true at the moment but it's a pretty weak defence if that's the best they can muster. At least HTT tried to convince us of the long term master plan and set out a possible, if optimistic blueprint.


For me personally, making fairly decent players look second best to truly awful teams just smacks of bad management. Big Sam has always banged on about results over performance which I agree with. If he's been trying to get results with his team line ups this season, he's done a s**** job so far. That's really all there is to it.




they also mention getting behind the team, having a reality check, and suggest you all stop moaning like fucking girls everytime something bad happens, which is worth a try for all of you, wake up, we're a laughing stock of a club thats been going backwards for YEARS and we cant be turned around in one season, nevermind 13 games


All vague "rally behind the troops, it's early days" soundbites which mean fuck all tbh. You could have said that about Sammy Lee if you were a Bolton fan. Big Sam was a big fish at Bolton where the odd upset was a massive triumph. Right now he's doing the opposite so why does he deserve special treatment based on his results so far?

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This place will go f****** insane if we lose to Blackburn which most think we will :lol: Imagine after the Arsenal game  mackems.gif

If we play a decent system and actually give it a go I think you'll hear a lot less complaining.  Most of the people who are annoyed with Allardyce aren't pissed about the results, just the manner in which we're playing in.  Seems like thats been said enough.

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This place will go f****** insane if we lose to Blackburn which most think we will :lol: Imagine after the Arsenal game  mackems.gif

If we play a decent system and actually give it a go I think you'll hear a lot less complaining.  Most of the people who are annoyed with Allardyce aren't pissed about the results, just the manner in which we're playing in.  Seems like thats been said enough.



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This place will go f****** insane if we lose to Blackburn which most think we will :lol: Imagine after the Arsenal game  mackems.gif

If we play a decent system and actually give it a go I think you'll hear a lot less complaining.  Most of the people who are annoyed with Allardyce aren't pissed about the results, just the manner in which we're playing in.  Seems like thats been said enough.



said enough?....i'm getting it as a tattoo.
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True Faith says - stick.


Read the whole article, in a nutshell it seems to be saying "stick with Sam because there's no one else". Which may well be true at the moment but it's a pretty weak defence if that's the best they can muster. At least HTT tried to convince us of the long term master plan and set out a possible, if optimistic blueprint.


For me personally, making fairly decent players look second best to truly awful teams just smacks of bad management. Big Sam has always banged on about results over performance which I agree with. If he's been trying to get results with his team line ups this season, he's done a s**** job so far. That's really all there is to it.




they also mention getting behind the team, having a reality check, and suggest you all stop moaning like f****** girls everytime something bad happens, which is worth a try for all of you, wake up, we're a laughing stock of a club thats been going backwards for YEARS and we cant be turned around in one season, nevermind 13 games


All vague "rally behind the troops, it's early days" soundbites which mean f*** all tbh. You could have said that about Sammy Lee if you were a Bolton fan. Big Sam was a big fish at Bolton where the odd upset was a massive triumph. Right now he's doing the opposite so why does he deserve special treatment based on his results so far?


massive, steaming, pile, of shit


one has a proven record in this league, one doesnt


he deserves 'special' treatment because he's the manager of OUR football club, and unless you believe he's trying to get bad performances then we're all pulling in the same direction, and if you class not booing him as special treatment then i feel totally disgusted to be associated with you and your 50,000 mates

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I always find it strange why people talk about the bigger picture and then point to the current league table. It's a bit hypocritical, isn't it? If 13 games isn't enough to condemn him then it isn't enough to vindicate him either.


A sense perspective is key here, although I'm not about to preach as to what is the right perspective to take. It's difficult to say what is a knee-jerk reaction because for every Moyes, Redknapp, or O'Neill there's a Souness who ultimately fails. And sometimes the writing is on the wall early on, as it was with Souness. I don't believe our problems are so serious, but I am concerned that the man in charge doesn't know what he's doing and might be letting his ego get in the way of the job. It's the only way I can explain some of his awful decision-making. I do believe he needs time, but I don't believe you necessarily need two full seasons to get a good perspective on things. After Souness's first season, most of us could see he wasn't worth sticking with but he was backed financially, given another season and he blew it and set the club back a long way. A lot of people are talking as if there is nothing to lose by giving any manager time, but that's simply not true. The Premier League is more competitive than ever with clubs like West Ham and Man City now loaded with money. There is plenty to lose if we back the wrong man through thick and thin, as we saw with Souness.

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