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Three Manchester United fans stabbed in Rome.


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Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?


I've got sympathy for anybody who gets stabbed for supporting any team.


They put themselves in a situation where they knew there was a possibility they could get hurt, and for what, to watch Johnny Evans and Chris Eagles play in a dead game. Why? Fools for going in the first place. :idiot2:

Are you honestly fucking blaming the victims here because that's what I'm reading, that you're saying it's their fault they got stabbed.  Is that what you're saying?
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Guest nufc_geordie

Not saying what the Italians have done is good in anyway and they should be punished. However, the bridge that this violence occurred on is a well know meeting point of the Rome Ultra's and all Man Utd fans with tickets were supposedly given information telling them to steer well clear of that area. The guys that were there judging by media reports were p*ssed so that leaves there being there open to two interpretations.


1) They got lost, which in this day and age with maps etc. they shouldn't have. Having been to Rome, Paris, Geneva, Bergen in the last couple of years i've never managed it yet even when hammered.


2) They got tanked up and went looking for a bit of fun with the ultra's (stupid tw*ts) hence getting everything they deserve for there stupidity.

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Roma Ultras leave stabbed people after every game in Serie A, home or away.. so what do you think they're going to do when some pissed Mancs pop in the middle of the Ultras' gathering point?

they went looking for it, they got it.


i'll try to find this video that shows some arrested people from the Fedayn group.. showing the variety of weapons that they were carrying.. bombs, knifes, screwdrivers, all sorts of guns.. somebody even had one of those huge saws, that are made for two people :lol:

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Not saying what the Italians have done is good in anyway and they should be punished. However, the bridge that this violence occurred on is a well know meeting point of the Rome Ultra's and all Man Utd fans with tickets were supposedly given information telling them to steer well clear of that area. The guys that were there judging by media reports were p*ssed so that leaves there being there open to two interpretations.


1) They got lost, which in this day and age with maps etc. they shouldn't have. Having been to Rome, Paris, Geneva, Bergen in the last couple of years i've never managed it yet even when hammered.


2) They got tanked up and went looking for a bit of fun with the ultra's (stupid tw*ts) hence getting everything they deserve for there stupidity.


It is fooking brilliant aint it. The police/media/roma/man ure all know where this scum hang around did anyone think about putting a few dozen police there  in riot gear & with CCTV.


I know our football culture gets knocked by the rest of the world at times but when it comes to dealing with racism & football hooliganism I think we aim to tackle these problems head on & better than most.

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Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?


I've got sympathy for anybody who gets stabbed for supporting any team.


They put themselves in a situation where they knew there was a possibility they could get hurt, and for what, to watch Johnny Evans and Chris Eagles play in a dead game. Why? Fools for going in the first place. :idiot2:

Are you honestly fucking blaming the victims here because that's what I'm reading, that you're saying it's their fault they got stabbed.  Is that what you're saying?




Even when I thought they where people being randomly attacked, Manchester United fans are knowledgable enough about the way things work in that part of the world to know they were putting themselves in a dangerous situation.


Of course its not the way it should be, these cunts shouldn't even be in the competition if fans can't even go the game safely, but the TV money men, UEFA, the g14, all these cunts disagree. Unfortunately its probably going to take someone (else. On a weekday) being killed before owt serious gets done about it. In the meantime fans - especially ones who have been over there many times before - should realise whats going to happen, and how little protection they are going to get from the Roman police, and seriously ask themselves if its worth it. If the authorities aren't going to stamp down on them (Which they clearly arent), then they should stay away.


Of course, thats not what happened is it.




Six Britons have been arrested after fighting broke out ahead of Manchester United's Champions League tie against Roma in the Italian capital.


Five United fans were stabbed during skirmishes between a group of 50 rival fans on Wednesday evening.


Four of the six Britons detained were formally charged with obstructing police officers in their duty. Two others were released without charge.


None of the stabbed fans suffered serious injuries.


Embassy staff said it appeared there were no further disturbances as fans left the stadium after the game, which finished 1-1.



The violence flared at the Pont Duca d'Aosta bridge, the scene of many clashes between visiting fans and Roma's Ultras contingent.


There are no "victims" here. Just a bunch of muppets who went looking for trouble, and suprise suprise, they found it in the form of knife wielding italians. They played with fire, they got burnt.


PS: 2009 Champions League final to be held at Stadio Olympico, Rome.  :idiot2:

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Would it be wrong to refer to the stabbed Mancs as the Holey Trinity?


It is Christmas after all!


Eyeties are fucking cowards though.



et tu Brute? 


See what I mean, they've been getting away with this type of stuff for years!!



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Would it be wrong to refer to the stabbed Mancs as the Holey Trinity?


It is Christmas after all!


Eyeties are fucking cowards though.



et tu Brute?   


See what I mean, they've been getting away with this type of stuff for years!!




:lol: :thup:

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Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?

While i hate Man Utd myself, i can't help thinking your views are magnified because you happen to follow their Derby rivals.

If Man city played in Rome most of your lot would want to go.

Each travelling fan must accept they go at their own risk, but they can't be criticised for following their team. As for the Man U fans going looking for trouble, you may be right, but you can't know that.

No ground in Europe should be a no-go area.

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Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?

While i hate Man Utd myself, i can't help thinking your views are magnified because you happen to follow their Derby rivals.

If Man city played in Rome most of your lot would want to go.

Each travelling fan must accept they go at their own risk, but they can't be criticised for following their team. As for the Man U fans going looking for trouble, you may be right, but you can't know that.

No ground in Europe should be a no-go area.


Trouble finds those looking for it, simple as.  There were a few thousand other Mancs that managed not to get shanked.  I'm with Specky on this one. 

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Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?

While i hate Man Utd myself, i can't help thinking your views are magnified because you happen to follow their Derby rivals.

If Man city played in Rome most of your lot would want to go.

Each travelling fan must accept they go at their own risk, but they can't be criticised for following their team. As for the Man U fans going looking for trouble, you may be right, but you can't know that.

No ground in Europe should be a no-go area.


Trouble finds those looking for it, simple as.  There were a few thousand other Mancs that managed not to get shanked.  I'm with Specky on this one. 


Eh? Do you also mean that a granny who gets mugged on the street 'must' have deserved it as a few other thousand granny's didn't get robbed?

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Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?

While i hate Man Utd myself, i can't help thinking your views are magnified because you happen to follow their Derby rivals.

If Man city played in Rome most of your lot would want to go.

Each travelling fan must accept they go at their own risk, but they can't be criticised for following their team. As for the Man U fans going looking for trouble, you may be right, but you can't know that.

No ground in Europe should be a no-go area.


Trouble finds those looking for it, simple as.  There were a few thousand other Mancs that managed not to get shanked.  I'm with Specky on this one. 


Eh? Do you also mean that a granny who gets mugged on the street 'must' have deserved it as a few other thousand granny's didn't get robbed?


Well how come all the other ones managed to avoid it? Maybe she was wearing a t-shirt that said 'Are You looking at me, cunt'

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Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?

While i hate Man Utd myself, i can't help thinking your views are magnified because you happen to follow their Derby rivals.

If Man city played in Rome most of your lot would want to go.

Each travelling fan must accept they go at their own risk, but they can't be criticised for following their team. As for the Man U fans going looking for trouble, you may be right, but you can't know that.

No ground in Europe should be a no-go area.


Trouble finds those looking for it, simple as.  There were a few thousand other Mancs that managed not to get shanked.  I'm with Specky on this one. 


Eh? Do you also mean that a granny who gets mugged on the street 'must' have deserved it as a few other thousand granny's didn't get robbed?


Well how come all the other ones managed to avoid it? Maybe she was wearing a t-shirt that said 'Are You looking at me, c***'


the provocative silver haired heating allowance grabbing coffin dodger!!

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Some of the sentiments expressed in this thread are, quite frankly, staggering.


Fuckin cheeky b@stards going abroad and getting themselves stabbed - they should be fuckin ashamed of themselves.  Imagine doing that eh?  They should have their passports confiscated for having the sheer fuckin nerve to get stabbed in a foreign country like  :idiot2:


Can we step back for a minute and remind ourselves of who's actually the bad guys here?  :rolleyes:

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The Engleeesh pigs will get victimised by the Italians and Spaniards for the simple reason they hate us and that goes for the scum police in both countrys who have no morals and would happily beat the shit out of you for just asking them the time or am i wrong .

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Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?

While i hate Man Utd myself, i can't help thinking your views are magnified because you happen to follow their Derby rivals.

If Man city played in Rome most of your lot would want to go.

Each travelling fan must accept they go at their own risk, but they can't be criticised for following their team. As for the Man U fans going looking for trouble, you may be right, but you can't know that.

No ground in Europe should be a no-go area.


Trouble finds those looking for it, simple as.  There were a few thousand other Mancs that managed not to get shanked.  I'm with Specky on this one. 


Eh? Do you also mean that a granny who gets mugged on the street 'must' have deserved it as a few other thousand granny's didn't get robbed?


Nothing like taking something completely out of context and adding it's irrelevance to an argument.  I'm assuming those stabbed weren't using a fucking cane to get to the match. 


Anyways, it's a shame it happened, but I've read owt that says this was a random attack completely unprovoked.  Words were exchanged and those Hooligans looking for trouble, found it. 

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Dont expect the pasta eating police to prevent any bother, they are more likely to shoot a man in a parked car than spot a riot kicking off in a Ultras hot spot.  Platini to do........... er nowt.  Another gutless UEFA rep.

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Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?

While i hate Man Utd myself, i can't help thinking your views are magnified because you happen to follow their Derby rivals.

If Man city played in Rome most of your lot would want to go.

Each travelling fan must accept they go at their own risk, but they can't be criticised for following their team. As for the Man U fans going looking for trouble, you may be right, but you can't know that.

No ground in Europe should be a no-go area.


Trouble finds those looking for it, simple as.  There were a few thousand other Mancs that managed not to get shanked.  I'm with Specky on this one. 


Eh? Do you also mean that a granny who gets mugged on the street 'must' have deserved it as a few other thousand granny's didn't get robbed?


Nothing like taking something completely out of context and adding it's irrelevance to an argument.  I'm assuming those stabbed weren't using a f****** cane to get to the match.  


Anyways, it's a shame it happened, but I've read owt that says this was a random attack completely unprovoked.  Words were exchanged and those Hooligans looking for trouble, found it. 




and you've not read owt that says it was a provoked (and in your eyes justifiable) attack either, unless you're taking Dr S's posts as gospel

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Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?

While i hate Man Utd myself, i can't help thinking your views are magnified because you happen to follow their Derby rivals.

If Man city played in Rome most of your lot would want to go.

Each travelling fan must accept they go at their own risk, but they can't be criticised for following their team. As for the Man U fans going looking for trouble, you may be right, but you can't know that.

No ground in Europe should be a no-go area.


Trouble finds those looking for it, simple as.  There were a few thousand other Mancs that managed not to get shanked.  I'm with Specky on this one. 


Eh? Do you also mean that a granny who gets mugged on the street 'must' have deserved it as a few other thousand granny's didn't get robbed?


Nothing like taking something completely out of context and adding it's irrelevance to an argument.  I'm assuming those stabbed weren't using a f****** cane to get to the match.  


Anyways, it's a shame it happened, but I've read owt that says this was a random attack completely unprovoked.  Words were exchanged and those Hooligans looking for trouble, found it. 




and you've not read owt that says it was a provoked (and in your eyes justifiable) attack either, unless you're taking Dr S's posts as gospel


The fact remains they were at the bridge, apparently a well renowned spot for Ultras clashes so it looks very much like they were up for a scrap and lost. Either way stabbings over football are never justifiable and i dont think the bonk made out they are in any way...

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Saying the ManU fans are at fault because they should have known better is preposterous. Sure, if you jump into the lion's den at the zoo and get eaten, it's your own fault, but you can't blame lions for being animals. You can blame Roma fans.


UEFA should boot Roma out of their competitions and not let them back in until their fans stop stabbing people. It's up to the club and the Roman police to stop this crap. It's not like CCTV is unavailable in Italy, nor is it impossible to ask the English police and football bodies how they sorted out English football hooliganism.

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Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?

While i hate Man Utd myself, i can't help thinking your views are magnified because you happen to follow their Derby rivals.

If Man city played in Rome most of your lot would want to go.

Each travelling fan must accept they go at their own risk, but they can't be criticised for following their team. As for the Man U fans going looking for trouble, you may be right, but you can't know that.

No ground in Europe should be a no-go area.


Trouble finds those looking for it, simple as.  There were a few thousand other Mancs that managed not to get shanked.  I'm with Specky on this one. 


Eh? Do you also mean that a granny who gets mugged on the street 'must' have deserved it as a few other thousand granny's didn't get robbed?


Nothing like taking something completely out of context and adding it's irrelevance to an argument.  I'm assuming those stabbed weren't using a f****** cane to get to the match.  


Anyways, it's a shame it happened, but I've read owt that says this was a random attack completely unprovoked.  Words were exchanged and those Hooligans looking for trouble, found it. 




and you've not read owt that says it was a provoked (and in your eyes justifiable) attack either, unless you're taking Dr S's posts as gospel


The fact remains they were at the bridge, apparently a well renowned spot for Ultras clashes so it looks very much like they were up for a scrap and lost. Either way stabbings over football are never justifiable and i dont think the bonk made out they are in any way...


The only 'facts' are that they were in the bridge area and got stabbed, not that they were up for a scrap which was what he and Dr Sp are assuming as a fact and coming across as saying they got what they deserved. I don't have a problem with either poster, they usually have canny input on here, but for this topic i'll have to disagree with them.



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