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  On 29/12/2007 at 00:32, Baggio said:

You were the one who had the dig at me accusing me of getting jealous for some reason, perhaps you should think before doing it again if you're going to get so touchy when I reply.


So right. Your post is just yet another childish, stupid, mud slinging, slanderous post aimed to make me touchy?


Cheers Baggio, of course I get touchy when a childish, stupid, mud slinging, slanderous makes silly accusations on me. Thanks for your admission and clarification. Much appreciated.

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  On 28/12/2007 at 23:23, marsai said:



it's in croatian, summed up translation would be:


mamic brothers said the city is out of equation, leaving all other options viable.

next, a teammate of modric, josip tadic, has apparently told a good buddy of his (and press as always intercepted the info, god knows how) that modric has indeed pledged his future to newcastle. then the reporter says how newcastle indeed have the necessary cash and are/were looking for a playmaker.


still crossing my fingers O0




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  On 29/12/2007 at 00:38, Delima said:


You were the one who had the dig at me accusing me of getting jealous for some reason, perhaps you should think before doing it again if you're going to get so touchy when I reply.


So right. Your post is just yet another childish, stupid, mud slinging, slanderous post aimed to make me touchy?


Cheers Baggio, of course I get touchy when a childish, stupid, mud slinging, slanderous makes silly accusations on me. Thanks for your admission and clarification. Much appreciated.


I actually made that post after your little dig at me, go back and check if you like.


I take you've had a few drinks and are looking to pick a fight with someone on the internet but you'll have to find someone else, not only am I not interested but I don't want to see another thread taken off topic, good night.

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  On 29/12/2007 at 00:47, Baggio said:

I actually made that post after your little dig at me, go back and check if you like.


I take you've had a few drinks and are looking to pick a fight with someone on the internet but you'll have to find someone else, not only am I not interested but I don't want to see another thread taken off topic, good night.


Good night Baggio, you are always most welcome.

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  On 29/12/2007 at 00:40, Wullie said:




it's in croatian, summed up translation would be:


mamic brothers said the city is out of equation, leaving all other options viable.

next, a teammate of modric, josip tadic, has apparently told a good buddy of his (and press as always intercepted the info, god knows how) that modric has indeed pledged his future to newcastle. then the reporter says how newcastle indeed have the necessary cash and are/were looking for a playmaker.


still crossing my fingers O0





fingers crossed. can't see it happening tho.

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  On 29/12/2007 at 04:04, johnnypd said:





it's in croatian, summed up translation would be:


mamic brothers said the city is out of equation, leaving all other options viable.

next, a teammate of modric, josip tadic, has apparently told a good buddy of his (and press as always intercepted the info, god knows how) that modric has indeed pledged his future to newcastle. then the reporter says how newcastle indeed have the necessary cash and are/were looking for a playmaker.


still crossing my fingers O0





fingers crossed. can't see it happening tho.


He's got to move somewhere I suppose.




This Croatian site says it's City, Spurs or Chelsea and there's another site which says he's all but agreed to sign for Ajax!

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that article dates back to 26th. also,  i've come across a few more articles claiming man city is out of the race, so there's probably some truth in there.


another portal that says a teammate of modric spoke up and said he signed for newcastle.

we'll see in a few hours though.


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  On 29/12/2007 at 11:03, marsai said:


that article dates back to 26th. also,  i've come across a few more articles claiming man city is out of the race, so there's probably some truth in there.


another portal that says a teammate of modric spoke up and said he signed for newcastle.

we'll see in a few hours though.



I'm still hoping for him to say Spurs, but it would be a disaster if he opted for City.  SGE has done a fabulous job in transforming the Doc's team, spent money admittedly, but still a fabulous job.  If Modric did join them I reckon they would be a lot closer to Liverpool than most people would imagine.  Is it definite the decision will be announced at 3pm?

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Modrić potpisao za Newcastle? 

Svijet - Sport | Saturday, 29 December 2007


Danas će konačno završiti medijska nagađanja oko Modrićevog nastavka karijere. Za danas poslijepodne u Dinamu je najavljena press-konferencija na kojoj će biti obznanjeno u kojem klubu će Luka Modrić nastaviti karijeru. Sve je dogovoreno jučer, no s objavom imena se čeka.


Sigurno je tek da kupac nije Manchester City, koji je još jučer izgledao kao najrealnija opcije. Ovime su mediji dobili još vremena za nagađanja, a ako je vjerovati informacijama iz Dinamove svlačionice kojima se barata, Modrić karijeru nastavlja u Newcastle Unitedu!


Ukoliko je to točno, a lako je moguće da jeste jer Newcastle igra slabo a novca mu ne nedostaje, on će biti drugi Dinamov igrač, nakon Silvija Marića, koji karijeru nastavlja na St. James Parku.


? anybody

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First translate try:


D anas would ultimately finish media conjecture about Modrićevog to proceed career. For today afternoon into a Dynamics had all things considered transplanted substance - conference at an coyote will it be obznanjeno into a which club would Haven Littleness to proceed career. Whole had agreed upon yesterday , than with manifestation name does čeka. Undoubtedly had merely yes we do customer is not Manchester City , who had yet yesterday lookout as a najrealnija options. Herewith have been media dobili yet time for conjecture , and if it is trust info through Dinamo svlačionice who does manipulation , Littleness career to proceed into a Newcastle Unitedu! If you had this accuracy , and lightly had possibly yes we do have you because Newcastle playing thin and money boo does not missing , him will it be latter Dinamo player , afterwards Silvija Margarines , who career to proceed per cent. James Park.

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  On 29/12/2007 at 11:47, sicko2ndbest said:

Modrić potpisao za Newcastle? 

Svijet - Sport | Saturday, 29 December 2007


Danas će konačno završiti medijska nagađanja oko Modrićevog nastavka karijere. Za danas poslijepodne u Dinamu je najavljena press-konferencija na kojoj će biti obznanjeno u kojem klubu će Luka Modrić nastaviti karijeru. Sve je dogovoreno jučer, no s objavom imena se čeka.


Sigurno je tek da kupac nije Manchester City, koji je još jučer izgledao kao najrealnija opcije. Ovime su mediji dobili još vremena za nagađanja, a ako je vjerovati informacijama iz Dinamove svlačionice kojima se barata, Modrić karijeru nastavlja u Newcastle Unitedu!


Ukoliko je to točno, a lako je moguće da jeste jer Newcastle igra slabo a novca mu ne nedostaje, on će biti drugi Dinamov igrač, nakon Silvija Marića, koji karijeru nastavlja na St. James Parku.


? anybody


it says that today all the speculation surrounding modric's carreer will finally end. a press conference was announced to be held later afternoon today, on which the club's name will be announced. it says the deal was done yesterday, but the name is still kept secret. Further, only thing that's sure is that city is not the buyer, the club which till yesterday looked like a certain bet. with this info, the media got even more time to speculate, but if it's to believe the latest rumors that have been circulating

the dinamo locker room, modric is continuing his carrer at newcastle united.


if that's correct, and it's a real possibility, because newcastle is in bad shape but they're not missing cash, he'll be the dinamo player to go to st. james's park, after silvio maric.


that's a rough translation, i'll update in an hour or so, when they reveal the info.


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  On 29/12/2007 at 12:50, Jonny2J said:

Can he head the ball though?  :rolleyes:


actually no, with his height he ain't much of a presence in the air, if that's what you were asking;)


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