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Toon turning to Shearer and Keegan

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Whoever the new manager is, they are going to need patience and understanding from the fans.

Some managers will have enough of a reputation or respect to be given time.  Whoever gets the longest Honeymoon period might well have the best chance of success, because whover comes in is going to have some rough games ahead of them, and they need some time to ride the storm.


No matter what their acheivements have been, some managers would be on a hiding to nothing from day one. 


Harry was never going to get a chance from the fans. He would have been as precarious on day 1 as Sam was in Mid Dec. Was never going to have a fair chance and I think he realised that and stayed home.


Hughes is in the same position.....never going to have the fans backing unless he started out with a 4 game winning streak. Then he might be back at evens with the fans.


Any of the European coaches mentioned - Hiddink, Van Gaal, Hitzfeld, Flores, Co Adrianse would be on a short leash as none of them would be a unanimous choice. Reputation would buy them some time, but who knows how much.


Keegan or Keegan/Shearer would have the most time and patience "Credit" built up for them.  And considering that what we desperately need is someone to unite the fans and to unite the players behind a belief that the team has a destiny - they might welll be the best choice.


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Just been watching the Inside Sport interview in which he comments on never going back to management, but it is very clear he has a huge soft spot for Newcastle and I think he would come back when asked (search for `Kevin Keegan: Inside Sport Interview (15/10/07)` on youtube). I would love to see Keegan as manager with Shearer as assistent, and if it works for the roles to be reversed in two or three years time before Keegan bows out.. Stuff dreams are made off..

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As superb as the Keegan era was, I just get the overwhelming feeling that you cannot pull off the same trick twice in football.  The way this season is shaping up Keegan could wind up being the manager that resurrected Newcastle and then ended up taking us down!


Sod's law isnt it


But something has to give. If that's what happens then so be it

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Guest Eires No. 1





Former Newcastle boss Glenn Roeder says Alan Shearer has what it takes to be a success as the club's manager.

"Alan is a future Newcastle manager, and he might well be the next one," the Norwich boss told BBC Radio 5 Live.


"All on his own, without an experienced backroom team, I think the job would be very difficult.


"But if he appointed a very experienced backroom team to help him get through the first few seasons, then I believe Alan would be a winning manager."


Roeder, who resigned as Newcastle boss in May 2007, managed Shearer as the striker's playing days ended in 2006.


Speculation surrounding the job is rife following the shock exit of Sam Allardyce on Wednesday, with former boss Kevin Keegan also linked with the role.


And after Harry Redknapp rejected the chance to move to St James' Park, the Portsmouth manager voiced his belief that Shearer is the ideal for the role.


I'd give Shearer the job. I think he's perfect for it," he said.


"He'd set the place alight and the fans love him. Experience doesn't matter - he understands football.


"He would just need to bring a couple of experienced people in alongside him. It wouldn't be a problem for him."


Redknapp added: "We're kidding ourselves that experience is what is needed. "(Sunderland manager) Roy Keane had no experience but he knows what he's doing. He's different class.


"I listen to Roy, I watch him and there's only one place he's going and that is right to the top. I don't see why Alan can't do that.


"Because of what he means to the place and what the fans think of him and what a player he's been, he'd be absolutely perfect."



But life president and former Newcastle chairman Sir John Hall told 5 Live's Sportsweek programme that the Toon Army's idol was not ready to fill the hotseat.


"Alan is the most dedicated professional I have ever met and a great man. But he would want to come in at the right time, and now is probably too early," he said.


Hall added he could not envisage former team boss Kevin Keegan returning, even with Shearer alongside him.


"Kevin has had his time and I don't think he and his family would want to return."


Former England manager Steve McClaren is another who feels that the time is not right for Shearer to become Newcastle manager.


"You do need some experience otherwise you are learning on the job," he said.


"I am a big advocate of getting your coaching qualifications and then serving your apprenticeships and learning the job at a lower level."






The best bit though from Steve Mclaren......... "You do need some experience, otherwise you are learning on the job"    ;D  What a pleb!!




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Just been watching the Inside Sport interview in which he comments on never going back to management, but it is very clear he has a huge soft spot for Newcastle and I think he would come back when asked (search for `Kevin Keegan: Inside Sport Interview (15/10/07)` on youtube). I would love to see Keegan as manager with Shearer as assistent, and if it works for the roles to be reversed in two or three years time before Keegan bows out.. Stuff dreams are made off..


He looks a bit insular now to me. One or two things have gone wrong for him and he is one of those people that losing eats away at them. Also I think he'd have a hard time now as the game has moved on in many ways. Even the likes of AF has had to bring in Quiroz to bounce  ideas off and show the way sometimes. The trick is to find the new KK and imo Klinsmann has a very similar persona...Too late now.

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Honestly.. is there a queue of people all wanting to add their bit to this story.


You would have thought the likes of Roeder would have kept a very low profile when offering advice on how to succeed at this job when he obviously had no clue whatsoever.



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  KK would be awesome but despite the Redknapp gaffee I really like the idea of interviewing people imagin when was the last time this club intrview people? NEVER.  This is a big job and people should applay for it and I think that is what Mort is doing. KK will rejuvinate the team but only if he comes with his ideas of all attack philosphy. If Ashley provide 50- 60 million in the summer we will have a top five club by next year.


  People say it is wrong time to sack Big Sam at this time but I think it is the best time. I know we are not gone relgate so the new Manger will get 16 games to assess the current squad who is better and who is not. He will get a head start if we fire him in the summer all it will be is be ready for next year by the time the new guy know about the players and know who he wants preseason will come and everything will disrupt. I think things happen for good reason and we have a good chance of achving something serious in the next year.

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Guest sombrero

  KK would be awesome but despite the Redknapp gaffee I really like the idea of interviewing people imagin when was the last time this club intrview people? NEVER.  This is a big job and people should applay for it and I think that is what Mort is doing. KK will rejuvinate the team but only if he comes with his ideas of all attack philosphy. If Ashley provide 50- 60 million in the summer we will have a top five club by next year.


  People say it is wrong time to sack Big Sam at this time but I think it is the best time. I know we are not gone relgate so the new Manger will get 16 games to assess the current squad who is better and who is not. He will get a head start if we fire him in the summer all it will be is be ready for next year by the time the new guy know about the players and know who he wants preseason will come and everything will disrupt. I think things happen for good reason and we have a good chance of achving something serious in the next year.


not too ambitious about the top 5?

i agreee though i think it was the right time to sack alardyce based on the fact that he will have a headstart and KK would be fabulous if he brings to the club what he brought last time BUT we are only like 8 or 9 points from the relegation zone and the direction we appeared to be heading, if we continues playin bullokcs we COULD have been relegated tbh relatively easily. 8 or 9 points with the number of games left. i do have faith in martins right foot though!

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KK did a marvellous job during his time as manager and there is no doubt that the fans would get behind him and Shearer if they were chosen, but I have one significant reservation ; KK scrapped the Reserves and downplayed the Juniors when he was told that 6 Reserve games had to be played at SJP - he did this because he didn't want them playing on the pitch which was giving problems at the time..


I was (and still am) totally against that policy decision - the club's Academy system is clearly a mess, and youth development is vital to any major club's future - if you have no Reserves, how can they gain proper competitive experience against players from other Prem sides ? You wouldn't catch Arsenal scrapping their Reserves(who, lest anyone forgets, were good enough to turn NUFC over in the L'woods Cup earlier this season..!), or Man U, so why should we, esp on a whim of convenience....


I would be against the choice if this action was to be repeated.

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KK did a marvellous job during his time as manager and there is no doubt that the fans would get behind him and Shearer if they were chosen, but I have one significant reservation ; KK scrapped the Reserves and downplayed the Juniors when he was told that 6 Reserve games had to be played at SJP - he did this because he didn't want them playing on the pitch which was giving problems at the time..


I was (and still am) totally against that policy decision - the club's Academy system is clearly a mess, and youth development is vital to any major club's future - if you have no Reserves, how can they gain proper competitive experience against players from other Prem sides ? You wouldn't catch Arsenal scrapping their Reserves(who, lest anyone forgets, were good enough to turn NUFC over in the L'woods Cup earlier this season..!), or Man U, so why should we, esp on a whim of convenience....


I would be against the choice if this action was to be repeated.


No chance that would ever happen again, Keegan or no Keegan.

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KK did a marvellous job during his time as manager and there is no doubt that the fans would get behind him and Shearer if they were chosen, but I have one significant reservation ; KK scrapped the Reserves and downplayed the Juniors when he was told that 6 Reserve games had to be played at SJP - he did this because he didn't want them playing on the pitch which was giving problems at the time..


I was (and still am) totally against that policy decision - the club's Academy system is clearly a mess, and youth development is vital to any major club's future - if you have no Reserves, how can they gain proper competitive experience against players from other Prem sides ? You wouldn't catch Arsenal scrapping their Reserves(who, lest anyone forgets, were good enough to turn NUFC over in the L'woods Cup earlier this season..!), or Man U, so why should we, esp on a whim of convenience....


I would be against the choice if this action was to be repeated.


It could be argued that Keegan was ahead of his time in not wanting to play reserve games at St James'.  Chris McMennemy said he scrapped the reserves because we were new to the Premiership and didn't have the players needed to run the reserves.

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No fucking thanks! time to move on, Keegan had his day here and it isn't going to come back again with him, he lost the plot at Man City and with National team and he's been to long out of the game now to be any good, time for you guys to come back down to earth and stop dreaming about the good old days and far as Keegan/Shearer I think there would be to much clashing of personality's to the detriment of the team. 

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Guest Beachcomber

The problem with the Keegan - Shearer thing is that it is pure Nostalgia. The truth is that Nostalgia isn't what it used to be!

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When Keegan left Man City, the players were complaining that his training was boring and old-fashioned. The game has moved on, and I don’t think his instinctive, unscientific approach would work any more.


Shearer would be the better choice, but if it was between him and Hughes, you’d have to go for Hughes’s experience. He’s already proved himself.


Neither Shearer nor Keegan are anybody’s number two. They like to have their own way, and a partnership wouldn’t work.


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Guest redmayne

to be honest im alol for it

place needs a lift depserately and im not sure how much faith we'd have in a foreign couch unless it was at the level of mourinho....

it doesnt take much for things to turn anymore at NUFC and would anybodyelse out there thats realistic go for attacking football


mind you not sure how good sharer/keegan would be at unearthing a few gems


oh fuck it i dont know just do something soon so it all ends and i can sleep again



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to be honest im alol for it

place needs a lift depserately and im not sure how much faith we'd have in a foreign couch unless it was at the level of mourinho....

it doesnt take much for things to turn anymore at NUFC and would anybodyelse out there thats realistic go for attacking football


mind you not sure how good sharer/keegan would be at unearthing a few gems


oh f*** it i dont know just do something soon so it all ends and i can sleep again




I have every faith in my IKEA couch tbh

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To be honest I'm warming to the idea of the Shearer/Keegan thing, we may as well give it a go if we can get Kev out of retirement. I think we all want something we can get behind and feel positive about.


Also, it will get the Shearer era out of our system so he won't be casting a shadow over every manager we appoint.

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Guest elbee909

Brief interview with Shearer arriving back from holiday on SSN - back into Newcastle airport.


Reporter: "Would you like the Newcastle job?"

Al: "One day"

Reporter: "What about the possibility of working with Kevin Keegan again?"

Al: "I haven't spoken to Kevin in a long time."

Reporter: Tries to ask one more question but Shearer is about to get out of the building.

Al: "Ok thanks" - and then walks away



Dead cert then, heh :D

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Guest elbee909

To be honest I'm warming to the idea of the Shearer/Keegan thing, we may as well give it a go if we can get Kev out of retirement. I think we all want something we can get behind and feel positive about.


Also, it will get the Shearer era out of our system so he won't be casting a shadow over every manager we appoint.


"Sources say KK is also interested in being number one with his own backroom staff, people like Terry McDermott"


Stopped reading there.

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