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Is there any way back for Damien Duff?

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Inspired by an article about him in the Journal that I've just spotted, I was wondering whether people still think Duff has a future at Newcastle. He's one of the highest earners, has suffered a career-threatening injury in his time here but prior to that was one of the best left-wingers around on his day. I wouldn't mind seeing him stay as I think he can only get better, especially under Keegan, but I get the feeling that for a lot of people he might have burnt his bridges because he hasn't reached anywhere near the form he showed at Blackburn and Chelsea.


Disasters are in the past for Damien

May 13 2008 by Luke Edwards, The Journal


DAMIEN Duff is determined to put two disastrous years at Newcastle United behind him as he attempts to rebuild his reputation at St James’s Park.


Duff’s arrival two years ago was seen as a major coup for then Magpies manager Glenn Roeder, but the Republic of Ireland international has failed to sparkle on Tyneside.


The former Premier League title winner with Chelsea has not been helped by a career-threatening foot injury last year and he admits he has failed to find his best form since a £5m move from Stamford Bridge. As one of the top earners at St James’s Park, Duff’s position could be under threat this summer, but the player wants to stay in the North East.


“I’ve had a disastrous time because of injuries so it’d be nice to find my best form again,” said Duff, who started against Everton on Sunday for the first time in more than a month. “Things haven’t worked out for me but I still wouldn’t change anything. It’s been tough.


“This time last year I was lying in a hospital bed and the surgeon said then it’d be a year before you feel remotely like your old self.


“And it’s more or less a year to the day, so if there is a bonus to be had from this season, it’s that this time last year I was worried about ever playing again. Now I am back playing.”


There has been plenty of intense speculation about Kevin Keegan’s future in recent days after a meeting was hastily arranged between the manager and owner Mike Ashley in London last week. Both Keegan and chairman Chris Mort have publicly declared their happiness with the outcome of that meeting, which was set up to discuss the club’s transfer policy, but that has done little to end rumours there is friction behind the scenes.


However, Duff claimed there had been no sign of any tension in the manager over the weekend and he insisted Keegan would still be the manager next season.


He said: “It’s been great working with him (Keegan), particularly as a forward player. Just training with him every day and hearing his thoughts on different things is great. Obviously the gaffer was missing for a couple of days earlier in the week because he had go to meet the owners. I’m only going on what I saw on Match of the Day on Sunday night because he hasn’t spoken to us about it and we’re only going on what we read in the papers.


“Obviously, anything can happen up there, even at the best of times. But we just have to worry about ourselves and get on with it. As far as I’m concerned, the gaffer will be there next year.”


Another player who faces an uncertain future at Newcastle is midfielder Emre, who was named in the Turkey squad for the European Championships yesterday.


Keegan revealed when he first returned to the club that he was a big admirer of the former Inter Milan midfielder and had even tried to sign him when he was boss of Manchester City.


However, the 27-year-old has rarely been seen on the pitch this season because of a series of niggling injuries and has started just one game since Keegan returned to the club in January.


As a result, a player who, like Michael Owen, will only have one year left on his contract next month, could well be sacrificed to raise funds to buy another play-maker this summer.


Indeed, although Keegan has insisted he has not fallen out with the midfielder – who has been hampered by a persistent calf problem – and would have selected him if he was fit, the temptation to sell could be a strong one, particularly if he has a good Euro 2008.


Although Keegan managed to turn their season around, Newcastle have lacked a creative spark in midfield and, while Emre could provide that, there are inevitably question marks surrounding him.


Emre has plenty of admirers at Newcastle and, on his day, is one of the best creative players in Europe. But those days have been few and far between this season and he has never consistently shown his best form since he arrived on Tyneside.


He has not played a first-team game since February and was forced to cancel his comeback last month when he picked up another knock in a reserve team run-out.


Nevertheless, the former Galatasaray prospect remains an integral part of his national side and played an important role in getting Turkey to the European Championship finals in Austria and Switzerland.


Emre is not the only United player who could be allowed to leave the club in the coming weeks and Keegan could be forced to buy more players than he thought to fill the gaps in his squad. Alan Smith has not scored a goal for the club in 37 appearances and is no longer guaranteed first-team football, the one thing that made him leave Manchester United last summer.


Charles N’Zogbia is still keen on a move to London and Joey Barton could be forced to miss the start of next season for legal reasons.


The only game I really remember thinking "I'm glad we've got him" in was the 4-2 victory over AZ last season, even though he was afforded loads of room he still put in a very good shift and looked at his most threatening. Aside from that though, it's hard to pick out many other moments where he's done anything to justify his purchase/wages.


At the time he came, I, like most, was happy because I thought we were getting a very good left-winger who would improve the squad... obviously he then (wrongly) pushed N'Zogbia out of the team, didn't play well and then got injured and so his popularity took a nosedive.


Is he finished? Does he care? I dunno, I still think there's some class there, but he does seem to have lost a yard of pace - which was crucial to his game and this season when he's played we haven't seen any of the mazy dribbles that he was famed for, but as far as his attitude goes, I think it's good, I think he's a proper pro who will strive to do better.


What do you lot reckon? Time to go? Or give him one more shot?

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Guest teepee

i don't think anyone will take him, and he may be a decent squad player for us.


but his wages are too high for that role imo...

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I just can't see him recapturing his old form, sadly. I thought it was a brilliant signing when we got him, but it hasn't worked out for whatever reason. I get the impression that he was heavily dependent on his pace in the past, and that certainly seems to have deserted him.

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Guest johnson293

I know he had a couple of bad injuries, but he's never shown much/any of his previous form for us.


Peddle him to the Republic of Ireland club Pub team down the road!


Imagine if we could offload Smith to Boro and Duff to the Mackems - and get money back for both??!!!   :cheesy: mackems.gif

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Guest thenorthumbrian

I think he can, I would like to see him given a chance under KK.


I think Keegan is the type of manager who should be able to get the best out of Duff, given time and an injury free run.

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Bloody hell, it doesn't feel like AZ game was just over a year ago.


I don't rate him, he offers little to the team when he plays which isn't reflected at all in his wages and I don't think he will get anywhere near recaputuring his form.

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Bloody hell, it does feel like AZ game was just over a year ago.


I don't rate him, he offers little to the team when he plays which isn't reflected at all in his wages and I don't think he will get anywhere near recaputuring his form.

Agreed.  He's gone from being one of Chelsea's quickest players to one of our slowest.  Pace was vital to his game the only way for him to recapture his form is to ask Dwayne Chambers if he can buy his legs off him.  He seems open to alot of stuff so you never know.

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I've not seen many players decline as much as Duff has in such a short space of time. Can't believe he's only 27, plays like a 34 year old. He used to be a really good player but whenever he plays now he seems to do more harm than good. Probably on about 60k a week so since we have been talking about wages recently then there is a case for getting rid in itself.

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If Duff and Smith hadn't been booted out of the first team we would have been relegated. That's the god's honest truth.


That's how low I rate him now.




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At the time, i thought it was an amazing piece of buisness for 5m, i do believe he is another player caught up in the turbulance of this club. However, time or excuses are long gone.


If a 3-2m bid comes in i'd let him go, otherwise he's a semi useful squad player at best.

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He's lost that nippyness that made him so effective in his early 20's, injuries have a way of gradually taking it out of you, and without that he's never going to be anything more than an average player.


What made him so good at his peak was that he was always likely to beat two or three players almost at once, he really was a top class dribbler who could skin guys all day long. I don't think it was really pace that was his greatest asset, rather his sharpness if you will. That ability to change direction in an instant without slowing down.


Aside from that, there wasn't a whole lot in his game that made him special. Poor crosser of the ball, not much of a goal threat, average passing. But when you have the ability to go by defenders like they simply aren't there then you don't have to be that great at these things, as you're taking opposition defenders completely out of the game and making much more space for your teammates with that.


Injuries have done him in though and now what we're left with is a winger who can't beat people at all anymore, can't cross the ball, doesn't chip in with any goals and doesn't really offer anything of value whatsoever, frankly.


I think he'll end up staying, but I'll be shocked beyond belief if he ever offers us anything positive as a Newcastle player.


Hopefully Keane takes him to the Mickems to join the revolution.  O0

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