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Guest Heneage

Charged with drink driving now. :jesuswept:


wheres this come from D ?


Crime correspondent from the Chronicle. Gonna be in the paper tomorrow.


This from Twitter?

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Guest johnson293

Heard on the radio on way home, this charge relates to his stop by the police a few weeks ago - the blood tests have only just returned, which were obviously positive, hence the official charge has happened today.



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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

This a new charge, or have the results from the previous arrest caught up with him?




Nevermind, answered above...

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Guest johnson293

Any details on the breath reading?


Probably wasn't one due to either refusal or not able to, hence the blood test.


EDIT: Or would they have charged him at the time in the station, if he'd refused/been unable to povide breath specimen?

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If he's given the blood test, its usually due to the reading being between 35-50ug in breath.


If he'd failed to provide, he would have been charged with that rather than excess alcohol.

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So do you think this charge gives nufc legal grounds to terminate his contract?

probably not but a conviction would definitely


Yeah, he must be convicted, of course..Too bad he's decided to waste his talent. With his upbringing this result is probably not a surprise.

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