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Nile Ranger


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I don't think it's as hard or expensive to sack him as some make out.


Of course it is, he's got the same rights as Barton and Carroll and it looks like they're not going to do anything with his arrests and will get him on time keeping instead which is a different thing.

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Surely there is something in contracts about commiting a crime? He has been arrested and charged with several crimes over his time and surely it stands to reason that these are in breach with the clubs ethics or something along those lines...i just assumed that like Mutu with Chelsea, we could sack Ranger...and then sue him for an unfair amount :)

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In 2009 he was feted as the English Emmanuel Adebayor






New Adebayor.


It was like watching a more skilful version of Adebayor. Tremendous game.


New Adebayor.


I watched him for the first time recently and he does look (play) like Adebayor.




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Surely there is something in contracts about commiting a crime? He has been arrested and charged with several crimes over his time and surely it stands to reason that these are in breach with the clubs ethics or something along those lines...i just assumed that like Mutu with Chelsea, we could sack Ranger...and then sue him for an unfair amount :)


One stumbling block would be that they didn't sack Barton even though he was handed a jail sentence. Therefore had they sacked Ranger on the back of his previous conviction his lawyers would have flagged this up straight away. Substantive unfair dismissal is quite hard to prove and there one thing that the employer must show is that the action was in the 'range of reasonable responses' - i.e that somewhere around the world there is another employer who would have reasonably taken that action (it's quite favourable to the employer), however, because they didn't/couldn't sack Barton then there would be no consistency.


If, as reported, the club have given Ranger a final written warning, it looks like they are going through the motions properly so that they  are covered against a claim for procedural unfair dismissal (verbal warnings, written warnings etc.) for when they eventually try and boot him out. 

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I get the impression that the club are unable to rip up his contract, so what comes after a final written warning? More fines? Whatever his behaviour, looks like the little c*nt is quids in and laughing.

After a final warning its the sack.


If he is continually late, surely you just have to go through the process of verbal, followed by written warning, followed by dismissal.

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Just seen this on twitter, are people for fucking real?


nicky butt ‏@nickybutt17

@NilePowerRanger oi you dopey black bastard,come down to manchester and ill chop ya bollocks off ya cunt,#notfittoweartheshirt #downsyndrome

Retweeted by Nile ranger

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Thick as mince


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It's quite fascinating how people can become such keyboard warriors. 


Perfect platform for mindless idiots. Completley liberated from responsibility and actual confrontation. Fascinating but hardly illogical.


Wow, exactly that. Very well put my friend!

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