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Everton 2-2 Newcastle - 05/10/08 - Post match reaction from page 18


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The Zog was excellent in that 2nd half, his dribbling and speed were vital.


...and his crossing was woeful, and he missed a clear chance in front of goal, not that that matters though, eh?


The chance was blocked well by Baines, yes he probably should have gone across goal, but it all happened quickly and hindsight is a wonderful thing, i think he did exactly what most would do in that position. We wouldn't have got a point out of this without him, i'm sure of that.


Aye, he did well for the most part, I'm just nitpicking really. On balance, it's great just to have something other than a defeat. Hopefully the morale will pick up a bit during the international break, and things at the club can start to get resolved one way or the other, but hopefully for the benefit of the team.

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thats one of the best game i've seen taylor have, credit where credit's due. collocini looked shaky in the air first half and i thought he was partly to blame for their second goal but he was much better second half. it seems obvious to me that colo and bassong should be our starting centre backs. guthrie had a very good game i thought, and charlie looked dangerous too. duff and butt just continue their mediocrity.


well done to the lads for fighting back, what on earth is up with everton though, second half they didnt even have a spll of posession.


would have been happy with a draw in this game under kk, so under jfk i'm very happy

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A great fight back from the lads, well done!. I thought we were the better team in the second half and should have won. Thought it was a bit silly bringing Enrique back to soon and now we are going to pay for it.






He looked far from injured.



Why the fuck pull him off then, he wasn't that bad compared to some of the others in the team.

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A great fight back from the lads, well done!. I thought we were the better team in the second half and should have won. Thought it was a bit silly bringing Enrique back to soon and now we are going to pay for it.






He looked far from injured.



Why the fuck pull him off then, he wasn't that bad compared to some of the others in the team.


Enrique did have a "what the fuck? ah whatever" look on his face as he was walking off.

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A great fight back from the lads, well done!. I thought we were the better team in the second half and should have won. Thought it was a bit silly bringing Enrique back to soon and now we are going to pay for it.






He looked far from injured.



Why the f*** pull him off then, he wasn't that bad compared to some of the others in the team.


Enrique did have a "what the f***? ah whatever" look on his face as he was walking off.



Well yes I noticed that also.

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It's a twat having the international break tbh. Just as we pick up we've got to wait another two weeks to carry it on. We'll end up getting a load of players injured n'all, no doubt.


I disagree, gives us time to get some key players back and hopefully sort out some of the off field shite.

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great fight back.


Bassong looked 100 times better than enrique, and his aerial power helps alot.


Taylor MOM for me, great on his first goal, and incredible effort on the second to set it up. Very good game on the right back, hope to see more of him there.

Butt had a shit 1st half, but he regained some spirit in the second and got off with it OK imo. Shame he is giving away these idiotic challenges in our box. Could need some challenge for his spot.

Guthrie quiet first half, but tought he had an immense second half, run all over the place. More of the same.

Owen good effort, certainly not an army up front on his own, needs a partner, and i tought Shola actually made him look better.


Great fighting spirit, hopefully the last 45 is something we can build on now.

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Guest sittingontheball

Well played lads. I thought the worst when Butt gave away another unnecessary pen. What a liability. But in the end we were unlucky not to sneak a win. We've stopped the run of defeats and scored two in a game. Two weeks off after another defeat would have been very demoralizing.

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It's a twat having the international break tbh. Just as we pick up we've got to wait another two weeks to carry it on. We'll end up getting a load of players injured n'all, no doubt.

Or it's good to get Jonas and Beye back into the team.


Thought Guthrie was immense in the second half, really like the look of him. We've really missed him in the last few games, tremendous fighting-spirit, good vision and good skill, just what you want in the middle of the pitch. I just hope Kinnear or whoever is charge drops Butt when Barton's back, we could do without someone who concedes a goal a game.

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You can defend the younger players (yes even Taylor at times) however Nicky Butt has no fucking excuse for stupid challenges like that, hope he feels a twat and I hope Kinnear told him he was a twat, the twat!

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Coloccini looked good to me, who's writing otherwise. Given's fault for the 2nd, he should be coming out for balls in his 6 yard area, it's his job


... he did?


Coloccini wasn't covering; it was poor marking. Given was unlucky to have two attackers bearing down on him with no defenders to help.


it was poor marking. But to be fair most goalkeepers would be eating up that ball. Given's been good this season but he still has that huge weakness and most CB's wont be used to playing in front of a keeper with such withdrawn positioning


Coloccini won the ball time and time again from what i saw, he did well enough

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Coloccini looked good to me, who's writing otherwise. Given's fault for the 2nd, he should be coming out for balls in his 6 yard area, it's his job


... he did?


Coloccini wasn't covering; it was poor marking. Given was unlucky to have two attackers bearing down on him with no defenders to help.


it was poor marking. But to be fair most goalkeepers would be eating up that ball. Given's been good this season but he still has that huge weakness and most CB's wont be used to playing in front of a keeper with such withdrawn positioning


Coloccini won the ball time and time again from what i saw, he did well enough


bit of both imo. i know one thing though, ONE of them should be deaing with it, there's no excuse for both of them.

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Guest sittingontheball

With so many lads out, the break works in our favour if we get Jonas and Beye training again. Maybe even Oba too. It also gives JK time to look at videos etc. of the games before he joined. Hell, the club may even be sold by our next game!



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Well I'm fucking exhausted :lol: Good game and we just about shaded it I reckon -


Shay - Same old, some pointless hoofs downfield, something we had stopped doing in recent times

Taylor - Great header, and a great run for the assist. Defensively, well not great still but at least at right back it's not always as calamitous when he makes mistakes.

Enrique - Looked confused to be subbed. Will be away in January.

Coloccini - So good at defending on the deck, lost a lot in the air against Yakubu as you would expect

Cacapa - Meh, seen worse from him, good second half.

Bassong - Strong, gets forward better than Enrique IMO.

Guthrie - Didn't touch the ball for 20 minutes, but second half he was his usual steady self, kept things ticking over and rarely gave it away. Wish he'd put his foot through that chance in the first half instead of trying to place it.

Butt - Gave away yet another pen but was better in possession today for a change

Geremi - Few decent crosses, but I wouldn't like to rely on him

N'Zogbia - Looked like the N'Zogbia of old, actualyl ran at - and beat - players, unlucky not to score (what a block!)

Duff - Lot of effort, few decent runs, looks more confident but until he does it on a regular basis then it's for nothing

Owen - Quiet, but it's no longer his game to lead the line, and he did look better when Shola came on

Shola - Actually controlled a football, shrugged off his man and squared it to an on-running team mate. 10 minutes of "If Shola scores we're on the pitch" was funny, wonder what he thinks of it.


Overall, a point is better than none and we're up to 18th! Just typical when we should be glad of a point we could have had all 3. That's NUFC in a nutshell though

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Souey not a fan of the 3 Legends then.


Not at all :D  Fucking let them have it there.



Liked JK's interview too,  wants it all about the football and nothing else.  Taylor seemed genuinely happy to be working with him too.

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More i see Bassong the more i like him. Believe it or not (Tooj) i'd like to see him in the centre alongside Colo. Colo hasn't got the physical ability to bully big strikers off the ball, which is something he'd need to partner Taylor since he hasn't got the ability either (but should have). While Beye is injured or out of form i'd have Taylor at RB.


Taylor--Colo--Bassy--Enrique (while Beye injured or out of form)


Beye--Colo--Bassy--Enrique (when Beye is back at best)







Might seem a bit strange, but i'd prefer Taylor in the DMC role than Butt. He's faster, better tackler, better in the air, better passer, better marker, less dirty and can run with the ball.


Taylor was looking competent under KK, but that's what he needs, a team around him with belief and purpose, right now he's not my 1st choice in this mess of a team.







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