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Is Kinnear now just a parody of himself?




Fair enough, but he was never this bad :lol:  Its like he's had a stroke and Ashley just isn't bothered.

His 52 swear word rant the first time round was pretty bad iirc.


What a cunt.


At least he managed to get peoples names right when calling them cunts, the fucker can barely speak now :o

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Nobody with anything to do with any football club in an official level should be swearing "on the record".

I however can say what I like.


Joe, please get to fuck out of our football club, you senile, geriatric, fat cunt.

Not only are you embarrassing this Great institution, but you are embarrassing yourself and your family with your outright lies and insults.


Go fuck yourself Joe.

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If the theory that Dekka knew sod all about this and its a power play by MA are true then he probably did it on purpose to wind him up.  Or he's just a cunt.


It definitely looks like a direct Ashley decision without consultation with Carr, Pardew or Lambezy.

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